League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Sep


Originally posted by Guster_Posey

Can you confirm that you are also the best Kennen in the west?



Originally posted by g0ldent0y

How about stuff like:

  • How to asses your target audience (how to know, who the f**k plays your game).

  • Different ways to gain user data (even before your game collects the data for you) and how to analyse the data itself.

  • When to scrap a concept.

  • How/When to react to player feedback.

  • How to adress toxicity.

  • Different approaches to game Design (there is never just one way to do things)

  • The future of AI (when will league bots be able to compete at worlds)

oh man i would have so many interesting topics i would love to hear you talk about.

now all of THAT stuff is my jam. Easy adds to my backlog of animated video topics or stream discussion ideas.


Originally posted by KoreanApe

Wow thats awesome but why isnt there any tiktok videos on your channel ?

because they're on my tiktok?


Originally posted by Danmoreng

From a first look, none of the videos right now are interesting to me. Topics I would be interested in as a developer:

Server Architecture

  • Server for pre game stuff (client, chat, champion select, matchmaking) - how does all of that work?

  • in Game servers - what technology is used? What do they run on? (OS, VMs/Docker, server hardware, networking) what exactly happens when a player puts in a command? Which kind of network connection is used between client and server?

The Client

I know there are a lot of blog posts about the client already, and I read most of them. I still don’t get why it has such performance issues. I’m a web developer myself and I just finished a relatively big project with vuejs - which runs absolutely smooth. I know the league client is really really big and has a lot of functionality - but still I’m convinced if started from scratch, probably with another frame...

Read more

I know nothing about server architecture or the client.

I work with data, design, research, and strategy in game development :)


Originally posted by TheSeldomShaken

This is nice and all, but anyone could make some youtube videos. How many hundreds of years of game design experience does he have?

zero because I'm not a designer


Originally posted by Stefan474

Thank's for letting us know Mr. Blaustoise



Hey guys, sorry to hop in and kill the hype, but I think there may have been a misunderstanding or something as my conversation with him was mostly just to chat about Sol in general since I like the champion too. Definitely reached out to him since he tags me in a number of tweets about A Sol, but it was only to hear his thoughts on Aurelion and chat about the champion - as I do regularly with other Aurelion Sol mains on their Discord channel. We aren't planning to do any work on him right now.


Hey thanks for this man! Honestly I just enjoy content creation on the side even if for a small audience that likes the in-depth stuff. Plan is to keep making more (I kinda wanna try some longer animated vids that go into things like cheating in video games, the demographics of FPS games, etc.)

Outside of actually making and playing games my third favorite thing is just talking about games and trying to bridge the gaps between devs and players. I don't like when players just flame devs, but I also really don't like when devs talk down to players or assume they know something when they might not.

26 Sep


Originally posted by DisastrousZone

Just want to pop in and say that you're my favourite personality on the broadcast! Keep up the good work bud.



Originally posted by eeept

ah the international language of inting games

It's relatable at all levels of play.


Originally posted by MrPraedor

The possibility for TL or SUP to get LGD in Bo5 is really scary. Like imagine beating LEC and going 3-1 then just to face LGD, who could have fixed their problems. Especially if MAD derps their way to PSG/UOL.

It's actually brutal. XD


Originally posted by FieryRedButthole

Loved your casts today! You’ve always been one of my favorite casters and I was thrilled when you first came to NA. Keep being awesome!

Thank you _^


Originally posted by LeotheYordle

The internet is absolutely something we take for granted. The power of instantaneous communication with anyone, anywhere in the world, even being able to speak (virtually) face-to-face would have seemed like magic even just a half century ago.

Hell, just think about League! The ability to play a game this complex with people all over the world seamlessly is incredible all on its own. The closest you could get decades ago was playing board games turn by turn through the mail.

I mean, just think about this broadcast.

Game's played in China, produced in Berlin, routed to LA with no delay noticable enough that we can cast them LIVE and have that go out to hundreds of thousands of fans on multiple streaming platforms.

When a producer in Berlin cues you for a show in LA and it feels almost instant, that's when I realized technology is NUTTY.

So yeah, we certainly take it for granted but I'm glad it's brought us here to my favorite place in League: quality Chinese memes at Worlds.


Originally posted by King_Tyler

I’m actually getting kind of frustrated that medic and ender refuse to consider liquid as a team that could top the group. I think I’ve heard them name almost every other team as a contender.

Edit: Appears I missed the part they talked about Liquid, sorry to misrepresent

Team liquid are the favorites to win the group.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you consider renaming this series of posts to In Beddler with Meddler

Just gonna casually mention I'm missing about 360 skins from my collection and also (obviously completely unrelatedly of course) that all of Meddler's posts go through me as part of the publishing process, so how much is this idea of yours worth to you?

25 Sep


Thanks for mentioning that. It always gets me when I search for other sports, too Like the NHL finals, here

The LoL Esports site has a spoiler-free schedule here, by the way!