League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by TheSirusKing

The Q is really good, never realised it was so wide, so massive improvement in clarity. The E however should look more like spaceaids and less like a glowing orb.

I tried to get closer to his ability icon design. :C


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yup! It indicates each tick of damage.


Originally posted by eeldiov

Is it just for his classic skin /u/RiotSirhaian?

All skins~!


Originally posted by threwitallawayforyou

I love them, but I have just one question...please, what about Shadow Prince? We've been waiting for 8 years for him to get arclight-style particles on that skin.

If Riot says no, that's fine. But just in case nobody said anything about that skin...it'd be a shame to let this move to release without at least bringing it up.

As much as I'd love to get new VFXs for him, I sadly can't add them because he's a 520. :(


Originally posted by Kronoshifter246

Also fixed a bug where his E would go on cooldown when Malzahar's target would die during the cast time.

The visual effects work is amazing, but this is the real work. I can't count how many times I've lost entire waves because of this.

Yeah same. Malz is my second most-played champ and that one bug always irked me. >:C


Somewhere, Meddler is smiling.


I need a shower after watching that.


Originally posted by Constantierul

I live for frosk



lcs update at start of ready check with sjokz! :D


hi friends, there are a ton of great questions and critiques that I'd love to address on this content, but since this is a personal project I don't want to do it here w the riot tag.

happy to hop on dms, twitter, yt, or anywhere else to answer any questions about limitations of this, future exploration of visual appeal of characters, and my obnoxious use of "aspirational" as a linguistic crutch.


Originally posted by PoorestForm

How does it feel when your words from your cast are what's used to bring up a big moment like this? Or like Doa's "Faker, WHAT WAS THAT?!"

Pretty freaking great. On a surface level, it's just cool to have people like or even just remember you and what you've done. Pretty much always great to feel relevant.

And then one level removed it's also nice because it means I did a good job capturing that moment. I imagine there are plenty of other top moments that don't get the same recognition because I or another caster didn't do the moment service.


Originally posted by DragonLordMomookus

Holy Shit! These are the best VFX by far I have seen for a champion, they look so unbelievably amazing and make me want to spam some Malz when they come out! I love the colors you used in Overlord Malz VFX it really gives the skin a lot of value to use now.

Really glad to hear you like Overlord Malz's VFXs. It was quite a pain to find what to do with that skin. >_>


Originally posted by FrizkyBizness

Can Shadow Prince Malzahar finally have yellow/gold colored magic like he does in the splash art? Still feel screwed over for when I bought the skin for that reason all those years go :/

Sadly he's a 520 skin, so we can't add new VFXs to him. :C


Originally posted by MaleQueef

Maybe you can also update the ignite icon in the future? Feels off that the icon is still old but the effects are updated.

You mean the Grievous Wounds effect, with the heart and swords? That's definitely on our radar, but it's a completely different effect from Ignite. :)


Originally posted by Play_more_FFS

Great to see another awesome VFX update so soon!

I mostly only play Malzahar these days, and I just couldn't let him keep his old VFXs. :C


Originally posted by Kotouu

Sirhaian always pops off with these. Really like the Nocturne VFX update too. I don't play Viktor so much so can't say a lot but if anything like what Sirhaian has done before it's probably good as well.

Edit: Gave the man too much credit, in that case /u/Beardilocks did really well! Love the hand on Noc's Q and Eternum's new look. Good stuff.

Thanks! :D

The Nocturne and Viktor were made by /u/Beardilocks!


Originally posted by Feng98

Thought he would spawn Nautiluses before watching the video :D

Hahahaha, that's still something I need to do at some point. :')


Originally posted by ahampster

That Q is one of the best animations in the game

Really glad you like it!


Originally posted by Caenen_

The video link for Ignite's update is missing.


Originally posted by ILoveWesternBlot







Hey, I said that!