League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Aug


Originally posted by Kirchetorte

I wanna give you a big ol hug, Tummers! If you helped write anything for Spirit Blossom, you were fantastic, I’ve been digging it all! Thank you for bringing the lore to life!

Hey thanks! I didn't do much on this event tbh; the narrative team wrote all of the stories! I only touched a few little things on the copy side--and even then there was another main copywriter who handled the bulk!

But glad you're enjoying it! I'm still short 3 petals...


Originally posted by Pescodar189

I like it

I tried to use mouse buttons for that, but it never works well for me. I think I need a mouse where those buttons are all way the way near the bottom b/c that's where I want to put my thumbs. If I move my thumb up just to click that button my mouse jostles and that's no good.

I have average-size hands and really long fingers, which probably explains why I hold my mouse almost entirely with my fingertips (my palm doesn't really touch the mouse at all), so I have to keep something (my thumb) in contact with the left side.

All that to say: I really wanted to get a lot of value out of thumb buttons on the mouse, but I never have

I would avoid the razer deathadder/mamba , the form factor is great with a nice thumb button placement. I've got 2 with failing left mouse buttons, they double click all the time. Really annoying


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Of course! I'm a professional!


Originally posted by Pescodar189

space bar for meeeee =)

I've bound it to a back button on my mouse, it's where my thumb rests. It's perhaps less accurate then mb1 or 2 but it doesn't need to be. Has made a huge difference to my adc play (still garbage tho )

11 Aug


I did not see this coming.

10 Aug


That's pretty sick.


Originally posted by YangReddit

Phreak: doubts CLG all game


Don't worry, "YOU CAN CHANGE THE PLAYERS BUT THE FAITH REMAINS" was next if they won another fight.


Originally posted by aguywhotrytobefunny

4% BTW


Wasn’t that just 4% of scenarios? Which assumes that each game is a coin flip? Any sensible calculation that took team strength into consideration would have given them a much lower chance. What an amazing run.

09 Aug


Originally posted by The_Xhuuya

Heck yes! Thanks so much! Honestly, just learning that you could keyframe and whatnot has blown me away. I'm currently just seeing if I can smooth out a sweet Nexus rotation.

I wonder if I might edit this play again now that I know some stuff lol (just to see the difference that new information can make. it's freakin wild)

Keyframes are such a blessing and playing around with the tool in the beginning to test the limits is super fun! So have fun and good luck with it 😄


I'm absolutely blown away by Vedius in this segment, good job dude. Truly incredible.


Originally posted by The_Xhuuya

I gotta remember that everyone starts somewhere, and I can't beat myself up about it for sure. I've been watching his videos and holy heck they are so good for just wild improvements I'm sure I could make. Hopefully, I can make some noticeable things look better, and I'm excited about it!

If you ever get stuck or just have more questions that his guide may not answer, feel free to shoot me a message! I work with the tool on a weekly basis at work! So hopefully I can answer some questions that may arise as you go 😁

08 Aug


Man, double kill with the E2 sheath as well. Bravo.

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bidjoule

that was a fun game , observers MVP of it haha

thanks :)

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TempestWrath

That observer highlight of Sett ulting Chogath was brilliant

thanks man ! :)

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DancerAshe

We really need that Observer Worlds

You got my upvote for this !


Originally posted by Trampoline8



(edit) i got arctic ops kennen...