League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by Blue_Piggy_Bank

We won worlds tho

idk what's more sad, EU hasn't won worlds since season 1 or the fans that cling on to that like it matters lol.

? Did EU steal your first born child? Has EU touched you on your private parts? Why you hating bruv?


Originally posted by Blue_Piggy_Bank

Dude EU fans are still stroking their dick that misfits lost to SKT in 5 games. I guess when you can't win worlds you hold to any last straw you can.

We won worlds tho and had multiple semis and finals, unlike NA who cant get out of groups


Originally posted by Whismy

Great to hear that it's still chugging along! I wonder if we're going to be surprised by any non-discussed changes, or if it's looking essentially the same as what was previously discussed?

Probably pretty similar. There's always the chance for some thicc changes


So the TK rework is coming once preseason is (more) settled and we have time to finish up the work and allocate the resources. Really would prefer to have it out before pro starts again, but I sadly can't just slap a timeline here.


Originally posted by Snowcrest

In your testing while iterating for this changelist, how impactful is the new damage portion on your ultimate?

With the channel time, how often do you expect that damage to actually hit?

It varies based on player but isn't a ton of power unless you're really trying to optimize around it. It drops a lot earlier than the rest of the ult so the channel isn't as brutal

24 Nov


Originally posted by BubBidderskins


This makes both less and more sense now.

I love it.


Originally posted by SedOfAstora

Keep in mind its not about the size itself, that can be scaled up and down. Issue is I guess the width/ratio where you get weird double line pings. And thanks!

Yep, thanks for the clarification.


Originally posted by bz6

How does a simple option of rescaling a chat box slip through the world class QA team at Riot? Shop launched with obvious features missing as well. Is this done on purpose to like push the narrative of "hey we're listening to feedback?" Or is it a continual experiment of "hey let's see what we can get away with?"

Few parts to this one:

  1. Every single person I've worked with at Riot deeply cares about the player experience. We aren't trying to be lazy, slip things by folks, or otherwise cheat players. We love you folks, even when you write rude things to us on Reddit. <3
  2. Both the shop and the new chat share a new rendering technology that was developed internally. Previously, both of them were built with an off the shelf tool we are now deprecating. So there are new opportunities like UI particles, easy editing by designers, and massive performance improvements but there are also downsides like bugs and missing features. The really good news here is that since we develop this we can improve it, rather than waiting for another company to release a patch.
  3. The final point I'd make is about software quality. In preseason, both the software and the game state are what I'd call an "open beta". Things aren't perfect, but we're actively working on them and we think th...
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Originally posted by Choad_Warrior

Sorry to hijack the thread with off-topic stuff, but since you are here I take a chance at it: do you have any timetable about the Tahm Kench kit rework, or even if it's still on the table or got iceboxed?

Just waiting on post-preseason and some art support


Originally posted by SedOfAstora

Please, PLEASE let people adjust chatbox again /u/BarackProbama

Looking into it now.


Originally posted by RanaDelLey

Demonic EmbraceL BURN DAMAGE 1.5% max health magic damage every second for 4 seconds ⇒ 1.2% max health magic damage every second for 3 seconds

holy shit the item got obliterated next to every other item nerf, it went from 6% hp damage over 4 seconds to 3.6% over 3 seconds

The duration is a typo - should still be over 4 seconds. Will get it updated asap!


Originally posted by Chilidawg

This is probably moved up due to Thanksgiving.

yep, 10.24 is going live a day early for thanksgiving :)

patch schedule here for future reference: https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018987893-Patch-Schedule-League-of-Legends


Originally posted by dibbyreddit

shyvana kalista and quinn mains await their turn, and im glad to say i think it will be worth it from the quality of this patch's skins :)

Hope you enjoy their skins when they come around. Can’t always promise everyone will like what we make, but know that we do take constructive feedback seriously, and it won’t be 1000 days before they get another one. ;)


Originally posted by B0ban_Rajovic

so basically useless addition

You're only casting the spell like... 8 times avg a game? Honestly seems like a decent rate especially since there are so many other considerations


Originally posted by TitanDweevil

It sounds interesting but I'd have to see how it plays out more ingame. Having to aim a Brand W almost 1.5 seconds in advance, assuming the wiki is giving the correct time at which the spear lands, might still be a little difficult. If it ends up not hitting that often would u guys consider making it something like the size of Ekko's W?

I could definitely see some size changes if it wasn't hitting goals. In playtests it hits ~ once a game which i think is a good place. Some of the more experienced pantheons hit it 3+ when they're poppin. Definitely isn't as reliable as old Panth in that regard


Originally posted by ChangeisGod

but why or how do you expect bruiser panth to work? he doesnt have the kit for a bruiser

no good dps, 0 sustain, no tankyness throughout fights because his e cd is so long

also no changes to him dmg wise except the w seems kind of strange. whats gonna stop him from falling of later i the game like he does atm?

Q CD is sustained dmg and also a damage buff. Pretty massive for the list overall


Originally posted by TheNasky1

does his tap Q still get cancelled midcast by cc? if so, when are you going to fix that!?

Aiming to fix that actually. Hard to track down this bug in particular but it's a goal!


Originally posted by TitanDweevil

With the R change is the AoE looking like Brand W size or is it more similar to old Pantheon R? Hitting someone with his R right now is already insanely difficult if not impossible. Hitting his old R was considerably hard to do as well, so if the hit box on the spear is pretty small, I can't imagine it ever hitting anyone.

Its like a Brand W but comes out much earlier than the rest of the ult. Sorts like a setup piece with the slow


Originally posted by zAIMBOTz

Did the change reverting the ability to modify the LoL CFG for bigger minimaps (that was originally removed when the preseason patch dropped) make it into this patch? I remember a Rioter stating that was coming back, as well as new scaling options in this patch, but I don’t see any mention of it.

Edit: The Rioter was u/BarackProbama . Hopefully he doesn’t mind me mentioning him and can clarify the matter

It should be in this patch, yes.


Originally posted by A_Very_Horny_Zed

Disregard if you don't have the insight or information: Why weren't there preemptive buffs for Yone considering how reliant he was on the Guinsoo build? From Preseason up to today, Yone's winrate went from 43% to 48%. Has he been forgotten or was he deemed in need of a nerf when he's already underperforming?

Iirc Yonex/Yasuo both actually had good/viable/strong builds but they weren't doing them. Instead of going Shieldbow most people were still rushing PD (and losing hard). I dont have great context into specific numbers though