League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 May


Originally posted by Cahecher

The issue with the underlying point is that your entire argument only holds up based on the global data that is scewed towards EUW and NA. If we look just at the Korean server, your argument falls flat, since Rumble jungle winrate is actually high and continues to go up with ranks. Considering the initial point was that western teams and western players in general are behind on the pick, it actually supports the argument of LS and IWD.

Another thing, even though mid Rumble in Korea has slightly higher winrates, the amount of games is significantly lower, i.e. on u.gg there ~560 mid Rumble games and ~2900 jungle Rumble games tracked in dia2+(cumulative 11.9 and 11.10). So it is kinda expected that a lower pick rate would inflate winrate, it's a rather common occurrence. However, if you still want to use it to say that Rumble is not a jungler because his winrate is somewhat lower than in mid, you'd still be wrong - if a champion has 52%+ wr in both roles, I'd say it's good ...

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Ooh, that's a good point, but also unsupported by data.

  • Korean Rumble's Mid minus Jungle win rate in bronze: +1.14.
  • Korean Rumble's Mid minus Jungle win rate in Master+: +3.12

Now I'll grant you that if you slice the data down far enough until you find data that supports you, you can eventually find data that starts to close the gap, but then you get a host of new issues. For example, there were under 500 games of Rumble mid in master+ Korean solo queue over the last two weeks. If we're going to debate 1-2% win rate shifts as indicative of champion performance, that's not enough samples to support those claims. You also have metagame issues that aren't relevant to pro play.

See, Korean solo queue is rife with early surrenders. Over the last two weeks in master+ Rumble jungle games, Korean solo queue had 23.25% of games end in 15-20 minute surrenders and another 33.23% end pre-25. Worldwide for the same skill bracket and time, it was 15....

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Originally posted by topdrogon

You didn't use MMR as your independent variable. You used tier (Bronze - Masters+). The analysis SIGNIFICANTLY changes if you actually use MMR (more precisely MMR range) as the independent variable. I quickly made a visual where each cell = a standard unit of MMR range (100 LP). (Not sure if this is actually the case as obviously MMR and LP are not 1-to-1, but this is the best I can do as a non-Rioter).


You CANNOT group Masters+ when the range for Masters+ is LARGER than all of Iron - Diamond combined. Sure, you might have sample size issues at the highest of MMR ranges, but for popular champions the analysis would at least be somewhat correct if done in this way. I promise you that with enough games, the Lillia and Rumble plots you made would look parabolic and their winrates would get higher and higher as MMR increases from masters to GM and beyond. In that case, wouldn’t it actually be...

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So, valid point on word choice.

However, keep in mind, pro play is only far to the right on things like coordination. Canyon may be rank 1 in EUW solo queue right now, but where should we put some of the other players? Cody from INF is 50-48 on his EUW account and is firmly in Master. If we're graphing how well champions play based on their hands and game knowledge... should he be to the right of challenger? If so, why? He's not even to the right of Master in solo queue. It's the same player. Yeah the coordination is different and I agree that one goes off the graph. But not hands. Not laning. Not positioning. Not target selection.

How about his teammates? His opponents? Should we give Rumble jungle the same lofty possibility that we give Wei to every team at MSI, or should teams maybe draft better?


Originally posted by ExceedingChunk

I would expect that true damage was a class at this point, and that things like this shouldn't be possible. But I guess the legacy code is too spaghetti to fix.

Also, it should be standard developer practice to create a unit test to check obvious stuff like this on all spells or items that increases or reduces damage. I'm really curious about how much of this is bad practice, and how much is just working on a system that was poorly coded and got too big to fix.

Bugs obviously do happen everywhere, but for things like true damage the system itself should prevent a single developer from "forgetting" or messing up.

I mean, it's very easy to just tell the ability "amplify magic and physical damage" instead of "amplify all damage."

After all, exceptions are useful. Ahri's Charm impacts the back half of Q. If true damage is hard coded to ignore all damage modifiers, you get way more issues than just making sure you build the skills or buffs correctly.


Originally posted by Easilytitled

I maybe stupid here, but I just feels like where you see the huge drop off in winrates from diamond to master because people are better at abusing inexperienced players and the margin of errors got significantly lower, which I feels like it will get better as times goes on.

Edit: I still feels like the total games played have to still be significantly lower than Rumble mid, as the pick just became recently popular in the Jungle

I have no doubt that Rumble junglers are relatively inexperienced. But unless I see an Azir curve, I'm not buying it.

It also means, regardless, that teams are still hard trolling their drafts. Even if you are in the camp of, "He's actually OP when played well, but teams aren't there yet" then why did virtually every team int all of their drafts by picking or banning him? How bad are you at understanding how your scrims went?

The end result is still the same: Draft better.


Originally posted by bigfish1992

I mean Lillia has been around 44-46% win rate jungler in D2+ as far back as u.gg allows (which is 11.6) and yet is still highly prioritized as a competitive jungler.

Trying to conflate solo queue winrate with competitive viability is not good analysis. If the argument was/is Rumble isn't good in solo queue and you could make arguments for why it's not sure that would be more reasonable as Lillia requires a good amount of coordination with her ultimate. Rumble is probably similar in his equalizer and fighting in spots where his ult is most impactful.

