League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TerraRising

Sorry, but "fun and comical" ≠ "dark comical."

Current Mundo is a murderous, masochistic, and ultimately unaware goofball. He's funny, in his uniquely twisted way, because he doesn't realize the damage he's causing as a "Doctor."

A "dark comical" Mundo, on the surface, seems to fly in the face of this. This type of humor requires the comedian to be aware of what they're doing or what is happening around him. (An example of this would be Saint Lawrence being executed by fire only to shout "Flip me over, I'm well done" after several minutes, thus making him a saint of cooks and comedians.) This would make Mundo less of a goofball and more of a psychopath, to be blunt.

We have enough "grim dark" champs. League doesn't need another one.

I think u misunderstood. We still plan on keeping Mundo a unaware goofball. What I meant by dark comedy is that Mundo himself will be funny, largely due to the fact he is a unaware goofball, despite the fact that he is doing horrific, dark things

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


I love his designs, so would love for him to make more champs in the future if possible. Currently he is still at Riot but not on Champs team anymore

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ka2ka2

hello reav3 2021 boats champion and 2021 new jungler is same champion tease or different one?



Jungle skirmisher let's gooooooooooo. :D :D :D :D :D :D

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AigisAegis


Oh hell yes, now I'm super excited.


Isn't he normally on skinline narratives? It's exciting to see him designing a champion from scratch.

He does champs sometimes as well, he also was the writer on the Fiddlesticks VGU

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Is it too early to ask for the DNA of this VGU?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Ok hold up, this sounds like a very strange argument:

Earlier this year, we said we were going to hold another poll where you’d get to vote for League’s next VGU. We ran into some problems getting the poll up and running on the new website, and we had to get started on the next VGU before we were able to fix them. The champion we chose wasn’t on the previous voting poll, but I think it’s one that many players will be excited about when we announce it (which we hope to do in the next Roadmap).

This phrase makes it sound like the champ design team was unable to add a web poll to a website. This seems incorrectly phrased, since I would imagine that there is a dedicated team for the website that has nothing to do with the ChampUP team.

Why couldn't you host the poll through Qualtrics (or whatever survey provider that y'all use)? You already conduct surveys through the client.

I'm concerned that the poll is being pushed back for...

Read more

It’s not a conspiracy. Here’s the more detailed explanation. The original polls where done and built on our old web page Nexus which doesn’t exist anymore. The team that would have had to rebuild the poll with a new HUB was slammed working on spirit blossom HUB which was a lot of work and like nothing else we have built in the HUB before. We had a team that was wrapping up a project and ready to start on a new project and our web/Hub team wasn’t going to be finished with both Spirit Blossom & the Psy Ops Hub in time to make the voting poll even if is a small task. When we originally planned to do the Poll around mid year we didn’t know or predict how much work the spirit blossom hub would end up being. I made the call to move ahead with a VGU anyway rather then have a team sit idle or start a new champ instead.


Originally posted by failworlds

Since this is referring to pro play, i have not seen ANYONE build manamune on twitch by any pro player. You can confirm this by going here:


Rekkles built infinity, perkz built infinity etc etc.

Hence the primary build is infinity going into worlds

I spoke with Crownshot about it and he said he expects Blade of the ruined king more often, but some matchups and comps allow for Manamune which lets you scale better. That's why I say "builds vary depending on comp and matchup"

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey /u/Reav3 are you able to share which artist, writer and designer are working on the new Skirmisher jungler

August, LoneWingy, CarnivalKnights


Originally posted by LagOutLoud

Really concerned for what this means on Jhin. Likely his base crit damage is reduced below this (he already does less crit damage by default). If the items we've seen are representative of what we will get, base AD on items is going down but adding crit chance and AS on more items, but this will gut Jhin's damage without some significant consideration as his passive converts crit chance into bonus AD (which is being nerfed) and while it does convert AS into bonus AD, the translation isn't favorable. Obviously way too early to tell, but this could be really bad for Jhin.

DW Jhin always finds a way to break the item system

23 Sep


Well sh*t, I'm a Flyquest fan now.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Unless you were talking about yourself, maybe you should rise up to the occasion?

I mean... if my guild leaders cant guide us through some level 85 content thats on them


Originally posted by Fragrant_Moose

Saw the update that the colors were toned down, and it's great that our feedback is reaching. I was wondering if there was any chance of seeing what the adjusted colors look like now? I understand it may be too early, but just exited to see it. Thanks again for listening and communicating with us.

It should be up on PBE now

22 Sep


Originally posted by Phloods

Sapphiron is a hard fight in Naxx for sure but with some more practice and coordination from your guild you should be able to down it

My guild has weak leadership tbh


Hey thanks for this! Interestingly enough, we haven't heard of some of these issues being reported yet so having these on our radar with the additional context really helps. We have an ongoing channel for DX11 troubleshooting on the League PBE discord so please feel free to drop by and engage!

Out of curiosity, for the borderless issues could you try disabling fullscreen optimizations and seeing if that helps in any way?

Additionally, for anyone who is encountering issues with DX11 there is a new option in the LCU settings under Game that will allow you to fallback to DX9 Legacy Mode.


What exactly is the timing to run behind the ice blocks? I have a ton of frost resistance and am chugging greater frost protection potions, but I still can't clear Sapphiron. I guess that must be a hard counter to Samira.


Hey all! I wanted to pop in and provide some additional information on the YouTube program. If you are interested in participating, you'll need to link your Riot account over on YouTube. Once linked, watch any of the World Championship games during Play Ins and then wait about 24 hours to get your loot. Once Group Stage begins, logging in and watching over on lolesports.com will allow you to participate in the lolesports.com Drops & Watch Missions program.


Originally posted by donhoavon

Wait, Draven was mean't to be a sexy man? I always thought his lore was supposed to be humourous.

He's schmoozin in his LoR card art.