League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Dec


Originally posted by Chinox4

nope i still havent gotten anything, i was exited for the tft map but sadly nothing :( i didnt get the ward skin either... basically only got the rewards from the first part not the second one

Sorry to hear that! If you finished the Search for Evidence mission (which include the steps that unlock the rewards across games) then you should have gotten the map skin. Try our Player Support page and if you're still stuck, submit a ticket (button at bottom of page).


Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

Make his remount consistent. It feels ridiculous that sometimes you instantly hop back on your mount, but other times you die with full courage.

Nobody else really has this issue. Gnar transforms when he uses an ability, Viego goes invulnerable when he clicks on the soul.

It's only Kled who it feels like in fights you just roll a dice if you manage to get a remount or not. It also makes him feel way stronger early rather than late; which makes this nerf feel way worse since Gargoyle shield will be reduced, which means you have less breathing room when trying to remount in a close fight.

Yo thanks for this, I doubled the tickrate that the remount check is on. Kled should jump on Skaarl more consistently when he hits 100. Any other major earflicks you know of?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gazskull

what would he even do as a champ tbh ? make your ad carry drink shimmer and become a juggernaut that can't be 1v1d by the other support ? what about the 3 other spells ?

He feels too "normal" to be a champ imo and seeing him do some insane shit would betray his portrayal in the show.

Most important part to me is that apparently, there could be TFT units that aren't even part of runeterra in the future

This basically nails the reason why we have no current plans to bring Silco to LoL. His silhouette for one would not even be close to passing our unique silhouette bar, which is very important for gameplay clarity in LoLMoba (We believe you should be able to quickly recognize who a champion is regardless of which skin they are using by seeing their silhouette) He also doesn't have a clear source of power that would translate into a good League kit. We could attempt to solve both of those problems, but in doing so he would likely be so different from who he was in the show that he wouldn't be the character everyone fell in love with anymore. Not saying these aren't problems they could maybe be solved one day, just saying we have no current plans or pursuing Silco in LoLMoba

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by maulcore

Is there any increase in likelihood for Silco to come to league now that he has a model made for TFT?

Currently we have no plans to bring Silco to LoL. While he works in TFT, his model would not be even close to hitting out unique silhouette bar for gameplay clarity (Which is super important for LoLMoba) He also doesn't have a clear source of power that would translate into a LoL kit. We would have to change him significantly from who he was in the show to make him a good Champion in LoL. While this doesn't mean we will never attempt to solve all those problems (if they are solvable while keeping him close enough to the character everyone fell in love with from the show) , as of right now we currently aren't planning on bringing him to LoLMoba


Originally posted by Snoz722

First Strike's 10% damage only lasts for 1.5 seconds and only if you get the first hit. Sure, you can land the 3 hits on someone, but again, 10% more in TF's case isn't that much.

I've been using predator a lot lately. Unfavorable lane matchup? Roam. Farm matchup? Clear wave and roam. It's also great to close the gap after you ult if they flash before you can land the gold card.

First Strike's 10% damage only lasts for 1.5 seconds

It's for 3 seconds, as all of the gold generation comes from the bonus damage. You're pretty much guaranteed that first hit when you ult :P


Originally posted by neace

You can hide behind these irrelevant data examples as they relate to champs/runes until our balls turn blue but it doesn't change the fact that there isn't much wiggle room for a losing team to setup defensive picks in their jungle while this drake is in play.

To settle this, and I suspect you could verify it because you probably have access to stuff us plebs don't, I'd love to see how much more often a losing team loses when facing this elemental condition in game.

Of course it's debatable. The winning team has much less room to deep ward the enemy jungle. By default the red/blue buff areas are just fully fog and offensive wards do nothing until they're placed far deeper into the jungle, making that experience more difficult and riskier.

It's truly disingenuous to only take the negatives of one side of the argument. Oh the losing team can't play this one control ward play. OK yeah, I agree. The winning team also can't deep ward that entire area. The losing team arguably has better access to warding the river (seeing enemy champions go in) than the winning team has access to the opposite side of the chemfog. Every invade is immediately risky until you can get wards down even deeper. And even then, did they cover every single entrance? No. OK, then good luck invading red buff. You literally can't know if Leona and Olaf are waiting for you. I don't believe you can just dismiss this out of hand. You can believe one factor is stronger than...

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Originally posted by Soulmario

PERSONALLY if you ask me I would like it if you guys were to remove his grievous wounds on his Q completely, and in exchange got something similar to Pantheon's ult passive of the 10% armor pen per rank. To me that would be the ideal change, aside from that a revert of some kind on his Q cd nerf early game as it swayed so many of his laning phase matchups from good/playable to a lot more difficult since he already has to play around his W cd naturally.