But Phreak wants to use this data to say it's a bad competitive pick when he also tweeted about Rumble having I think a 3-7 record after taking out RNGs "Free" wins (it's actually 4-7) without taking into account some of the free losses from teams like DWG beating Infinity on the last day. If we take the RNG wins into account Rumble is 7-7 in jungle, if we take out Group A games his record is 4-6 in jungle.

I'm c...

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Except she's not "still highly prioritized as a competitive jungler."

Her p/b at MSI is 14%. Her two picks are from players eliminated from the tournament. She lost both games.

Literally no one good at League of Legends is playing Lillia today.


Originally posted by Kyriios188

IMO Phreak shouldn't answer them so directly so quickly like this.

For a part of Riot to argue out in the open directly with two other big league personnalities feels very unprofessional to me

I'm not interested in arguing specifically against Dom or LS or anyone. The first draft of this video was two days ago unscripted and it was so rambly I left I unpublished and spent a couple hours yesterday writing a script. It so happened that they put out a new video in between those points in time.


Originally posted by catseye013

I've never had issues with Phreak being wrong, the issue is him being unable to admit it. Wasn't long ago he had that whole Zeal item Caitlyn argument about how building a Zeal item on Caitlyn was objectively bad because it's not as gold efficient as full AD Crit items, and when multiple pros added how Zeal items give movement speed and lets you stack headshots faster (which can't be measured in gold effiency) he literally said "i don't care, it's a bad build" while casting.

Rumble could literally go 100% wr 100% pb for the rest of MSI and Phreak would still argue he's not a good jungler and that he's right

Stacking Headshot is easily measured in gold efficiency: Headshots scale linearly with both AD and AS. It's a non-argument. Simply scaling DPS scales Headshots. To argue that AS is somehow a better Headshot scaler should make you trust them EVEN LESS.

"I need movement speed" is the exact same argument as "I need life steal first on Kog'Maw." I'm glad you feel that way. You're still wrong.

Meanwhile, I can not only prove out the DPS-per-gold, the exact same metric I used to predict new Phantom Dancer as overpowered (spoiler: it is), but also look at solo queue win rate data to see that in real-world applications, a second Zeal is still bad.

So, every single non-subjective form of proof is on my side. And on the other is... Opinion


Originally posted by azaza34

But isnt there something to be said for Rumble not really being analogpus to other league of legebds champs in the same eay that other picks are? IE experience on other champions does not translate well to rumble. At least for mid and toplaners, they have probably laned against rumble and are more familiar with the mechanics and playstyle than junglers necessarily would.

I agree that learning Rumble is more unique than, say, learning Cassiopeia. We are in total agreement here.

So, wouldn't learning Rumble be a byproduct of playing more games? If so, then why does Rumble jungle's performance drop as he's measured in higher-playing skill brackets?


Originally posted by AxeAndRod

Sorry for wall of text.

It's clear you still don't understand Phreak's argument at all.

If we give tiers for each soloQ level's amount of coordination I think it would be made clearer. (I'm making these up to show Phreak's point, but I hope we can all agree that coordination level goes up when you go up in rank)

Iron: 0/10 Coordination

Bronze: 1/10 Coordination

Silver: 2/10 Coordination

Gold: 3/10 Coordination

Platinum: 4/10 Coordination

Diamond: 6/10 Coordination

Master/Gm: 7/10 Coordination

Challenger: 8/10 Coordination

Now, you are right that Pro play is another level on top of this, for now we can just assume that Pro play is the highest level of coordination, AKA a 10/10.

So, in the video Phreak demonstrates that Rumble's SoloQ jungle relative win-rate goes down with increasing rank. This simply correlates with the idea that as players get better, coordination ge...

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FWIW, I'd argue it's more like 0 / 0.3 / 0.6 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 10.

Just, things like Taliyah ganks only require a 3-4 to be good whereas Ryze ultimates need a 6 or something.

Very much an oversimplification still, but that's the general idea.


Originally posted by topdrogon

I completely disagree with your point about context of statistics. If you provide stats and use it for an argument, the onus is on YOU to provide the CORRECT context and interpretation of the stats and when it can be applied and when it cannot be applied. The onus is NOT on people to rectify your misuse of the statistics.

Example: Hecarim had a 48-49% win rate in plat+ soloq forever, but it turns out people were building wrong/using the wrong rune. Before people figured out phase rush made him broken, phreak’s ENTIRE argument could be used to make it seem like Hecarim is not a good pick for pro play in the jungle. This was categorically false, and people could have said “yes the soloq winrate for hecarim doesn’t matter because people are playing/building/runing him incorrectly” is absolutely a sound argument. Yes, that person needs to then say “this alternative playstyle, build path, rune choice is wholly superior”.

Saying that soloq data is useful because of large...

