League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 May

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the feedback.

I mentioned this in some other posts but we have put fixes in EOG late last year and into this year, and it did resolve some key pains in End OF Game (EOG) (improved time to get to post game + fixes in reconnect bug showing up incorrectly), but clearly, it was not enough and there is a larger issue with EOG. EOG is compromised of not just the client, but the game engine plus services.

We are doing a deep dive this quarter to determine where the performance bottlenecks are in EOG, and will work with other teams to resolve them.

As far as the client getting worse, this is not true. Although reddit is important for us to see region-based trends and address issues that multiple people report, it is not a true measure of success for the work our team is doing, on a global scale

We use a survey (you may have got it), that is run in Brazil, South Korea, North America, Vietnam, and China.

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This is so awesome...WOW!

Originally posted by Th3_Huf0n

I mean, maybe he should just be better at his job?

Ever since he became the head of balance, the sheer volume of changes that makes you go "wtf is this" is insane.

yetter has never been head of balance, btw

04 May


Originally posted by asakyun

Couldn't it be a break point where if you had 40% or less crit, it deals magic and above 40% it deals physical, or the damage split depends on the amount of crit?

i.e. 20% crit = 20% phys/80% magic split, 60% crit = 60% phys/40% magic split

Yeah probably one of those is a viable (yet messy and heavy handed) solution, but in the end is the low clarity worth the moderate gains (if there are any)? Plus current physical damage makes LDR more effective than it would have been otherwise, which is fairly essential when there's no hybrid pen option.


Originally posted by Treyhova

Has the idea of reverting it back to on-hit magic damage been floated around. I feel like that gave it a really solid niche as a tank/bruiser killer, since its hard to itemize against duel damage types and on-hit has been historically about early damage and tank busting. This also doesnt hurt squishys as much, since they have low resists (since they dont buy much more) anyway and the damage will be hit by both resist types.

Yeah the design reason this specifically is avoided is because in development we had scenarios where marksmen would build crit for most of the game (minus IE) then when the enemies bought armor they would swap to rageblade and a large % of their damage is magic instead. This rageblade does far more on-hit damage than last season's rageblade, so it can't be magic damage.


Originally posted by 1amh0peless

Thanks for replying! I fully understand that line of thought. But have you guys considered maybe giving back the hybrid pen or hybrid stats to rageblade instead? It seems that champs like AP kaisa or on-hit varus for example were hurt by the loss of those stats

I agree with the problem (no hybrid pen), I'm not 100% convinced that rage-blade is the best item for it. I'll have that conversion with the teams sometime in the future as I do think it's a gap in the current item system.


Originally posted by 1amh0peless

Disappointing rageblade buffs in all honesty, as its more of a buff for support Senna than actual on-hit adcs.

While yes support senna primarily builds frostfire these days, she still goes rageblade in 26% of games, which is more than vayne, kaisa, varus, etc. These buffs will just make it easier for her to pick rageblade up on limited income while actual onhit adcs will still be forced to build crit if they want to keep up with damage

We thought about doing the "on hits applied every 2 autos rather than 3" change and adjusting the crit->onhit ratio to keep it neutral, but overall was spooked by some potential low counterplay abuse cases (Namely Vayne Varus and Kindred), so this seemed like the best avenue remaining. Increasing item efficiency by ~8% is a size-able buff for any DPS item. Means spiking earlier and 8% more DPS/gold with no tradeoff


Originally posted by Novaeth

An actually potentially worth MR item. You love to see it. I'd kind of prefer them favoring the tanky side over the damage amp side, but I'll take what I can get at this point when there's not even one generally good MR item like visage used to be.

I almost pitched increasing the MR instead but increasing the unique output of the item was too cool for me to not like.


Originally posted by jetskimanatee

i don't believe in certificates either, I just didn't think the narrative they pushed is backed up by the recent podcast the 4 horsemen did. I don't really care if its a scam or not, but to talk about this without mentioning the own creators stated intentions (whether they are believable or not) comes off as jarring.

e on specific software training, but as IT gets outsourced and analytic firms becom

The problem is the official twitter announcement specifically says it is an industry wide certification. So if they have decided to change that stance on a recent podcast that I have not listened to that's great but they still put out that messaging themselves to begin with.


Originally posted by jetskimanatee

They should have listened to the 4 horsemen podcast, cause these takes are so bad. Seb Park clarified already that the certification was only for backroom data analysts to keep out people who overvalue/lie to advertisers about how much esports is worth.

I'm glad that they decided to narrow the scope but then how does this test keep out the people who overvalue/lie to advertisers?


Originally posted by Content_Mission5154

Yo thank you for addressing rageblade! There has been a lot of discussion about that item here recently and I am glad you guys put it on the list, good job! u/RiotRayYonggi

No problem, I pitched this for this patch and glad it made it in. It's been a bit underwhelming for a while.


Originally posted by mazrrim

Have you got anything major for changes to supports (focus on elite+ play)

  • Income sucks, super low income tanks are the only viable thing. Even when moonstone+ staff of flowing water was strongest we still saw barely anyone opt out of the rell vs leona vs ali meta. Pros would take seraphine mid or lillia jungle with them instead.

  • Grevious wounds at 60% kills any dream of scaling with an enchanter, soraka cannot play vs 60% on ignite and a team that stacks the 60% grevious items.

  • Squishy champs still cannot facecheck anything as ever, so pros have to take a tank support to facecheck fog, where are the ward range extensions for spelltheif items previously said.

Pls give back support items giving gold over 1k more than anything.

I agree with your first point especially and keep forgetting to bring it up. Thanks for the reminder

03 May


A little light this time around, hopefully we are able to address some of the more neglected things (like those items) and some of the "not technically OP but complained about" things while we have the extra bandwidth.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I feel like you shouldn't be letting your personal love of an artstyle effect who designs what.

Lol, its more then just that of course. Many of the Champions he concepted have resonated deeply with the playerbase and many are in the top 10 highest rated visuals in our mass champions surveys (Kai'Sa, Akali, Jhin)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

That's great, I love his art as well. Do you also have any ideas where you'd like to assign Sojyoo now that she recently joined champ team

For now she is going to jump back onto the marksmen (she originally worked on the Marksmen for like 3 months and was responsible for like 90% of it's design before LoneWingy took it over when she went back to PIE) After that it will likely be something for 2022