League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by VayneJr

My buddy loves playing league, but the game will crash for him once in every 5 games, taking him 5 minutes to reload the game. He usually ends up getting afk penalty, will he not be able to play league anymore?

This answer is going to kind of suck, but it is the truth: He will be able to play League, but if he continues to get AFK penalties he will eventually have long wait periods as he rises in the tiers. (We aren't banning him from the game, but he will be unable to play for 2 weeks at a time at the highest tiers)

There isn't a great way to detect the difference between a crash and someone doing it on purpose (and if there were, people would just cause their game to crash to defeat such detection). The priority call has to be to preserve the experience of the most players possible.

You probably aren't winning a large % of the games where he goes AFK, and that can't feel great to your teammates either. It also turns out it doesn't feel great to the people on the other team who go from having a fun back and forth to a hollow victory.

If he hasn't already, I would recommend reaching out to player support to see if there's a common resolution to his crashing...

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Originally posted by Rechulas

me, super excited for Mundo news and Roadmaps

"Oh I can't wait to look at this!"

Me, in my excitement forgetting that I can't read Chinese

"Oh. Right."

Images are super cool, though. The "Deity Invoker" Udyr looks f**king rad.

Hijacking top comment, this.... uh.... wasn't supposed to go up just yet. When the global release happens next week, Reav3 and co. will pop in to respond to your comments as usual! Make sure to ask your questions and share your thoughts in the new thread once someone wins the karma race once it pops up~


Ender WeirdChamp


I'm so sad to see you go especially as we've spent so much time casting together in the last few years. I'm excited to see where you go next and as we've already talked about, we're going to try work together where it makes sense in the coming months!

For any LEC fans trust that we will do our best to look for a colour caster to join our team based in Berlin. In the interim I think we've built up a strong network of guests, dial in appearances and have plenty of talent to look towards from a variety of places to complete our core team in Berlin while still leaning on the guests and remote appearances to keep the broadcast varied and entertaining.


Wow that's amazing! Congratulations on getting to Diamond!


Originally posted by Shadowbasherr

If they add stricter dodge penalties, then they 100% need to actually add punishments for holding lobbies hostage. If you don't get your role then there is currently no downside, autofilled jungle and midlane won't swap with you? No problem just lock in soraka take ghost and cleanse, either someone dodges, or you grief the game.

The ghost cleanse Soraka and the smite hecarim support games I let go through this season did not result in a ban for either player.

I'm 100% aware that these dodges make up the minority, but they still exist.

This is next. We take hostage situations seriously.


Originally posted by replayaccount

How do you think that compares to the penalty for dodging. It's honestly a spit in the face to even put penalties for dodging in the same discussion as AFK/inting. Dodging 3 games in 24 hours is going to lock me out of ranked for 12 hours. Leaving 3 games in 24 hours is going to lock me out for what? Ten minutes?

The way I see it dodging is "good behavior". I promise you the amount of bad behavior is going to sky rocket as a result of people being forced into games they do not want to be in.

In high elo it's well understood that if your 1 trick gets banned or you are filled to a role you can't play, you dodge. If the game goes through that player WILL be flamed and it really is justified. With penalties this harsh for dodging you really can't expect that person to dodge, so you just expect everybody to go into game knowing it's a loss and be ok with it?

Solve the actual problems first then worry about people actually abusing dodging. There are actual abuses,...

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Lot to unpack here, but let me try:

  • dodging isn’t good behavior, it screws up the game for at least 9 other folks and potentially more
  • we are working on solves for hostage taking in champ select, but this problem is not as widespread as you are making it out to be (that’s not to say it isn’t garbage when it happens, just that it’s unlikely to happen 3x in a day)
  • it being “understood” that dodging is Ok in high ranked situations is wrong. That’s a rationalization that is entirely selfish. If your favorite champion is banned the expectation is you play a different champion. If you have someone with a 48% winrate the expectation is you play well enough to deal with the slight disparity

Originally posted by Fyne_

Can you guys just add a section explicitly telling us what tier we're on? Idk why we gotta play this guessing game with the times.

If you are playing in good faith you should not need to worry about your tier.


Originally posted by F1urry

So what about people who have connection issues? My friend I duo with will typically disconnect once every other game for 30 seconds to a minute but never affects our games to much. He's pretty much f**ked under the new system?

No, it doesn’t count those as AFKs.


My first reaction: “Oh man all these Tarics gonna spam ulti what a mess.”

Sees enemy team is Sylas: “Oh my...”

22 Apr


Originally posted by Dbash56



    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Peter_101

How would you guys classify Gwen, is she pure human or humanoid like Lilia? In game she looks pure human but in lore she's not, how do you classify a champ like that?

Gwen would be classified as a human


Originally posted by RageQuitHeartRateDip

So I can int with impunity as long as I win a game between bouts of losing streaks?

I wouldn't. I think you're making a big assumption that this is our only detection system.


Originally posted by bornhat

Idk, I only ever report people who are legit griefing (afk, feeding, saying where people are, etc...) or super verbally toxic, and I almost never get instant feedback reports. Gives me the impression that my report credibility would be tanked even though I’m reporting correctly

It’s way more complex than that, but what would actually affect it would be things like constantly reporting players who have bad games or off meta picks as feeding.


Originally posted by Thighhighcrocz

so, if someone who is actively trolling very obviously is only reported by one player he shouldn't be punished or be looked into at all? That seems to actively work against fixing trolling

This is in addition to, not instead of other detection methods we employ.


I am really sorry to hear that. I have all sorts of eyesight issues and my eyesight has consistently deteriorated as I get older (and I am still way too young). I understand your pain and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope you find ways to stick around the community because people like you are what help make it great.


Originally posted by ozziezombie

So... It's a progress system! Like Honor system! Great to know, another thing I can progress in! :D

In all seriousness, the changes look very scary - and I haven't AFKed in a LONG time. Now I worry that something random will start happening to my PC/connection and it'll penalize me. But I'm guessing that's the point! Thank you for your hard work, I'm looking forward to further development! Let's hope S11 will be the one which will make the game not known for its toxicity! have a nice day! :\)

If you disconnect every now and again there is a _very_ low chance that you are penalized for it.

If you disconnect all the time, then yes you will start receiving penalties from this.


Originally posted by bornhat

I feel like reporting credibility can easily be a bad thing in a system that’s bad at punishing people. Like if I report someone that’s griefing, but because the system is bad it doesn’t detect that person as griefing, my report credibility will go down and the next time I report someone for griefing it’ll mean even less and push my credibility down further. At least that’s how I’m reading it

This system generally uses the law of large numbers to increase certainty.

This player would need to be reported for the same thing between multiple people across multiple games to be punished.

You would need to be consistently wrong in your judgements over a long period of time in order for your reports weight to be affected.


Originally posted by Shadowbasherr

If they add stricter dodge penalties, then they 100% need to actually add punishments for holding lobbies hostage. If you don't get your role then there is currently no downside, autofilled jungle and midlane won't swap with you? No problem just lock in soraka take ghost and cleanse, either someone dodges, or you grief the game.

The ghost cleanse Soraka and the smite hecarim support games I let go through this season did not result in a ban for either player.

I'm 100% aware that these dodges make up the minority, but they still exist.

These cases certainly exist, but are slightly thornier problems to solve. We'll be digging into these in the future to understand how best to solve these problems.


Originally posted by BestRemusInMyHouse

  • 3rd AFK: 14 day lockout and auto-loss


Just to clarify, this is not the 3rd consecutive AFK but rather the 3rd AFK tier. Moving up each tier is slightly complex but in general going AFK/leaving will progress you up and playing games out honorably will progress you downwards.