Hi! We have to make and localize every drop so that everyone can see them in a number of countries and streams, so we usually make them up ahead of time and then trigger when they happen. Do we know? Nope, not at all! We use stats to decide which moments are likely to happen, then we pick a whole bunch more based on the performance of the teams as the games go on, and there you have it. We're not dropping any digital items this time (playlists, wallpapers, fankits) and instead worked up a little menu of other in-game stuff we're giving away to a percentage of fans watching every day.
Also, you mentioned the leagues! Each league who was running a drops program had a different plan. LEC, LCS, TCL, LCL, LLA, & EU Masters all ran drops in split 1, designed in-market by those teams for their fans based on their fans feedback. They then shot us that feedback and results to help make this MSI program feel inclusive of all the leagues battling it out. So, every time we do a drops t...
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