League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Sep


What's tilting you? Is it other players, or just dying in lane?

I find that when I get tilted by dying a lot, I like to take a break and spend some time watching youtubers playing the champ I am working on. Sometimes getting a new perspective on something will improve my playing.

If it's other players, well, /mute all sometimes is the best solution. Who cares if they're trolling?

And lastly, to be frank, if you aren't in the right mood to play League, it's simply going to be less fun for you. Take a break, get some fresh air or check out some other games. Hades has been consuming my non-league time lately, highly recommend :)


It might be fun to try a new role, if you're mostly used to ADC/Top. Rengar is a ton of fun to jungle with.

Also you should definitely get Teemo.


Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

I really like Spawn.
Kinda wish he was casting a major region so I could hear him more often (nothing against the OPL).

I agree, but I respect his love for the region and ofc his whole life thing that's happening there too.

But I always want more Spawn in my esports and usually I only get two a year =(


Originally posted by Xydru

I vaguely remember talk of changes to jungler enchantment so that they can get to their real items sooner. Was that a thing? Did it not pan out?

That's still planned. I was thinking about the jungle itself admittedly. It shouldn't have too disruptive an effect (no relearning the whole jungle) even if it shakes up builds somewhat.

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LeglessLegolas_

Observers missed so much that game

These observers are sus

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by greg0rycarson

It likely was EU observers for the Games casted by EU casters.

It wasn’t everything comes from China, our casters cast over it. LPL always had their own style in observing with snappy zoom ins zoom outs live and in replays. We usually help observing when worlds is taking place in NA or in EU. Sharing the 50/50 games with the NA observers.


Originally posted by ElaborateRuseman

What do you hope to accomplish with that change?

Better player understanding. Shields are extremely apparent and well communicated versus most other defensive effects.


Originally posted by greg0rycarson

It likely was EU observers for the Games casted by EU casters.

I wish it was us, but sadly we didn’t get to partake such a role this year! But I’m sure it can’t have been bad to that extend! On another note, the kind of replays we have been doing this summer was stuff we made even when we were on a 0 second delay outside of this year ☺️


Originally posted by papu16

u/RiotMeddler a few days ago mordekaiser mains sub said that rioter meet them and ask about morde mini rework, is that true?

I'm not aware of a Morde mini rework being considered.


Originally posted by bz6


Happy Friday boss. Hope you're doing well today!

Pretty excited to see changes going through an elongated testing phase and I am finally glad to see changes to the game that are disruptive. Cadence of change is a hot topic with different opinions but I feel it has been slow. Regardless, I have a couple questions.

1) What is the stance of the team when it comes to the "power creep" argument? Does the item overhaul effectively add more damage to the system?

2) How influential was Wild Rift when it comes to the functional design of items this pre-season? I hope WR will not have an effect on design philosophy for the PC version in the long-term.

Thank you :D

  1. We want to avoid power creep. If the overhaul adds or removes power overall we'll adjust to to compensate. In particular we don't want to change the current relationship between levels of power from kits versus items versus pregame.

  2. Preseason item design is based off what we think is right for LoL PC players. Where possible we're looking to also have consistency with WR, make it easier to recognize the same effects in both games, unify technology etc. That's a secondary goal though, not a primary one.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey /u/RiotMeddler do you guys plan on touching the jungle again for preseason, outside of adjusting items themselves

Some adjustments, nothing too massive. Stuff like changing Scuttle's defenses to a shield that falls off on CC instead of bonus defenses.


Originally posted by Riot5oda

Hey all! We found a technical issue with the watch mission that was causing the problem and have made some corrections to resolve it. As for the comment that this always happens on day one, all I can say is that I'm sorry on behalf of the team who puts this together and I hope you all know we're working as hard as we can to get everything in good order ASAP.

We're running some scripts to make sure everyone gets credit for what they already watched, and that's rolling as we speak. If you still don't see mission progression by the time you tune in to watch day 2, reach out to Player Support and they can help get you caught up.


Hey all! I want to let you all know that we located an issue with the Worlds Watch Missions and are making some corrections so that things work better. The team and I have been working around the clock to get this resolved, and we're all super thankful for you all watching; we're sorry things started off wonky again as both a team and fans.


Originally posted by yukidaviji

Same issue.

I’m also not getting the usual “you’re all set for drops and rewards” pop up.

This seems to always happen the first day of events.

EDIT: I mean NORMAL watch missions aren’t working. I know drops aren’t enabled right now. I also tried the league+ app too and even that doesn’t complete the mission.

Hey all! We found a technical issue with the watch mission that was causing the problem and have made some corrections to resolve it. As for the comment that this always happens on day one, all I can say is that I'm sorry on behalf of the team who puts this together and I hope you all know we're working as hard as we can to get everything in good order ASAP.


What a wonderful start to worlds


Originally posted by GaggedAndDrooling

Meanwhile Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all do the same thing

Even Reddit does the same but ppl just turn a blind eye to it

24 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3! Amazing Roadmap! Support looks badass and Mundo is super amazing! Glad you found the cc immunity idea from Volibear a new place in Mundo! :)

Is the new VGU aimed for 2021 as well?

To early to say, we usually dont talk dates until after we get out of early discovery/ideation. Want to make sure the design is strong before we into production. This champ especially will likely have a long production cycle, which is one of the reasons they weren't on previous polls.


Mythics are not class bound. While that can mean things like Marksmen picking up a tank or fighter focused Mythic they're giving up substantial damage by doing so given that blocks them from getting any other Mythic