League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Nov


Originally posted by RandomPunktSucks

But how for real. How bad can it be? Our team was behind the entire game, the enemy took all drakes and had nashor + 2 of our inhibs down. We were 12k behind, and they get a bounty on our nexus tower.

Like, there must be some kind of check you forgot to implement?

Do you mind linking me the game, so I can check it out?


Originally posted by All_In_zzzz

It's random but I still think about your "After Sjokz" line from time to time and it's probably my favorite bit of off the cuff wordplay I've heard on a live desk/stream. It'd be a dated reference, but if they change the Aftershock icon to your face next April I'd be ecstatic.

Hahaha no way they will.

At the time I was worried people would interpret “after Sjokz” as some sort of lust/chasing thing even though the context was obvious. Glad it ended up just being a simple banger :)


Thanks for bringing this up. We're going to be fixing it in 11.24.


Originally posted by lordsaladito

idk, it says i already compleated it, but i just received an egg, not an arena

copy pasta from another response: Yep, the fix we put in place is to give an egg now and grant the map skin later when it becomes available.


Originally posted by NemoDnD

It's working now but the reward it gave me and various others was an egg instead of an arena?

Yep, the fix we put in place is to give an egg now and grant the map skin later when it becomes available.

Just want to make sure you get the info!


Originally posted by CaptainSpranklez

Did the mission but got an egg, no arena?

Yep, the fix we put in place is to give an egg now and grant the map skin later when it becomes available.


Hey Everyone - back with an update here. We need more time to fix the map skin delay. However, as a solution, we are going to grant an egg now as you complete the mission and retroactively grant the map skin later when we get that part squared away. The timing on that is still TBD, but hopefully, this alleviates any frustration and unlocks you to move forward in the missions and story. Appreciate the patience everyone - GLHF!


Originally posted by ReaIEIonMusk

It's very nice, on a similar note are there any plans to add a tracker to runaans?

Runaan's is very difficult to track as the damage from it is all over the place. I'll look into viability sometime.


Originally posted by Shadowofthedragon

I know you have gotten a ton of responses, but since gore drinker active was changed to heal subsequently rather than all at once it is bugged.

If you slice 3 people at once it only shows the healing gotten from the third person, the last person healed off of.

Interesting I'll take a look at that


Originally posted by mrpeanut332

I don’t know if you also did the damage mitigation for aftershock but whoever did please give them a big thank you from the support tank community. I can know see the value of aftershock and compare it to the new glacial augment thank you :)

Yup I implemented that. Lemme know if it's satisfactory


Originally posted by IAmNotOnRedditAtWork

.RAPID FIRECANNON Now tracks how many times extra range was utilized

Out of curiosity, is this one specifically tracking how many times you attacked from out of your normal attack range? Or simply how many times you have attacked with the passive up?

First one


Originally posted by TheyAreGroot

It's cool that you're trying to help but it's also so f**king funny to me to see a riot employee response to a message that ends with "assblasted"

Hi I'm replying to your reply that ends in "assblasted"


Originally posted by TellMeGetOffReddit

This is the problem with riots current philosophy of "short 20 minute games"

That either means games are a stomp or riot has to make the game have insanely bullshit comeback mechanics that work on long shots not skill. It's the complete opposite of what you want in a game. Long shot comeback mechanics that make playing the game poorly okay becauise you just have to keep throwing yourself at the enemy until you cash in..

"short 20 minute games"

Show me that quote anywhere from designers or producers on League of Legends.


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

This just feels like people who devoted time to eternals were robbed. Since they were apparently discontinued and we didn't even get Series 2... At least refund us and integrate Champion-specific challenges there please? It feels really bad to separate two very similar and complimentary services. Thanks for hearing me.

Eternals will be integrated into Challenges before Live launch. Also, there will be continued support and iteration for Eternals in the future.


Originally posted by Blackannan

Collection: It's in the name. Collecting cosmetics and engaging in loot fills the bars here

Icon of the Rift: Obtain Summoner Icons

Spice of Life: Obtain Champions

What happens if you already have all the Champions unlocked before the Challenges get live ?

You will complete these challenges retroactively.


Hi Folks - There is indeed an issue right now with the Search for Evidence step in Build-A-Bot Bay. We are working to resolve this for players and hope to have resolution soon. Appreciate the patience and sorry for the delay/confusion.


Originally posted by sabusa444

This item is a hardcounter for every invis champ like akali oder kha. If i remember correctly it gives you true sight so you just counter a whole champ with this item.

The item shouldn't give true sight. And if it does its a bug. Do you mind verifying?


Hi folks,

We're currently monitoring objective bounties turning on slightly too early (when teams don't feel behind enough to warrant getting a bounty).

Please reply to the thread with games that feel off to you & why they felt off (opgg and game identifying information will suffice).


Hi folks,

If you have any bounty games that feel off, please post them in this thread. (opgg and identifying features about the game will suffice)

Also please include information about why the bounty felt off to you. It's a very tuning dependent system, so we're trying to gather as much information as possible from you all.

We don't expect to have hit the correct tuning on the first try and the first few hours of games will give us 1000x more games than we ever possibly could have playtested.

Thanks everyone!