League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by Aquabloke

Azael doing everything he can to shift blame from Doublelift to Treatz. But it wasn't just the fact that he lost every 2v2 that made people criticize him, he made several game losing mistakes that were purely on him like the teamfight where he walks into the teleport from Morde and gets killed for free or the TP without spending his gold.

If his name was Wildturtle, I know for sure Azael would be shouting "adc diff" after this series as DL was clearly much worse than FBI. But because he is who he is, he gets defended even when he has a horrible series.

And worst of all he blames Treatz for the support pick but the reason Treatz doesn't play many enchanters is that TSM wants him on engage supports because he has a shotcalling role. He has played karma earlier in the season, it's on the coach to pick that for him. It's not like he can't play it.

Edit: Treatz got benched so I guess he does get blamed more than I thought.

To be clear I think DL played one of his worst series ever & said so on the show.

I just think from what I saw it was exaggerated how badly he did & I saw very little talk in comparison about their inability to answer blind pick Morgana etc.

FBI & Huhi completely outclassed them this series & likewise as Treatz didn't get enough blame I felt Huhi didn't get enough credit. Ppl just naturally look more to the AD and tend to ignore the support unless they're doing something super flashy w/ engages or absolutely running it.

In general I just think support should have more attention paid to it & though it's totally understandable for treatz to have a tough time vs the best laning duo in the league atm in his first lcs playoff series he still was a big reason they got clapped. His picks set them at a disadvantage in each game & he was largely invisible throughout the games.

I'm hoping he gets another shot this weekend and can play to his more standard leve...

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this would put me on life tilt

19 Aug


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Shio Shoujo may be joking on the patch notes about her baby girl's nerfs, but we all know she was crying while writing this.

Then again, this isn't her first rodeo with Sona getting nerfed because of some wonky strategy. Maybe she has gotten used to it



Originally posted by Apprehensive_File

He will not be.

This is correct.


Originally posted by -Gaka-

Is Lillia performing as expected? I feel like her playstyle is different enough that there might be some irregularities players don't quite see.

More-or-less. We predicted her to be a difficult-to-optimize and slow-burn champion win-rate wise, so her being only ~46% isn't unexpected. Pro play is our main head-scratcher, leaving us watching whether she is just a new champion fad, a nice alternative to Nidalee and meta pick, or just plain better in pro play than we anticipated. Unfortunately predicting these things when balancing a new champ is a toughie 😂


This is one of the best threads ever.


Originally posted by Maloonyy

Yone nerfs but no Lillia buffs seems strange. I guess they don't want to touch Lillia since she's available at worlds. Well now it doesn't seem strange at all, and my comment is useless.

I love the roller coaster of emotions on this one.

But yeah, gonna give Lillia some more time to see how she performs in playoffs (if she shows up). Asia gave her some games this past few weeks, so erring on the side of caution at the moment until we can feel confident we have room to buff :)


Originally posted by sololegend

Any melee/smash players catch “Dropped quicker than a fox that’s a fast fall”

Spacie gang. 🦊


Originally posted by thatEuropeanFangirl

I wrote that one :>



Ooops, I dropped my magnum warmogs for my magnum health bar.

This is amazing! I love IASIP and LoL so cross overs make my day. :D


Originally posted by DarthHaul

I think you guys should throw down the gauntlet on a rap battle against the LCS.

You folks would crush them lol

We did that already! Check out the rift rivals rap battle :)


Originally posted by Octonyte

And with 2 days to write and learn the lines. Serious kudos Vedi. I felt the 2nd half of the G2 v FNC verse from you.

Appreciate you friend


Originally posted by skaersSabody

Your second verse was absolutely amazing

Appreciate you.


Originally posted by behv

You’re rapping was unironically good. I work in nightclubs and this was legitimately better than some touring acts I’ve worked tbh

Careful with that, you haven't listened to me do it live xD


Originally posted by eurongreyjoy4

It was great, and your rapping skills made me lose my wig, but I'm really sad that SK and Schalke 04 were left out (just a cameo). SK revived from Spring spring split and went from 9th place to 4th. Schalke finally found the roaster that clicked with GodGilius and the rest of the team stepping up and going on a 7 win streak and making into playoffs looking as a serious contender for the title. I think they deserved to be in the video

We couldn't do 6 teams unfortunately. The video was already a bit too long for our liking, that's why we gave them to the cameo to make sure that they were included!


Originally posted by aegroti


Also Vedius must have been practicing because he was much better this time.

I appreciate you.


Originally posted by Resto_in_peace

I love the subtle shoutout to NF. Great stuff keep it up.

Ever since the last rap battle i've been listening to all kinds of rap and he's a big inspiration to me. There are a bunch of NF references for sure haha!


The turn around for this video was really insane and I'm so happy we were able to make what we did. We hope you like it!

Please give us feedback. We love making these, but what other raps would you like to see? Maybe some cool guests too?


Huge shoutouts to everyone involved. Had a day to write the whole thing and it would not have been possible without the insane contributions of Vedius Sjokz and Froskurinn. Hope you like it!

18 Aug

Originally posted by helpdiene

I'm curious if it was fixed the same way as in the past. Is it based on a timer or a new instance of the skill being cast? Hopefully, it doesn't break rageblade for trynd again.

New fix