League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Dec


Originally posted by GreaterBelugaWhale

You really have no idea who certainlyT is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the August Browning touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, Yasuo Zed Zoe Thresh Darius and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.

You really have no idea who certainlyT is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the August Browning touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, Yasuo Zed Zoe Thresh Darius and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


Originally posted by phroxz0n

CertainlyT was unironically one of the greatest holistic Designers (not just champ designer) that League has had. I know this is going to get memed because people will say "yeah he just taught people how to make broken stuff or how to balance worse", but I don't think he did those things. Designers here are definitely good enough to have their own opinion and be able to defend it. He definitely pushed the boundaries in a way that is not everyone's cup of tea, but that's part of what makes him great. He also knew how to make simple champions (think WW update).

It's unfortunate, because players will never get to see behind the scenes of how he contributed, but one of his best attributes was that he truly passionately cares about League. He was always up to date with all the new builds (often as soon as they were popping up in KR soloQ) and he knew all the little details about the game inside-out. In his spare time, he was always prototyping stuff locally on his computer to m...

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This. 100%.

Originally posted by phroxz0n

CertainlyT was unironically one of the greatest holistic Designers (not just champ designer) that League has had. I know this is going to get memed because people will say "yeah he just taught people how to make broken stuff or how to balance worse", but I don't think he did those things. Designers here are definitely good enough to have their own opinion and be able to defend it. He definitely pushed the boundaries in a way that is not everyone's cup of tea, but that's part of what makes him great. He also knew how to make simple champions (think WW update).

It's unfortunate, because players will never get to see behind the scenes of how he contributed, but one of his best attributes was that he truly passionately cares about League. He was always up to date with all the new builds (often as soon as they were popping up in KR soloQ) and he knew all the little details about the game inside-out. In his spare time, he was always prototyping stuff locally on his computer to m...

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You really have no idea who certainlyT is do you? He’s by far the most acclaimed designer, creating unique actionable ideas without the August Browning touch of unbalancable, and by far the best champ designer at riot, Yasuo Zed Zoe Thresh Darius and many others are examples of top tier design and fantasy fulfillment beyond their years while maintaining peak balance.


CertainlyT was unironically one of the greatest holistic Designers (not just champ designer) that League has had. I know this is going to get memed because people will say "yeah he just taught people how to make broken stuff or how to balance worse", but I don't think he did those things. Designers here are definitely good enough to have their own opinion and be able to defend it. He definitely pushed the boundaries in a way that is not everyone's cup of tea, but that's part of what makes him great. He also knew how to make simple champions (think WW update).

It's unfortunate, because players will never get to see behind the scenes of how he contributed, but one of his best attributes was that he truly passionately cares about League. He was always up to date with all the new builds (often as soon as they were popping up in KR soloQ) and he knew all the little details about the game inside-out. In his spare time, he was always prototyping stuff locally on his computer to m...

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Meep Slap, One taps. Sick Bard play.


Hopefully these ADC buffs help a bit to contribute some power and access to their 2 and 3 item spikes, and bring Galeforce a little closer to the other two mythics.

01 Dec


This one really hits me. I got really into esports watching Doublelift on CLG. I started playing ADCs because of Doublelift. And I stayed interested in league long term because of Doublelift. He played a big part in where I am now


watching some of those clips brought back amazing memories. The EZ pentas, the lucian teamfight that he turned around vs C9, the Jinx penta vs TSM...

PLUS everyone else is trash, officer caitlyn, etc.

DL delivered some of the best entertainment on and off the rift. I really think that's what makes someone a beloved esports player: the talent + the personality

Originally posted by OtherAyachi

The marksman who shoots a bird and does parkour.


Originally posted by alphacentaurit

that's why they forgot about her /s



Originally posted by Iperovic

The fact that he can do it so quickly and effortlessly on camera is kinda bothersome lmao

He waited his whole career for that moment


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Every single Rioter I have met (either randomly in-game or IRL or on social media) has been so nice and helpful and has gone above and beyond with outreach with the community. Like, it's one of the best qualities of the company that I've been applying like a madman to work there. I am not gonna say the company is perfect, since no such company exists in terms of being "perfect," but it sure as hell is attracting a bunch of really awesome folk that I would love to work with sometime during my lifetime. I may not qualify to work there now, but I'm gonna keep on applying until I do qualify.

Even the more popular (read: publicly known) rioters I've met in the most recent season-start of TFT when the ranks were reset (like Blaustoise) were honorable and met every single criteria outlined on the Summoner's Code. I played SR with some super awesome folk this past weekend.

Also, many thanks to /u/Cash...

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no u <3


Originally posted by cosdbrs

Big ups to the balance team, this patch looks great

Is there any plans on changing the interaction between Cull and Relic Shield? Relic Shield procs no longer count as a Cull stack.

Oh sh*t that bug made it to live? I'll follow-up.


Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Hey dude, speaking as a Jinx main and big Aphelios fan... is there any convo internally going on about Runaan's? That item feels so difficult to build now; it's so hard to justify building another 3400g item when you already have mythic + IE in any full crit build.

I love the addition of the bolt damage level scaling to open it up as a late game AoE damage option for stuff like Jhin, but is there any chance you guys could revert the addition of AD so you can drop its price again?

I'd love to see it lose the AD and drop down to 2700g (so it'd match the other Zeal item prices, which is another +1 IMO). So basically compared to before preseason it'd have -5% crit, -2% MS, and +100 cost, but gain the bolt scaling. It'd still leave it open to people like Jhin/Cait late game or as a boot replacement while also making it feel good to buy again on the Jinx/Aphelios/Kalista/Twitch crowd. It's the only true disappointment I have with the item changes!

much love

It's meant to be a later-game purchase than before (trust me, I play a LOT of Jinx/Aphelios and I feel you). I suggest giving second item Stormrazor a try, as I agree 3400 is a lot of gold for a second item. That said, its still a good pick-up if you have the gold, so don't count it out just yet.


Originally posted by fadasd1

Reasoning behind nerfing Jhin in the same patch that Lethality for ranged gets nerfed?

He was good even without lethality, his win-rate with Galeforce (which we are buffing) was still quite high.


Originally posted by _rascal3717

Several people have reported this bug but I haven't seen anything about it for a while, but preferred item slots are not working at all right now. Are you guys aware of this already?

Nope I had no idea. I can follow up on that.


Originally posted by Mod4rchive

Please make it so muramana has a damage by mana cap instead of nerfing ability so i can still go it on ad casters

We have some good ideas that should fit your playstyle, stay tuned.


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Can I quickly ask about how the team is feeling about Kai'Sa at the moment? Judging from u.gg you would think that she would be getting nerfed since she has double Samira's pickrate w/ a higher winrate in Plat+ / Diamond+ / D2+, but am I correct that you're waiting on seeing how crit buffs help some of her counters (e.g. Caitlyn) before hitting her directly?

(If you do nerf her, please hit her early game)

Yeah something like that. We expect that crit buffs help her less than a lot of her lane opponents, and if that doesn't keep her win-rate/play-rate at appropriate levels we will follow-up.

30 Nov


Originally posted by thrownawayzs

how low of a winrate does gp need before he gets looked at?

People are looking at him, hopefully the crit changes help some too. We will definitely keep our eyes on him before pre-season ends.


Originally posted by fabs777

Does Riot not want Morgana to be Midlaner? She is intended to be locked as a support only pick?

Nah she was just sitting above 55% win-rate, just a tiny bump to get her closer to most other champs.