League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Originally posted by Darkened_Auras

Rek'Sai "Multiple Champions hit by Queen's Wrath"?

The f**k is this Riot? You almost never actually use the AoE in PvP combat. The damage is pretty minimal against secondary targets and you're built for 1v1 and 2v2 skirmishes. This is actually awful.

What would you prefer to see?


Originally posted by whosurdaddies

Some of these are pretty advanced. I'm pretty excited. Zoe's 2nd one is skillshots dodged with Portal Jump. Pretty hard to do often.

Zoe always seems to do it to me ☹️


Originally posted by korro90

Since the first set of Eternals were released, my ranked borders have been disabled in normals (loading screen) on most champions.

Long story short, if you try to customize your eternals, you will not be able to use ranked borders outside ranked queues anymore. By customizing I mean changing the order or picking out different ones for display.

This bug has been bothering me for a year now, and I pretty actively sent out tickets about the status of the bug over the first 6 months, but I have since given up an just have tried to live with the fact I will not be able to show off my ranked achievements in normal queues.

I hope the 2nd set of eternals brings more awareness to this bug, but I am a little out of hope at this point.

Re-customize on the affected champs and borders come back. Sorry about this!


Originally posted by FASTASFUC

Can they stop adding 'distance travelled' as an enternal? Did I spend 5k rp to see how much I walked?

Point to the one you mean? I also don't want any like that.


Originally posted by warpenguin55

Holy Shit! Malzahar's aren't completely worthless this time!

I'm a malz main. I had to do right by him.


Originally posted by SirTacoMaster

Idgaf about what Reddit says I’m still buy one fo ekko

Ekko's are some of my favorites!


Originally posted by FrigidFlames

Not gonna lie, I want to check out my kills by plants. I always seem to steal them from the ADC, might as well at least get something to brag about out of it...

The first one is kinda really dumb, though, as her plants prioritize targeting enemies hit by her abilities, so if you hit any ability and sprout a seed with it, that's an automatic hit. It basically turns into 'How many abilities have you hit?'

To be fair that was what I was going for! Placing a seed while casting ability to hit champ with both, but not QUITE so prescriptive.


Originally posted by happy_baguette

That ivern one about stolen camps and scuttle is so bad. Ah yes let me tell you im invading with a global notification

That is... A seriously good point. Thank you! Might find a way to make the announcement team only because I love the Eternal itself.

04 Mar


Originally posted by mattybobs

Thanks for these stats and your responses in general. I really appreciate the stats and your comments are helping me understand where you’re coming from with the balance decisions.

Now if you could just get me in touch with someone to pitch my Babe Ruth Bard skin “The Great Bardino”, then I’d happily retract all complaints I have with Riot Games

As a Yankees fan I support this.


I had such a great time talking to Dan who I'm very close to and felt very comfortable sharing some stories I've never shared on camera before.


Originally posted by mattybobs

What I’m concerned with is that these champs are being tuned to be balanced to where chemtank is necessary for them to function and building any other item is putting them at a severe disadvantage. Granted I have no idea what the stats for these champs look like when they build other mythics so I might be completely off the mark.

Udyr's win rate with various Mythics:

Turbo Chemtank 55.4%
Stridebreaker 54.5%
Trinity Force 54%
Sunfire Aegis 51.1%
Frostfire Gauntlet 55.5%
Divine Sunderer 55.6%

Sample size isn't consistent for each option though - the last two in particular are purchased much less frequently.

Rammus's other options are comparable to Chemtank (but it is the best option by general win rate).

Skarner's best option is Chemtank by far.

Not everything interacts with the system in the same way.


I had such a blast talking to Dan, and covering some topics I've not talked about on any interviews previously.


We examined item data before deciding to nerf these guys, since our team also put forth a similar hypothesis (that Chemtank was the problem). After a closer look, we concluded Chemtank was balanced for the rest of the roster, and these junglers were actually major outliers in terms of power level.


Originally posted by Red-hitt

Looks real bad, but I thought the whole thing about these models are that they are not supposed to be looked at from this perspective

This is exactly right. That being said you can definitely see a clear difference between older champs like Wu here and newer champions like Samira.

The underlying foundation for some champions need updating, which we often see in VGUs.

But yeah, ultimately these models are made to be viewed from up high above the rift, not at dating distance. ;)


Originally posted by reminderer

bad video, not enough speedcubing

you made me panic thinking i uploaded it to my 10+ y/o speedcubing channel ngl


Originally posted by IAmPont

So how old IS Quickshot?

he would prefer we ask how wise he is


Originally posted by Muted-Building

Just a quick question.

Did you mention rekkles and twitter in the hopes of getting him to retweet the clip because he has 10 times the followers and is actually verified?

If yes, thats actually pretty smart. Good job.

no but if he does i will edit my answer to look like a genius


Originally posted by silenthilI

Just wanted to comment that the man in the thumbnail looks strikingly like Jim and Gabe from the office blended together with photoshop



Originally posted by korro90

Looks like what /u/CodeofBear said would be the truth here. So no need to do placements. I would still do them, just to be sure.

You don’t need to do placements if you were ranked in 2020. Can confirm.


Originally posted by Lagransiete

G2 is not helping the community grow by hiring players from other teams.

ignorant comment