Don't mean to be rude, but I guess I just don't see how his abilities really fit into each other? Why does his passive (with the double-shot and cancelling it for MS and shield) work the way it does? Why is his ultimate a charge-up Caitlyn ult? The revive is one thing, but considering he's supposed to be a marksman assassin, the rest of his kit doesn't seem that well suited for it? Like, he intentionally has low DPS and all of his utility is in his revive, sure. But how does he assassinate someone? Wait till they're low, stealth in then Q-AA-R? How does he snowball? What can he do except hope for a shutdown in a teamfight if he falls behind? His laning doesn't even seem that good for a midlane marksman.
Sorry if this is a lot, I just see his kit as being more scattered and all over the place than any release since, I don't know, Neeko? Despite all the balance complaints, champion kits in the past few years have usually done a great job of being cohesive and properly communi...