League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Dec


Originally posted by Neklin

it would be a shame if you... "leaked" it, wouldn't be?

Oh, I wouldn't know how to cope!


Originally posted by Glaiele

Just release it for April fools

Edit: if you need a tuba player, it's been a few years but I'm sure I could manage

I feel like I need to ask how someone starts playing the tuba, I've always wondered! And yes, if there's one instrument that makes me think of Gragas, it's the tuba. :) I remember putting the Oktoberfest dance music together, was so fun.


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

You have my attention...

It never quite hit the mark, I dare say the accordion sounded exquisite.


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

I want a Polka Band of beefy men like Gragas, Braum, Graves, Udyr, and maybe throw in daddy Kassadin.

you know... there's an exploratory track from 2013...




Thanks for bringing this to our attention. As others in the thread have mentioned, for a lot of emotes we work with external artists and we'll be meeting with this artist to understand how this happened. In the meantime, we'll be putting together a plan to address the situation.


Update 12/10: Hey everyone, the team has gone through the post and read most if not all of the feedback. We won't be giving Warden Gragas a larger nose. We compared it with both of Ornn's models and textures and didn't think it was close enough to warrant a change. thanks!


Update 12/10: Hey everyone, the team has gone through the post and read most if not all of the feedback. We've decided to hold off on adjusting the blues for now as this is the specific direction the team wants to go in for Warden. I know some of ya'll like this and some of ya'll don't, and I'm sorry to disappoint the latter. If you don't like the upperhalf blue, I hope one of the chromas is something you like.


Originally posted by bz6

Why are the Mythic stats across item classes getting closer to each other? Like similar health, scaling, AP/AD. That just waters down the strategic decision making process to "what legendary item stat line do I want from my Mythic". Rather than wait maybe I scale this game, maybe I need more HP early etc etc.


Mainly because: 1. Too many things being dissimilar makes the choice difficult to comprehend. 2. For Haste changes in particular, some champions are not meeting the floor for feels and we may have swung too far in terms of reducing Haste on these champions.

10 Dec


That's definitely not great.
We'll be looking to change the per-champion mode balancing system to exclude summoner spells and potentially items, but it will need to be sometime after this run of Nexus Blitz.


where the hell is my battle queen urgot


Originally posted by SeizeTheKills

Has the team considered Aether Wisp instead of Codex? And adding some MS to the items instead? That would still help smooth the build path/item slots required but not give AH.

Yep, we also tried it, but we felt there was too much Movement Speed in the game, leading to a decent amount of movespeed creep. It's certainly not off the table, but was not desired.

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Originally posted by Oraphy

Short question when it comes to the itemizing structure. Especially with IE now being put in 3rd place for a lot of crit ADC's, when you were talking about Runaans as a late game item, do you have a statistic on how often ADCs actually get to 4-5 items?

Usually the 4th item slot has to be some form of defensive item that you need in order not to get completely blown out of the water be it e.g. a GA or QSS. Thus Runaans would only make it into the 5 th slot, basically fullbuild, considering that in higher elo's the game time is only somewhere between 26-28 minutes, that would make it only a niche item that most ADCs would still forgo for a different choice probably most of the time.

Right, but there's still value in having late-game not entirely solved all the time. Games being 27 minutes on average doesn't mean long games don't happen, and long games should also be of the highest quality we can deliver—they make up a lot of the most memorable and momentous games. "I need more damage" is a really valid desire at 4th item, even if in a lot of gamestates it's incorrect. If you have a lulu protecting you, or if they're short on divers but heavy on tanks, it's good to have an item that fills that need. The issue we ran into here was a dearth of valid second items that felt good for some marksmen, which, as you're identifying, is a much bigger problem because games always make it to that point. That's why Runaan's is moving back to that slot. Choice is more valuable early in the game because you always get there (hence one of the reasons Mythic items can offer a lot of value to the structure).


Originally posted by PaintItPurple

This is a really confusing comment in this context. Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer are already healing-focused items, so wanting to keep ability haste on that path is consistent with OP's request.

Within the set of healing legendary items, they are aggressive, that's what I meant. Redemption and mikaels are meant to be more defensive and staff and ardent are more offensive.


This is my long term goal that I’m not sure I’ll ever actually hit. Grats on the achievement. Hats off to you.

09 Dec


Originally posted by PlentyLettuce

I mean in the states at least minor league baseball and hockey is essentially the same thing. Football and basketball are definitely just separate leagues but players move up and down from their farm team all the time in those sports.

Yeah Academy is in this interesting spot where it's kinda of like a minor league, but a lot more like a reserves league in football (soccer). That isn't necessarily a bad thing, just kind of what it is.

I think injecting more players into the season payoff (Proving Grounds) and shortening the season kinda helps all of these modes in some way and will ultimately be more interesting/entertaining than previous seasons.

As always, things will probably be in-progress forever but at least this IMO is a step in a good direction for the league.


Originally posted by boomboom4132

how can we as fans take Academy serious as a minor league when teams use it as a place to keep subs warmed up? Is this what the goal of academy is just a place to keep subs working?

In other sports/esports the minor leagues can be really fun to watch but I have neve felt that way about league academy. Its always just feels like a bunch of sub for a main roster instead of a few vets and new blood trying to get onto a main roster. Do you think opening it up to more armature teams could help foster a more competitive and entertaining minor league?

either way thank you for posting your thoughts on academy.

I think /u/tarongowens said it pretty well in regards to your first point.

In regards to your others about league/game quality I think both

1) It's gone up a lot as teams continue to invest and utilize Academy
2) We're actually planning on having Am teams play Academy teams in a small tournament in lieu of a longer Academy season which should increase both exposure to more talent and I think be super entertaining as a product too. You can read more about those changes here: https://lolesports.com/article/2021...

Read more

Originally posted by DatTrackGuy

What you are referring to is a coach. A coach is responsible for developing and organizing new players lol.

Academy should be for up and coming talent.

Good Luck!

If League coaches were allowed in-games like other esports I'd be more aligned with this.

As it stands though, they aren't.