Either of those changes would make me extremely happy :]

Thanks for the notes! I'll keep this in mind for sure for when we're looking at Kled more, whether that's next patch or not


Originally posted by AdorableTomatoMuie

How long has it been since you actively pro played League? I don't think you get to use the "your rank sux" card when you are diamond and Caedrel is an actual pro player

It's not about the rank. Caedrel is an excellent player. He's just not clairvoyant. There's no way you can definitively know how pro play will work next year unless you're actively doing it.

And even then, not this early.


Originally posted by neace

Preak wtf is this post? You never played pro at all and secondly why are you using that as an argument here?

And fwiw it IS a crap design. Pro or otherwise it's removing skill expression in favor of a weird gimmick. Why is this something you are so excited to defend? There has to be something better than "hehe you can't see far here" and so far the community agrees that it reduces the chance of coming back which isn't really what we need much more of in LoL. Don't you agree?

The community tends to believe lots of things that aren't accurate. Aftershock is still roughly 3x the pickrate of Glacial Augment on tank supports despite being definitively overshadowed by Glacial, and that's even in Masters+.

It doesn't matter that I'm not a former pro. I'm not the one claiming I know how the next season's going to play out. It's very easy to sit here and say, "Hey bro, you definitely don't have enough info to make such a definitive statement yet."


Originally posted by MoonDawg2

This is honestly pretty insulting, specially the personal jab you wrote in there.

Yeah you're right. I have no reason to flame Caedrel. He's entitled to his opinion and analysis. However, the call-out applies to literally anyone. I'd have the same reaction to the video title if it was Kubz, LS, Kkoma, or anyone else. The part I take issue with is how definitively it's worded.

It's literally impossible to say definitely what this is going to be like in actual pro play. I think that's a problem when you want to be taken seriously as an analyst. This is how any serious analytical undertaking works. Both the "will" because you don't know how players will adapt, and "ruin" because you don't know how players will adapt. At worst, everything is true and snowballing is slightly easier.

But that's what being intellectually honest is for: This is someone, as smart as he is, who is not currently playing pro on this patch. He cannot actually know how this will play out. It's disingenuous to assert otherwise.


I think kill participation might be a stronger statistic to look at if you are judging impact, rather than KDA.


Originally posted by Presata1

So does the next one come on December 30th? Because I bought prime only for this and don't want to anymore. Wanting to get 2 capsules so I hope the next one logically comes at the same time dec the 30th, otherwise people who buy prime the same day are really screwed and can't get the next one without paying again

Yes, the next capsule (Drop #3) is scheduled for 12/30.

However, the duration of some drops extend past a full month. For example, Drop #1 lasted from 10/27-11/30. I'll see if we can include the expiration date in future social announcements.


Originally posted by Soulmario

I'm glad it seems like you guys want to focus on making AD focused Kled builds better, I'm assuming his winrate and pickrate will drop pretty hard after these changes since it seems like a large portion of the current Kled playerbase go a more tank type build. If he can get some compensation buffs after that I will be pretty happy to come closer to the original way he was played before last year :]

If there are any specific buffs or changes that you think could be really valuable for the champ, do let me know!

30 Nov


Originally posted by Caenen_

It's ironic, Ivern is 5 times more cruel to his "friends" in the jungle than the Nexus Obelisk could ever be.

Should've left them for his top lane Sion to stuff them into his cozy oven, now my average bonus HP value is going to suffer!

Sion toasts the krugs for some tasty bonus HP


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

f**king finally we can now free krugs instead of ignoring them

Free those little cuties


Originally posted by AzureVermonter

Huge Kled changes.

We'll be watching Kled closely. The goal here was to move him off of the tank build and give some compensation to make sure he isn't awful, but once this all shakes out we can take a good look at his AD builds and see what/how much they need


It's certainly possible it could be true. However, this is something that happens every time there is a rework: It's viewed through exactly one lens and all other considerations are ignored.

No matter how smart Caedrel is, he can't just draw on a map for 5 minutes and go, "Yep, I've solved season 2022."

"Will RUIN." Yeah. That's not overstated or anything. It obviously COULD happen. Hell, we've seen a whole season of players who ignored how good Yuumi was (2021) or how broken Ardent Censer was (2017) so who knows what kind of failings we'll see out of pro play this year?


Originally posted by MrZeral

I dont see arena in my game yet, you will be unlocking it over netx few hours for people who finished the mission previously, do I understand it correctly?

Yep, you should have it by now!


Originally posted by Chinox4

I havent gotten my part 2 rewards for whatever reason, anybody knows why?

Hopefully you've gotten both the egg and map by now!


Originally posted by dancebot1

Yea I did all the missions and waiting for the arena skin. Got the egg but no tft arena :(

If you did that mission prior to yesterday, then it should have been auto-granted to your account. Hopefully you'll see it next time you log in to play!