League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Aug


Originally posted by YanghuaC

Question: do a lot of casters/analysts browse Reddit thread during broadcast?

It varies from person to person, but we do check-in see how our content is landing and received and seeing what stories fans latch onto the most. When I'm casting I read way less during the show, and after I catch the post match threads. When I'm doing another role I have more flexibility to read more actively during the show.


Originally posted by PrudentTie

Whoever wrote this deserves a raise, that was amazing.

Gilius Gilius, king of lee sin ascend to godhood and grant me this win. XD


Well... that intro from me didn't age well. I'm done trying to understand what is supposed to happen.

G2 vs FNC final, just go with past experience.


Originally posted by firstbishop125

I'm kind of getting tired of the changing of the guard narrative. I get that its fun and new.. but we just saw last split that G2 can turn it on in the playoffs. Saying that the final is going to be Rogue vs Mad Lions is just a little too far for me.

This is MY personal opinion, Drakos immediately shut me down after and said until G2 and FNC are actually out, he doesn't fully believe it.

I want to just express that to me personally, I really do think it feels different. G2 vs MAD or RGE could be the final that happens this summer based on what I thikn will happen with FNC and the rest of the field.


Originally posted by pez18000

Hi kids, today we are learning about deflection. Read this post by u/Rovient. It is a prime example of how to distract people from a blatant problem!

sh*t... They're on to me...


Originally posted by AhriMainsLOL

I never meant to imply that your team is saying anything close to that, as that would be extremely counter-intuitive to the survival of any game. I apologize if anything I said implied that. With the rapid rolling out of TFT Mobile, Valorant (and its anti-cheat sidekick, Vanguard) and - hopefully soon - League Wild Rift, it's to be expected that y'all are focusing proactively on making sure the systems in place can handle it.

A good portion of the past few months' more-publicized conversations have been more focused on the punishment side of things (i.e. champ select reporting, notifications when punishments are issued, etc.), but I'm grateful that the other side of the coin is not forgotten. Thanks again for the quick reply. Stay safe!

oh totally, no worries! The punishment systems exist and have proven to be effective so we gotta make sure those work. The encouragement systems are much less of a known quantity so they'll take more time so that we can get it right. We just want everyone to play nice tbh


Originally posted by AhriMainsLOL

If I’m being 100% honest, a lot of effort has been focused this year on punishing others via reports but there’s been zero focus on actually reforming players. The last time anyone talked about this was when Riot revised their stance on indefinite banning of players.

Legit, if I could see the progress I was making in a visual form, it would actually help a lot. Nothing sucks more than thinking you’re getting better and then seeing a punishment issued after a bad game and going back to square one. It’s demoralizing at least.

Reformation and how we track and encourage that is often at the forefront of our conversations. We're spending a lot of time making sure our existing systems work for the multigame environment that Riot has right now. To be clear, I'm not promising anything in terms of action or future systems, but it's not like my team is sitting around saying "how can we keep more people from playing our game?"


Originally posted by Pinanims

Thank you for commenting! How does the system differentiate someone who is reported falsely vs reported genuinely? Not only so that people get consequences, but also keeping "innocent" people from being wrongfully punished? Would love to hear more from you

short answer. it doesn't. reports are a player tool that we use as a guide for action. reporting can result in specific actions and evaluation but won't necessarily cause it. I can't go much deeper than that though. In general, report what you want to report, false reports are not a concern. I have seen some silly ones though

06 Aug


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

Heyo! I'm looking into this now. Will try and have an update for yall soon.

The intended functionality is that you see ratios in extended tooltips and the total damage in basic, but it looks like if you're doing advanced tooltips only, its skipping over the damage total.

Okay, so it looks like the system is not cooperating, and the advanced tooltips won't be able to show the total as well as the ratios. So for Yone specifically, I've reverted the tooltip calculation changes so the advanced tooltip will show the base damage plus the amount from scalers, meaning you can figure out the total damage that way. We'll look to get in a better fix for 10.18.


Idk about this take. Report what you want. If we designed the system so that false reports affected other penalty avenues, I probably would have raised many many concerns about that


Originally posted by bz6

Surely total damage is important in Advanced as well right boss? That's the point of an "advanced" tool tip.

yeah, the system is supposed to allow you to see both. I'm going to do a quick fix for now until we can get the underlying systems working.


Heyo! I'm looking into this now. Will try and have an update for yall soon.

The intended functionality is that you see ratios in extended tooltips and the total damage in basic, but it looks like if you're doing advanced tooltips only, its skipping over the damage total.


above and beyond editing. great job


Originally posted by FeelsCactusMan2

You know, if you stand within a wave the chances of getting f**ked by minion block is very high.

Wait, you're just agreeing with me here.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Different recording setup than the normal videos since we're all WFH. I'm using my LCS setup with a blanket over my head for reduced echoing. Could be that I also had allergies flare up around the same time I was recording, but not that I remember.


Originally posted by Merandil

I like that they once again make it clear that they are brothers by the shared similarities in their kit. The passive with the crit half being very much the same and the Q also being a 3 strike with a knockup. It makes it feel a lot like they indeed learned in the same school of fighting but have different takes on it.

Also that "double edgelord" joke at the end, jeez.

Double edgedlord is definitely my favorite line in the video.


Originally posted by [deleted]

why don't you fix pathing issues then? or make it so you can't be completely stuck in minions. It's hilarious that you would even attempt to defend this clip rather than admit its bad, offer sympathy and come up with alternate solutions.

I didn't attempt to defend the clip. The post I'm replying to is suggesting we don't have minions block champions. I was just explaining that minions interacting with champs is important.

The stuff we see in the clip is clearly not good enough and I hope we can do better in future to correct it.


Originally posted by SnapCityIsMyCity2

So buff hook supports in some way to compensate. Now we have to deal with annoying minion block in all games because "hook supports would be useless".

There's other examples, too, like any skillshot missile. I was just using the video clip here as an example. Also, I'm not sure people main Thresh for those "sweet lantern throws" as much as fishing for hooks. It's just not his fantasy.


Originally posted by hxcn00b666

"I'm really happy minion block is in the game! It's a great feature!" - Nobody

You know, both supports featured in this clip would become non-functional in lane if you could pass through minions. To avoid their hooks, you'd be fine to stand on a minion or completely within the wave.