League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May


Great points you're making here

15 May


Originally posted by kernevez

does Phreak actually explain why Rumble is a "bad jungler a shouldn't be picked" in his video? Other then trying to use win rates in soloq and at MSI

Not really, he doubles down on using soloQ winrate and drawing a trend based on winrate change by skill level to try to guess how good the champion would be in pro play.

It's an interesting framework and is most likely generally true, but I don't think it's precise enough to argue on individual examples based on it.

I think Phreak's interpretation of MSI winrate is just confirmation bias, due to having set up that ranking strategy, he searches for signs that will prove him right.

I know I brought it on myself with the tweet, but the "discounting RNG games" tweet really should not be in the discussion as much as it is.

It's a tweet that takes literally incorrect data from someone else on Reddit and it ends up being a primary focal point for any one detracting from my argument because, admittedly, it's not a good use of really anything. But it's an off-hand tweet. It wasn't mean to be a serious piece of discussion.

The video stands on its own merits I believe and I welcome people dissecting that.

It's not that it's disingenuous for other people to attack the initial tweet; it makes sense to do so. It just rubs me the wrong way is all because clearly it's not got the same level of attention to detail put into it.


Originally posted by maronics

The flawed argument here is "My acceleration is better, so I'll be faster."

Isn't that your entire argument? Just with power instead of acceleration?

I honestly think you're trolling me at this point, so one last try:

Many factors are relevant. Tunneling onto only a single factor and saying, "No, only this matters" is flawed.


Originally posted by Cerinthus

Sjokz sounding like a disappointed teacher scolding ender passive aggressively for swearing made me feel sheepish and I didn't do anything and am not on camera. I bet ender would like that word choice back

im a disgrace...


Originally posted by Dajoeman

Thank God Ender is leaving. How dare you vote for C9 over Mad Lions.

its just a reverse curse guys...


Originally posted by HeaviestHammer

Is Ender cosplaying Aphelios?

Wasnt the plan but ill take it


Wow, that's impressive! My longest streak was about 17/20 games, mix of ARAM, Normals, and Ranked. Needless to say, went on a big losing streak afterwards lol

14 May


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

It... really doesn't feel like this post says much, honestly. Not saying it's good or bad, it just feels unnecessary.

True, especially for people who've been following along for a while and already understand counterplay and how we [[try]] to design for it. But even with the main audience being newer players who haven't had the counterplay conversation yet, I think it could still be a good stop-and-reflect moment for everyone. Even a reaction of 'sure, I guess' can mean that nothing in the post felt shocking, and that nothing felt conspicuously absent from it, either. It's a reconfirmation that we're gonna keep trying to do what we've been trying to do, rather than flip the table.


Originally posted by SteamMonkeyKing

Who would win PGG vs Rockingham?

Armadale wins. :| No-one invited them but Armadale wins...


Originally posted by maronics

No you straight up don't. You argue pure DPS and your "practice times" is average people following their GPS.

And if the handling is slightly better you're contradicting yourself.

I'm glad you feel that way. You're still wrong.

Let me spell out the metaphor for you:

When racing, you're optimizing for fastest lap time. A mix of top speed, acceleration, and handling contributes to that lap time. The flawed argument here is "My acceleration is better, so I'll be faster." The counterpoint is "except look at these lap times of the car with higher acceleration and top speed, it's a full two seconds faster than your car."

"No, I like my better handling."

Up to speed?


Originally posted by Samwise_Gardner

Maybe not the ideal time or place, but just wanted to say been silently watching your videos for a long time and really appreciate all of the content you put out. Is some of the highest quality content within the scene that actually talks about the game itself. Long form analytical content in which one explains their thoughts/opinions does not seem to perform well compared to other forms of content, but me and my friend group are incredibly thankful someone puts the time into making the sort of content you do so thanks!



Originally posted by maronics

This logic only works in practice mode looking at the damage numbers on the dummy and disregards any "real" world factors of the movement speed or the life steal you mention.

What you're comparing here is two cars on a straight line, ofc the one with more raw power will come out ahead (ignoring downforce/acceleration/grip/whatever for simplicity) while on an actual track with bends n shit the result will be something completely incomparable.

Except in this case I'm also quoting practice times and the Ferrarri is still outperforming.

But don't worry, keep choosing the weaker car because its handling is slightly better. Sorry you can't catch the other racers in the straights.


Originally posted by putsandstock

344 is actually not really enough for effects of this size. A 95% confidence interval for the win rate (assuming the “true value” is reasonably close to 50%) is about 2/sqrt(n) wide (using some basic repeated Bernoulli trials as the underlying model), over 10% for this sample size, which in isolation is terrible. People in general tend to underestimate variance and overestimate how good a sample size is, so it’s important to at least come up with some sort of statistical basis behind claims that a sample seems “large enough.”

You can definitely argue that in this case we have other (much more statistically significant!) supporting data, such as extrapolation from win rates and trends in other Elos, which will strongly affect our priors on the topic in question (so perhaps a 95% interval is overkill, and we’d be satisfied with a much weaker level). But taken by itself, a sample size of 344 is not nearly enough to measure effects whose size is <5%.

Thank you for this. It's been so long since I did any real hypothesis testing that I've forgotten all rules of thumb for confidence intervals and such.

Intuitively, I really tried to only use samples with at least 1,000 games. That's less than ~6% wr change 95% of the time, which is somewhat reasonable as long as you're not trying to take small movements as telling.


Originally posted by Drathyyy

Thank you for updating us :) I really appreciate it. Is there ever a chance of doing timed watched drops? Overwatch League, for example, has drops based on how long you’ve watched. Which I think feels good watching because you know you’re gonna get a spray or some tokens.

Thank you again :)

Oh, nice idea! We have watch rewards for that in most cases, but I love the idea of some drops specifically designed for the super fans who have watched a lot. Thanks for the suggestion! Also, YW!


Hey Reddit! As we head into the second half of MSI, I wanted to share some info with you all! We did a ton of small, rare drops in the first 6 days of the tournament where we dropped some Morgana bundles, some Hextech Chests & Keys, some Champion shards, a few lolesports.com exclusive icons and emotes, and some Bose sweepstakes entries for the US (Use those entries! The prizes are pretty sweet, and I cannot get any since I work here, so go get 'em!). In all that, we also dropped a small number of the 2021 Exclusive Icons and Emotes (Karma Mains Rejoice!) and there are many, many more on the way! We've been watching the feedback and know some of you are annoyed at not getting a drop, or getting a drop of something you already had. On not getting a drop, we're ramping up our un-capped, everyone-gets-it drops as we get into the end of MSI, and we're going to be dropping all of the 2021 exclusives we said we would, so keep watching! As you might have noticed in other events (LEC, LLA, ...

Read more

Originally posted by Insanity_Incarnate

Can confirm, I'm not good at League of Legends.

Hahahaha <3


Originally posted by Fedacking

Quick question thought: other junglers (in particular Rek Sai for this case) provide better winrate in masters+ and have better azir curves. Shouldn't they be played in jungle and lee sin not be picked?

I think Rek'Sai is likely an underpicked jungler.


Originally posted by MrCrazyVenom

Is there a reason u focused on mid lee sin instead of top lee sin?

So far at MSI by my calculations there have been 12 lee sin picks with most (7/12) going top lane. Now I'm sold that jungle lee can be better than mid lee. However why aren't you focusing on comparing top lee sin to jungle lee sin?

I touched on this in the video, I'm pretty sure but Lee Sin top has the exact same issue as with mid.