Rioters play ranked and are in D4? Huge conflict of interest here. “That fiddles just one shot me” “Nerfed”
man if I had the ability to nerf champions then you would know it lol
Rioters play ranked and are in D4? Huge conflict of interest here. “That fiddles just one shot me” “Nerfed”
man if I had the ability to nerf champions then you would know it lol
Since everybody is talking about it, after 2 and a half years of playing the game, I played my first game with a Rioter called ARedHerring a few days ago. Me and him carried as Camille Top & him using Kha'Zix Jungle. Even if we smashed the enemy Darius Top (0/4) he ended up 12/8 and nearly carried, but in the end we won through my splitpushing and his picks :)
I'm sorry you had to experience my jungle.
Nah. ;)
Is this where the rp art rp comes from?
Completely separate!
Hey, unrelated but I just wanted to say how great the behind the scenes Spirit Blossom posts have been, you do a great job putting them together!
Thank you! There are two more coming up! We'll be diving deeper into the two videos (The Path, An Ionian Myth and Kin of the Stained Blade) and the sound design done for the skins. Really excited to have those two come out! It's been a long journey and I'm honored to tell the devs' stories.
So, is the amount different for everyone? If so, what determines how much a rioter can give away?
It's the same for everyone. 40k I believe per year.
Haha nice, this one has one of those tags too “RG02172”
Let me go check the asset system for those... ;)
Sorry for invading this reply but does Zac have a future on TFT?
I asked a rioter in a TFT thread back in the first TFT version if Zac was gonna be added to TFT and he said he would like Zac to be added but 3 Sets later and we are still here with no Zac :(
I'm confident we'll eventually get every LoL champ into a TFT set. Some will take longer than others though if they don't line up smoothly with the set themes we're going for and/or what the traits within those themes need. Zac's going to be tougher than many to work in, though I'm confident we'll get to him at some point. Apologies for lack of any specifics there.
You use American terminology to portray the death of EU servers. I am suspicious..
Would it help if I told you the EU DC team put them out of their misery personally after the refresh?
There was a "leak" about an upcoming Legendary skin for Camille. Is this at least close to be true or no?
Sorry, but we don't want to comment on leaks, whether real or fake. In both cases it just encourages behavior that undercuts fun surprises for those players who like those (either because they know what's coming or they get false hopes built up).
Is there a reason Nautilus was chosen to receive the worst and cheapest skin of the year?
Conqueror skins go through a separate assessment process to regular skins. Naut's still eligible for a regular skin based off how long it's been since his last one as a result.
Looks like it is still bugged on the PBE right now, so there is definitely no fix coming in 10.16 and I don't even think it is on the radar right now.
Maybe u/AzuBK, /u/riotphlox or another Rioter could fix/forward it if they read this. Otherwise, maybe try reaching out to a dev on Twitter. In that case, if you get an answer (or don't), message me again!
I'm not in the office today (whatever that means nowadays...), but I'll make sure QA is aware of this bug so we can get it fixed.
That's probably just daftness on my part. I wrote ARAM automatically, I'll check with the team, it's probably not included though given as you say there's little agency and it would just dilute differences
Is this intentionally plural?
no, edited
From what i can gather rioters have a monthly (or weekly, i don't remember) amount of RP that they are allowed to gift or giveaway on streams
It's an annual amount called the Riot Pls Gifting Fund. :D
I am not a loser!
This is him^
I played an aram with Riot Del Bringo last night! I didn't get any RP (I didnt even know they could do that!) but I just thought it was neat to finally see one in the wild after 10 years of playing haha
edit: Here's my proof :3
This is my brother. He's a loser. Don't believe his lies.
So me and teemo get some extra us time after petal bombing thresh and i can play 2 player hide and seek with wolf ;)
omg, the Teemo epilogue scenes are some of my favorite scenes
I see this causing an additional problem of teammates flaming their worst performing member to AFK so that the rest of the team can get lower LP losses.
Just have to weight out that negative with the current reality of AFKer's having the "power" to make their whole team lose full LP by afking.
You are describing what we call the "degenerate case". This comes up a ton in discussions about any system that will impact a large number of players. They will always be abused in some way by a very small percentage. We take this sort of thing very seriously and put a good deal of effort towards mitigating these cases.
I think they don't sell EU servers because they still use them.
As a member of the data center team this comment cuts deep, lol. I can tell you confidently all of the original EU servers are in a farm upstate enjoying their retirement.