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Example: Hecarim had a 48-49% win rate in plat+ soloq forever, but it turns out people were building wrong/using the wrong rune. Before people figured out phase rush made him broken, phreak’s ENTIRE argument could be used to make it seem like Hecarim is not a good pick for pro play in the jungle. This was categorically false, and people could have said “yes the soloq winrate for hecarim doesn’t matter because people are playing/building/runing him incorrectly” is absolutely a sound argument. Yes, that person needs to then say “this alternative playstyle, build path, rune choice is wholly superior”.

This one is actually fairly easy to combat for the same reason that it's reasonable to use MMR trending toward pro: High MMR players have their ear to the ground. They pick up the new OP builds. For example, here is the purchase rate of Turbo Chemtank on Hecarim in patch 11.5, when his pro presence spiked to 97%

  • Bronze: 27.28%
  • Sil...
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Originally posted by Easilytitled

I think it's normal that the winrates for Rumble jungle in higher elo is lower because the pick is newer than Rumble mid, and jungler have not grown accustomed to how he should be played; therefore got abused in higher elos

It's actually accounted for, though:

If Rumble jungle is just 5% worse than Rumble mid because players are bad at him, you'd see a flat win rate difference, but you don't. The difference grows with player skill, and it's bad for Rumble jungle.

See, players in higher MMR play more games. So higher-MMR players have more practice on a given pick. That means you would expect an uptick in new champ performance at higher ratings. But you don't.

Yes, it's imperfect. We're using MMR as a dummy variable to represent practice games. I'm aware that it's flawed. But you'd still intuitively expect that relationship to hold. Instead, we get the opposite.

For whatever reason, as players play more games and play higher-quality League of Legends, Rumble jungle is even worse of a pick and Rumble mid is even better.


Originally posted by Wickd

Decided to fire this up on Reddit because the conversation is important

Thanks Wickd, you're a real one.


Originally posted by true_eudaimonia

If true damage isn't reduced by resistances, why is it increased by things like Abyssal Mask, Prowlers, etc.? Seems like it's only situationally "true"

On a technical level, it's just how the items/debuffs are coded.

I don't think it was really intentional; more of an oversight. I could be wrong.


I miss you too mysterious internet stranger. <3


Originally posted by ScoopJr

Haha you make it seem so easy!

How did you start learning VFX? What advice would you give to yourself starting out as a beginner?

Tutorials and experimentation! Look up Unity or UE4 VFX Tutorials online. :D


Originally posted by Boomslangyo

Do you consider Range an AD Steroid ala Kog'Maw W? (Granted that also grants on hit damage so it is not a 1:1 comparison.)
Her base range basically matches Caitlyn and her Reach with Q is about double the range of any other ADC. Caitlyn is already a frustrating champion to play against from beh ind due to her range and zone control, and she doesn't have the shroud, hard CC, or slow from Glacial Augment to keep you at bay.

Yeah I do. It's worth noting that Kog'Maw also gets 100% uptime attack speed on his Q and Caitlyn gets a ad/crit steroid on her headshot that both increase their dps from AD.

But to your original point, range is a steroid in a more theoretical sense. With more range you're likely to get more autos off from safer positions, which can sometimes manifest in higher DPS (less time not in range of targets), but sometimes doesn't contribute as many additional autos as just raw attack speed does (or as much additional damage as just more raw AD/Crits).


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's true. As mentioned on the other post, adding the gold/min from the "value" of the stats on the souls does place it decently higher, but in comparison to other marksmens base stats+growth it's not an abnormal amount.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That wasn't what they actually said, but I did include some context on that below


Originally posted by [deleted]


Stats from souls are interesting because they are meant to actively off-set the stats other champs get ambiently. In that calculation above I did not count the stats, but I can below:

Comparing Senna to her closest neighbor (Caitlyn), Senna starts with 50 AD and gets 0 every level after. But, her souls grant her .75 AD each. Caitlyn on the other hand starts with 62 AD and gets 4 every level after. Doing napkin math, for Senna to match Caitlyn's natural (free) AD at level 18, Senna would need 100 souls.

Secondly, Senna faces some large disadvantages that actually make AD worse on her. First, she has a low AS ratio (.3), which means she gets less multiplicative DPS value from attack speed than other marksmen. Also, she has an increased auto attack wind-up (twice that of Caitlyn), so her attacks come out slower. These two factors make her DPS-per-AD lower than her peers in the role.

Lastly, Senna is completely lacking marksman steroids in the traditional sense....

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Originally posted by mublacksmith

Nerf Senna and especially this brainless tank build that is a result of how broken her support item is, she gets more gold than enemy adc without csing lmao

Support items give 1000 gold total, and if you literally did it as fast as you can from lane start (2 minutes), it would take you until 10 minutes to get 1000 gold. For reference, last-hitting 80% of minions until 10 minutes is 1600 gold from just farm alone. Not to mention the support item goes from (max) 132 gold/min to 18 gold/min immediately following 1000 gold received.

Senna souls grant you around 32 gold/min (of course not counting the stats), so in total Senna gains up to ~164 gold/min until 10 minutes then ~50 gold/min every minute after, while players that farm decently (80%) get 200 gold/min for the entire game.

So while you might end up with more gold than a marksman that isn't farming well at all, it's not actually true that you get more gold by not farming.