I think we've mentioned that Yone has some power with the wind from training under Elder Souma, but hasn't mastered it like Yasuo or Jett.
wait... no that's right.
I think we've mentioned that Yone has some power with the wind from training under Elder Souma, but hasn't mastered it like Yasuo or Jett.
wait... no that's right.
Thank you! <3
Hi ender
hi -Anuel-AA-
Who cast the first 2 games?
me and medic
TFT Gold Powerspike
Shots fired /u/WriterRiotPls
Its the Epilogue, which will activate when the event ends
Hey! Really sick champ! Really excited and looking forward to play him! I have a question though : are his visuals final? as in will his animations and model look exactly like this in live, or will there be changes to it? It looks really cool but something feels a little bit off atleast to me, about his character model proportions. Im sure about it though. Cheers!
We intentionally made him tall/thin to give him that undead samurai feel. We also wanted to make sure to make our 2 samurai champs had different body shapes and sillhouttes, which is why we decided to push Yone to be tall/thin to contrast Yasuo.
Does his spirit form have the same amount/percent health as his human form, and regardless, does the damage taken in spirit form get applied to his human form upon return?
When he uses it it is just like he used any dash ability, he retains his current health and any damage he takes damages him at the moment
Oh cool, so the kit does flow well! I got confused a bit since the designer for Yone is known for smooth kits, and I got confused how these mesh together. Until that is the ability description never said about being unable to cast other abilities.
What about the physical form? Does it use abilities too like a reverse Zed shadow?
You should try it in-game, it feels incredibly smooth once you get the hang of E and all the ways E interacts with the rest of his kit, lots of cool combos and outplay potential. This is the champ that is finally going to get me to give up Akali, my current main since her release
I don't wanna flame but after these most recent two lore releases do you guys feel like Kai'Sa should've been done differently? She's a cool champ but I truly rarely think about the fact that she's Kassadin's daughter. It just doesn't really feel like a part of her.
Comparing her release to Yone/Senna, the latter two each got a full lore-based cinematic showing them reuniting and their counterpart champ (Lucian/Yasuo) got VO updates to reflect the new lore, meanwhile the Kai'Sa hype was minimal w/no cinematic tying them together and Kassadin really got no respect in that department. Just a bit of a shame I guess, it would've been a great time to give Kassadin a VU and a new VO and to make them feel more fitting together somehow.
I think if we did Kai'Sa today we would have for sure made a bigger moment out of it. Kai'Sa was kind of a experiment and we saw a lot of players really excited about bringing a character from the lore into the game which is why we went big on Senna and now bigger on Yone as we saw how excited players got about Senna.
I like the idea of the ability, but it somehow "feels" like it takes away the tempo of an assassin. What was the initial designing idea behind that skill?
Well E combined with R gives him insane target access to get to squishies, kill them and then safetly return to his body location, assuming he does that from a safe distance
Wait on his E is the spirit damageable or just the body? Also, can he both Q and E over walls? i.e. if I use E over a wall can i just beat up a melee champ without fear of retaliation because he cant hit my body?
Your spirit form is what takes damage, your body doesn't.
this is what y’all get for banning yasuo so much
Mantra E on whole team with ardent is very strong.
That’s pretty cool. I wonder why it was scrapped
Hey that's me. If it worked like Yone's E, it wouldn't really make sense with the rest of her kit because she doesn't have many incentives to move her body forward like this while being vulnerable, the incentive on this version of the kit was that enemies would be rooted by the tether, but Karma wouldn't engage in this gameplay if she would actually take damage, imagine walking face first into a Zed or ADC. I think this version made you resistant to damage or snap back if your spirit died or something, it was just leading to "Karma walks on top of you for a guaranteed root and Mantra Q's".
When your 0/20 yasuo-yone botlane carries the game... Best feeling ever
Playing around this powerspike
When he auto and does his abilties it just marks the enemies. Only when he goes back to his real body does the sudden burst damage appear as reduced true dmg
It's more like Zed's R, he does all the same damage he'd do without his E, but then when he snaps back it pops for bonus damage.