League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Aug

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Poincare_Confection

I have to think that the biggest source of frustration are bugs in pick/ban which ultimately lead to undesired dodges from the players.

I'm really curious if there's a primary culprit to all these types of bugs. Is it failures from microservices? Is it database getting overloaded? Is it that the app's state is getting out of wack at times and so the client gets into a state which it shouldn't really be able to get into?

Thanks for this, and you are right, looking at our global survey results, champ select pick/ban issues seems to be very frustrating with players, and we are starting our discovery on what we can do to make this better.

Originally posted by Distasteful_Username

nice dude, but holy shit if you're up at like 12:30am checking out reddit i feel bad :( this can definitely wait until the morning pls take care of urself hombre

(unless you already fixed this and are just commenting to say that and i'm just overworrying lol)

i fixed it a while ago and just remembered to reply to the thread

thx for the concern though

fixed for 10.18. i messed up storing the units hit in my table

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by deer123414

Yeah Reece the dolphin will have to wait till next year...

Btw do u have room on ur friends list since I just came back from a long hiatus and I only have like 6 friends rn ;_;. Its 927666949

You can use my broken servants, like I said I okay waaay to much FGO

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by deer123414

Yeah Reece the dolphin will have to wait till next year...

Btw do u have room on ur friends list since I just came back from a long hiatus and I only have like 6 friends rn ;_;. Its 927666949



Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

Thanks for the response! It's good to know that you all are keeping an eye on him. Could you elaborate on what thresholds are being triggered, as well as why the public data (I generally refer to lolalytics) is so different? Is it a specific stat that's really inaccurate, or do all of the numbers look really different? Some people mention Chinese stats, incomplete data from limited API queries, etc., and I'm not sure what to point at.

I guess a similar question is: does the public have a way to get stats that are consistently close to your internal numbers?

Right now its top lane in skilled elo iirc, all of his stuff is edging close to the line. Can't remember previous patches.

As for the data, I wish I could tell you more i just don't have good insight into that process (not a data guy). We don't use Chinese data for winrates though, I know that lol. Not sure if there's a good place to get proper data externally, though generally things are prerty close, just edgecases or low playrate stuff can sometimes be weird.

Edgecases can be things with thousands of games too, sometimes on day 1 of a patch we see some champions spike or drop up to 3% with 10k games, but normalize as the patch progresses. (Akali after her last buff was up 5.5% when we first checked at like 12k games! She normalized to a little over 2 though)


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

Just a reminder: Ryze has been below the balance framework's buff thresholds in almost every patch this year (based on the public data). I made a post about that here.

As far as I can tell, he was only above thresholds in 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.7. All of these are from the pro bracket's presence thresholds, except for 10.1 which also showed sufficient elite bracket presence to avoid nerfs.

My understanding is that buffs are mandatory if a champion has stats below all thresholds. However, this hasn't been the case. Ryze has received only 3 sets of balance changes (10.6, 10.8, 10.13). Even if the balance team was being extra cautious (as they should) and avoided consecutive patches of buffs, they could have more than doubled the number of balance changes.

This isn't me saying "Ryze is weak", "Ryze is OP", "Ryze is handsome", or any other sort ...

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Ryze is currently trending slightly above thresholds, though he is definitely weak. I expect we would have buffed him again (see 3 small buffs this year) if it wasn't so close to worlds.

Multiple buffs on a pro-facing champion when they're still not getting picked up generally means the meta is really poor for them or pros are slow to adopt, but both of those things can change fast, and if the champ isn't an emergency then it can be best to be safe around worlds and look into changes after. Ryze is also still considered, sitting just below pro-presence thresholds but not out of the game entirely in the last few patches.

The champion is bound to professional play and when he isn't seeing it, we like to give him some more power so that Ryze players can actually, like enjoy the game and stuff.

Also I'd love to shout you out for being in these threads talking about the balance framework and being invested in the game! Seen ya around here and there

17 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by deer123414

Lmao are you me? I dumped like 600 quartz for nero last year with no luck but this summer i got np2 dantes and bb early on but no jarcher after 400 sq ;_;

Yeah I should have gone for Dante after I got BB, but something but Jeannes over the top animation set was too good to pass up.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HarambeamsOfSteel

Nah, nothing I really want for a while honestly. I'm just throwing tickets here and there when my interest piques me. I'm saving for banners I do like, especially since Gilfest is right around the corner. I've just been chilling this event so far, farming the Saber/Zerker nodes since I can 3T those. I do need to get to grinding Imagination sooner than later, since all those nodes are rough for me to farm and take like 4-7 turns depending on card draws.

That said I'm not upset with my rolls so far, last banner I really went gung-ho on was Izo, didn't get him NP5 sadly. I threw a few at CasGil, but not terribly much since a 4* ticket is coming soon.

Yeah I'm at like 900/900/600 right now, need to at least get all the 4* fous to finish maxing out my lvl100 Musashi to 2000/2000, not sure if I will have it in me to get them too 1,000 after that since I have like 50 Crystalized lore anyway

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HarambeamsOfSteel

one of us one of us

I play waaay to much FGO. Did you get what you wanted out of the summer event? I got BB, Jeanne, MedB and XX. I was satisfied this year, unlike last year where I spent 450 SQs on Nero and didn't get her, it was sad times. I didn't get Dante though, so looks like I will be sticking with my Merlin while my Skaldi just chills for now

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by id370

Yeah of course. I can't seem to sauce it, but I think it's based on the Event CE "Gilgamesh in NY". Arrogant golden kings are the best!

Hell yeah, just unlocked the rich boy Gil skin from the Summer event over the weekend


Originally posted by DoofusYoofus

Okay this isn’t just a tree it’s a Giant Sequoia

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the feedback and update, I can tell you we are working our hardest to improve the client for all of our players;

- We have a really complex architecture that we are working hard to clean up, and doing this will unlock opportunities to improve the player experience in the client, which we will provide an update on in our next dev. post at the end of the month or early September given our recent company-wide break. Our team's goal in this next post is to give you insight into what players want to see addressed in the client, and how we are going to tackle them, and provide player-facing KPIs to track progress & success.

- We are listening to you, our players! we are actively collecting information from players via a sentiment survey (you may have got it!), on things players are frustrated with the most in the client. We have got great information so far and we are going to use that to prioritize what we work on next.

-As we clean up the architecture...

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Big tree daddy energy. You did like 90% of the work solo too. Nice


While they do look similar, this is not correct. The ability shown in the video is actually a fair bit different, which you could probably determine by watching this quick clip a few times and some guesswork. I won't spoil it for anyone, but this early version of Irelia ultimate was actually closer to another spell that exists in the current League game than it is to Yone R.

16 Aug


Riot employees don't get to type as "Riot employee" in game :) This is a /me message.


Riot Employee: I know my work don't worry

Originally posted by revolverlolicon

How many shots does sylas get with corki ult, just the one?

He gets 7 stacks, I believe

14 Aug


Known bug, thanks for the report :)