Azael doing everything he can to shift blame from Doublelift to Treatz. But it wasn't just the fact that he lost every 2v2 that made people criticize him, he made several game losing mistakes that were purely on him like the teamfight where he walks into the teleport from Morde and gets killed for free or the TP without spending his gold.
If his name was Wildturtle, I know for sure Azael would be shouting "adc diff" after this series as DL was clearly much worse than FBI. But because he is who he is, he gets defended even when he has a horrible series.
And worst of all he blames Treatz for the support pick but the reason Treatz doesn't play many enchanters is that TSM wants him on engage supports because he has a shotcalling role. He has played karma earlier in the season, it's on the coach to pick that for him. It's not like he can't play it.
Edit: Treatz got benched so I guess he does get blamed more than I thought.
To be clear I think DL played one of his worst series ever & said so on the show.
I just think from what I saw it was exaggerated how badly he did & I saw very little talk in comparison about their inability to answer blind pick Morgana etc.
FBI & Huhi completely outclassed them this series & likewise as Treatz didn't get enough blame I felt Huhi didn't get enough credit. Ppl just naturally look more to the AD and tend to ignore the support unless they're doing something super flashy w/ engages or absolutely running it.
In general I just think support should have more attention paid to it & though it's totally understandable for treatz to have a tough time vs the best laning duo in the league atm in his first lcs playoff series he still was a big reason they got clapped. His picks set them at a disadvantage in each game & he was largely invisible throughout the games.
I'm hoping he gets another shot this weekend and can play to his more standard leve...
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