League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Nov


Originally posted by jjhassert

community- fix adc

riot- nerf lethality and the only currently viable adcs

We are buffing Crit as well this patch (it's in the post), stay tuned.


Originally posted by bz6

is it scary to pump ability haste back into the system? the game feels SO good with cdr being "rare"

and do you think nerfin manamune mages and lethality for ranged is just gutting playstyles or?

thought the system would encourage creativity and such


We will nerf the items (manamune and lethality for example) if they are too good on the non-intended users, keeping us from buffing it for the intended users. For example, manamune would have to be nerfed because Cass and Orianna use it too well, even though the intended users (marksmen/fighters) are looking (mostly) balanced with it. It's not to stifle creativity.


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

It's pointless to ask since we're gonna know it tomorrow anyways, but what is the planned change for lethality with ranged champions? Is it gonna be 50-80% as effective for them?

Something to make the effects less... effective on them like it was in 10.22 on Duskblade for example, or like the current eclipse melee/ranged split.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/RiotRayYonggi! Thanks for the awesome pace of preseason patching, its been great. Three quick questions for you:

What's your/the team's thoughts on Nunu's current state?

How is Maw of Malmortius performing? Any buffs in future so its a better pick up for marksmen?

Any thoughts on reducing mid game level differences between duo bot lane and solo roles?(lvl 10 behind adc vs lvl 13/14 solo lanes).

Nunu seems strong right now, the tank item nerfs should target him a bit.

Not sure about maw, I do know that it's not meant to be the primary MR pick-up for marksmen (Merc should be that), but not 100% if it's looking balanced overall.

Level differences duo lane vs solo lanes is a big controversy I see around a lot. I agree it can be drastic at times, but I know that before we changed it, top laners would have low chance to influence the game if too much of the battling happened bottom lane 2v2. The XP change kept the game from being decided too heavily just in bottom lane. It's possible it hasn't aged too well, not sure.


Originally posted by Gaboesh1

How is shaco not part of the ‘tiamat compensation buffs’ that makes absolutely no sence, he is the one that relied the most from it

Just at a glance, his win-rate is not nearly as drastic as the other champs listed here. If he's an outlier after these changes I'm sure we'll follow-up.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's a change to make it more about your teammates proc-ing than just you doing the damage. But you can do whatever your heart desires sir


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

To be fair, that's with Shift being held (the "more info" button).

All the scaling and such are collapsed into one final number any time you first glance at it.


Big changes incoming. Squeezing as much as we can into each patch without sacrificing our ability to understand the effects of the changes.


Originally posted by poopyheadstu

I don't think anyone ever wanted Solo over Huni, they were just very surprised seeing Huni, who has had a straight up bad year after the meme paycheck, getting another huge chance on a team with probably the most fan pressure to succeed in NA

He survived on SKT which has way more insane fans than TSM


Originally posted by winterspike

we've officially reached peak f**king reddit: first it was bitching about 56% WR, then 54%, then 52%, then 51%, and finally, 50%

Don't worry there's also people complaining about Twitch's low aggregate win rate when he's being brought down by his atrociously bad support performance.

29 Nov


Wow a popular balanced assassin? What is the world coming to?




Originally posted by A_Very_Horny_Zed

Man, this comment did not age well at all. :/

The critbros are lacking

I think critbros still building terrible items on average (still might need buffs but not on fire)

28 Nov


Originally posted by Mattix46

this rioter probably queues into ranked on his gold acc, picks something troll and says "eh its preseason no one cares :D"

dude just @ me next time SHEESH


Yo, I don't work on League anymore, I've been locked in the R&D dungeon for sometime now (please help meeeee) but y'all typically don't instantly flame me when I post so here's my take on Preseason, the LoL devs, and this tweet:

  • Preseason is always kinda whack. I remember the Runes Reforged preseason, a bunch of champions/runes were way too strong, a bunch were way too weak, there were problems, we actively worked to try to fix them
  • Seems like the same is going on here. I went and played with the new items, overall I like the direction, but my boy yasuo seems weak with the crit changes. I trust they'll adjust things though
  • Now, I could just be a Riot shill (I am), but back when I was on League this was the busiest time of year. I was grinding both in the months up to preseason and especially during preseason (when all the juicy data and feedback was coming in)
  • I don't believe the LoL dev team is just "taking it easy" rn.
  • ...
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Originally posted by TheMemingLurker

ooh, I didn't know that Pentakill was well received in its own community- I had always thought it was more of "intro" into the genre like Popstars was.

Pentakill was top of the metal genre on Apple music for over two weeks when the album released. I'm a lapsed metal head personally but I remember how amazing it was to see the community love an album made by a gaming company.


Originally posted by Jangetta

I know you won't see this but I'm grateful for league.

I rescue huskies specifically in Texas, and I name all my fosters after League, if I get the ability to name them. :)

I've had Ekko, Tibbers, Ahri, Darius, Sona, and Qiyanna. Tibbers goes home tomorrow!

That’s amazing. Kudos for helping out them out. :)