League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Aug


Originally posted by danisalguero

Yeah I’m definitely taking a break and I’ll try this afterwards. Thanks!

Turning off chat made a big difference for me, as did finding a champion that put me in the right mental. I noticed that playing divers/assassins actually tilted me more (probably because you die from mistakes?), but playing mages/enchanters (i'm mid/supp) kept me pretty chill.

I have chat on now, but I insta-mute the SECOND someone gets salty in chat.


Originally posted by TempestWrath

I'm liking how they do so many tri casts lately



Vedius is a national treasure

07 Aug


Originally posted by cRoKN

Amazing cast by Ender.

thank you :)


Wunder doing his best Godzilla impression this game


Originally posted by Cbreeze247

I think everyone was solid, but I really gotta appreciate Ender being the fall guy. The tantrum was excellent :D

says a lot about what the other casters think about me >.<


Originally posted by Sbotkin

That reference shot at Between Two Iverns. Ender give us another episode!

okay... maybe ;)


Originally posted by Ghisteslohm

what about a clip where you put that invisible microphone up to your open mouth :D


cant do anything bad with that :D

oh no no no no no


Originally posted by Pony_Darko

dammit i love the LEC so much



Originally posted by Todeswucht

At least Ender and Laure are usually in every live discussion thread

hello :)


Originally posted by 2th

I need a clip of Ender playing air guitar.

I dont


the MAD lions win celebrations give me life

Shad0w playing a glass cannon all game and then playing a glass in the win celebration 10/10


Originally posted by mariusAleks

Funniest and most hype skit!

I came back to watching League this summer after having not watched or followed for many years. I did not recognize many of these new casters that have replaced the old. But having watched this summer split now, and seeing clips like this, I really have come to love and appriciate these new faces in the cast. What an awesome production LEC has. Really, I don't see any other production in neither LCK or LPL that can compare to what you find in LEC.

Your kind words are super appreciated, but you're the new face fam. These faces have been here for years now! Even Ender is multiple seasons! <3 Welcome back, we missed you.


Originally posted by Megalodontus

Gilius Gilius, lord of the boar, looking to kick Fnatic straight out the door! - Quickshot


All credit to Drakos who shared that with me while I was on air!


Originally posted by BasicMillennial

Frosk really killed it in this, props to her

She was a big part of helping write it as well. She popped off!


Originally posted by jensenshackles

So you're saying Leona is not functional in lane?

Her E passes through minions. I don't understand your point at all.


Originally posted by TuxSH

Currently, CD = (1 - CDR)*base_cd. What's the new formula for Ability Haste?

CD = base_cd / (1 + [AH/100])

IMO that formula's going to be mostly useful for determining uptime thresholds for specific abilities, since it's complicated to do on the fly. The easier way to think about ability haste will probably end up being:

Casts per base CD = 1 + [AH/100]

100 AH = 1 extra cast, or 50% cdr
200 AH = 2 extra casts, or 66.67% cdr
