DesignStudio did all the rebranding for LEC.
DesignStudio did all the rebranding for LEC.
They did the rebrand but all the new stuff like this hype video is all our graphics/video/publishing team afaik
Now imagine being an LEC caster... never get to play clash. I feel your pain <3
A sh*tpost worthy of an LEC callout
Came in here to say this, lmao. We all know y'all just secret FFXIV addicts, Riot. Taking the week off for a whole company patch bonanza.
...they know...
Then you remember all the other stuff about riot work culture and feel bad again
I don't usually comments on this stuff, but I literally signed my acceptance offer the day before Kotaku came out. The next day my team all contacted me to talk about it. And even though I do the Champion Insights and stuff I'm on the corporate communications team. And I'm a woman.
I genuinely think Riot is a great place to work. I love my coworkers, I love my job, I love my team, and I love working here.
No company is perfect. But I've never worked at a company where I could openly voice my concerns or opinions in front of the whole company including leadership and NOT worry about my job. I think that's pretty amazing, tbh.
That's literally what crunch culture leads to lmao.
Maybe? I crunched like crazy at my last job, but the patch cycles here don't usually require it. I have busy times, sure. I wrote 7 BTS articles for Spirit Blossom. But now I'm back to playing a game of League (or 2) every day with further out deadlines.
wait ur the insights guy
I am! But Riot KDan is a sound designer I worked with and another sound designer was working on Saturday to send me some files and I told him to get off Slack.
Would you also have context behind Sona’s update, was it just because her VA was recording stuff for the skin
Yes, we used the legendary skin record time to also update her base VO
My question is: Why do you mini nerf a champ that is overperforming in soloQ so hard? This will likely get him down in mid and bot a bit, but in the jungle this will do at best -1% WR. That will put him around 54+% WR in Dia2+ still which means still outside of the framework and a follow up nerf will likely come.
Reducing his Q monster dmg to 80% wouldn't have made him bad for sure and it hits his jungle without hitting lanes harder.
Because this is a fairly substantial nerf to his primary DPS tool and we didn't want to nerf just Jungle (note that the patch notes say that his botlane was similarly OP [it was even stronger than jungle]) and mid was very very strong as noted above
The ones I use personally are:
lightning squirrel, toxic gerbil, poison rat, knife cat, and noodles (vel'koz)
and the writers are the jocks. ez
Read my articles or give me your lunch money, NERD.
Our contractors have paid time off with the rest of us <3
Edit: RIP no flair
Can confirm. Leadership was adamant that our Contractors get the time off with pay too. We want them to be able to relax and take time rather than be stressed out.
You mean like I had to do with a certain other sound designer over the weekend???
PsyOps Shen is shielding an ally on the Rift with:
PsyOps Shen is set to be 1350 RP.
PsyOps Shen will be available to play soon on PBE! Please let me know any feedback and bugs you have! Thanks!
External link →the first time ive seen rioters in a thread on reddit in forever. would be nice to see some feedback on other issues that pop up. like loss of tokens from event pass.
this thread is just a circle jerk of them talking about how great riot's pto system is. feels like a hidden #ad tbh
Sometimes Rioters do comment on those threads, but in general you only want to comment on threads related to your subject matter expertise if you're being Professional About It, and engaging with any kind of social media is.. emotionally taxing.
Just because we don't respond, doesn't mean we didn't see! You're seeing lots of comments here because everyone is pretty familiar on Riot's PTO policy.
is there a higher resolution version of this image
honestly of all the images there that arent from the videos
Do you know what happened to this, since Yasuo's new lines never showed on PBE
They should be on PBE soon
Read moreIf anything we have a "please use your PTO" culture. I can't tell you the amount of times my manager, team members, and team lead have said, "Please take off time. Get off Slack. Disconnect."
This makes me wonder, is there a disparity between "work culture" per corporate / management messaging and "work culture" in unspoken practice? Because in another comment you say...
...I think the empathy and compassion for our teammates can definitely impact the amount of time we take off. I know I want to make sure my coworkers don't have to pick up my slack if I'm taking off.
...and I believe that is exactly what the parent comment was referring to by
i wonder if they have a "never use your PTO" work culture. can't imagine why this would be necessary otherwise.
It doesn't really matter what the "please take PTO" messaging from management is, if the prevailing sentime...
I wouldn't say it's a prevailing sentiment. I just think Rioters, overall, really care about one another. I work with some of my best friends, and I'm so grateful for that. But on the flip side it comes with my absolute inability to add to their workload--which they wouldn't view it as, let me make that clear.
It's just a perception thing, I think. "I don't want to take off because I don't want Riot Aryeila (or bananaband1t or Dyquill or whatacoolwitch...) to take on extra workload." But the reality is they wouldn't have to. Things can get pushed back. It's fine. It's just us being concerned for our friends and coworkers and wanting to make sure they can focus 100% on the stuff they're doing.
TL;DR: I don't think it matters. I'm just neurotic and don't want to add any perceived workload to my friends. But the reality is they wouldn't have to pick up the slack from me being out.
Is there a bonus program in place that corresponds to hours worked at all? At companies with unlimited PTO policies there is usually some sort of program in place to incentivize employees not to abuse it. In my experience this ends up encouraging employees not to use PTO at all, however.
My company has unlimited PTO, and definitely encourages employees to take time off, but because employees want a fat bonus they don't take time off.
No, and I don't think that would be healthy, personally. I wouldn't want to work for a place that gave me a bonus to not take personal time to reset and recharge. I'm really glad Riot doesn't do that.