League is ruined
League is ruined
You probably won’t read this but I really wanted to say it so I will try anyway
I absolutely love your work and I’m getting Morde and and Renekton skins day one
Keep making great skins, love your work!
Thank you! <3
Just to clarify: Mundo is next to release right? Then the Sentinel? nothing has changed about that order?
Hey! I'm loving the skin work here! Question - Are the indicators before abilities hit on the ground meshes with shaders applied to them?
You mean Morde's Q? It's just some horizontal quads with textures and some physics on them. :D
Does this legendary skin really have a bigger memory allocation than say, ultimates like Elementalist Lux or DJ Sona?
No, we would not be allowed to do that. :')
But it's definitely high!
I don't think it's a good solution to leave the reactive helmet in because it's confusing (not exclusively but most imporantly) for Renekton's opponents, a Renekton player is going to be more aware of the skin's features and Renekton's team doesn't have to care as much about gameplay clarity as the team playing against it. I think the toggle should be ON or OFF not OFF or Reactive, because that's still leaving the player the ability to trip their opponents. I know it's a cool idea you're trying, this is just my opinion.
What part do you feel is confusing? Looking for info.
What exactly do you mean by memory?
Our memory budget, how much data we are allowed to put into a skin without breaking the game. :)
Piggyback on the ult comment: looks absolutely incredible, but the particles added where it looks like a projectile shoots from Morde to his ult target is new and might give an advantage to the target (an advantage not present on other skins) if they have a spellshield/immunity or other ult dodging mechanics. The ult animation on his other skins is far less noticeable.
That is something that is present on all skins. :)
What is the button for toggle? just tried control 5 and it did nothing
It's going to take a few days to arrive on PBE probably.
Read moreThis skin has a bit of tech that I think should have been mentioned: https://twitter.com/Sirhaian/status/1392171112889344003
What I'd like to say about this is... It's not distracting but the rules are just inconsistent. Why isn't this like Project Ashe?
My feedback is:
- Allow these to become a toggle, and don't tie them to any situation like you're trying to do. Toggles are not confusing. If you know it exists, like Kai'sa's helmet, you know it's just that, a cosmetic. If Renekton's "helmet" starts coming on and off during gameplay, just start doubting if it's a gameplay thing ("oh, maybe it means he has high rage, used ult [like Eclipse Leona or HN Ashe], or perhaps he--...")
- Players are dying for more toggles and they are highly requested, and a nice feature in becoming a far and between feature for skins where it fits (like you did retroactively add to Spirit Blossom Th...
I've just implemented the toggle (between reactive helmet and always on) but there's no sexy special UI like Kai'sa has for her helmet at the moment. I'll try and get that done in a few patches' time.
Please note: 200% was just the "proof of concept" number, will likely be tuned down to something more reasonable before launch.
I saw the changes on the PBE:
Master Yi
Alpha Strike (Q)
Damage AD ratio lowered from 100% to 90%
Crit AD ratio lowered from 60% to 54%
Wuju Style (E)
- Base true damage increased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 30/40/50/60/70
I think nerfing the AD ratio on Q will definitely hurt on hit as well, and this 10 damage on E will do nothing just like it didn't do anything the last time it got buffed. What needs to be done is revert the AD ratio on Q, and nerf Crit more. One of the biggest issue when playing on hit, your Q does no damage on minions, the bonus damage was removed long ago because of funnel, but now that funnel is dead, can we at least have that back?
I dont own the changes but I'll pass it along
Are you guys still adding a visual effect that shows how far you can leash certain camps? I remember you mentioned something like that when talking about these changes
We were pretty fond of them but they needed a much deeper dig into leashing and also a lot of VFX support that would've bumped this work back. So maybe someday
Do you mean Doran's Blade or Ring?
Blade sorry lmao
That sounds reasonable. I really like the balanced release of gwen and lillia so i dont have to ban samira for 3 months straight lol. Any suggestions for underutilized gwen build.
Dorans first I think is nuts? Icr
Thanks for answering!
You guys have done a wonderful job on this Morde skin by the way.
/u/RiotSirhaian mind discussing how the Project Morde ult was accomplished? I read the article on the engineering challenges associated with Elementalist Lux and I'm very curious to know how you were able to get around the (apparently somewhat low) limit for particle effects.
I was thinking of making a Twitter thread some time after its release to explain some of the challenges and show some WIPs.
If I were to summarize it, the city is a mesh set to always render in front of the ground with a big camera offset, with the gameplay arena masked by a stencil mask. We had to do a lot of compromises to make it work. For example, base Mordekaiser's ult uses another technique that ensures it always renders above ground. But that wasn't possible with this city: it caused transparency issues within the mesh and looked absolutely awful. Making it fully solid without any transparency also didn't work because it simply didn't merge well with the rest of the background.
So yea it was my biggest technical challenge yet, but I'm pretty happy with the end result. :D
Are you guys planning to take a look at gwen next patch or is it better to give her a bit more time to see where she settles?
She's been settling pretty well. Theres still some build/rune optimizations that aren't fully caught on so no need to be hasty and touch her quickly. That being said every patch that goes by the less those considerations stick
f**k that ultimate is dope.
Why the Evelynn emotes tho.
Our concept artist made a few hologram images that we re-used for the city. Among them were Eve and Teemo. :')
I'd have loved to diversify them more, but we were very limited in memory at that point, so we couldn't.
essence emporium when? 😔
No idea sorry amigo