League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Rotating Game Modes are rotating so that we don't have to maintain every single one every patch. When an RGM isn't on Live, it's likely littered with bugs introduced from all the patches since that game mode was last Live.

For that reason, OFA isn't something we can just enable. We'd have to dedicate resources to making the game mode stable again, not to mention having to do extensive testing to make sure Yone works in the game mode....before we've even put Yone on PBE for the first time.

For this event, we've also got Nexus Blitz already on PBE and we're still testing it for 10.16. The same team that made Nexus Blitz also owns the other RGMs, so they don't really have free resources to also debug OFA in addition to continuing to improve NB.

Not saying this couldn't be a long term thing we can't shoot for where OFA is enabled on PBE with each new champ release, but something would have to change. The team in charge of these game modes would need m...

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Originally posted by EsShayuki

Yeah I agree. It's ridiculous they disabled both custom games and practice mode which is the only place where one could reliably even try him. I'm sure most people would just try him once, check what he does, and move on.

What are they trying to accomplish by making PBE a place where you can't actually test things? Just have a queue system if necessary, don't completely disable everything. It's so incompetent.

My explanation for the PT and CG disable.

If we disabled SR games, nothing with the state of PBE would have changed. The issues with game starts, store purchases, loot, and logins would have persisted, which was impacting upwards of 90% of the PBE population during the first hour or two that PBE was open today, up until we mitigated. Maybe in the future I'll do a write up with graphs and stuff on how impactful mitigations like this stabilize the game.

Practice Tool and Custom games with fewer players are exactly...

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Originally posted by KoreanApe

Salut Romain , je ne sais pas si tu comptes lire ceci mais merci pour ton recit cetait interessant . Question : avec Zaboutine vous parliez en français ou en anglais dans les bureaux d'Optic ?

En francais à deux, en anglais quand il y avait d'autres personnes!


Originally posted by RngNick

How is decided who is gonna be project lead of xyz champ or rework? Who has final word about given project? Is it more like democracy or does project lead has final word? Also how do riot designers deal with things like community largely hating their designs like when it comes to Bradford 'CertainlyT' Wenban? Now about CertainlyT, was there some influence from his side or interaction ( or how to say it... ) when it came to Yone's desing since Yone was based on Yasuo which was his own project?

We talk about Yone's development a bit here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-insights-yone/

Writers, designers, and artists get assigned (and also pitch concepts) based on many different factors, from availability, to their requesting to be on projects, to the fit of their strengths / skill set for the project, etc. etc.

RE: "deal with things the community hates", remember: what some players (and subreddits :P) love, someone in the world will despise. We strongly take player sentiment into consideration, but that means all our players. We also evaluate a design's success based on additional metrics of craft and its impact on the game as a wh...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Romain do you miss working with teams and player, now that you're a Rioter

I do miss working with players and I do miss the thrill of attending a tournament as a team

I like my current job more tho.
I work with an incredible team (my boss and colleagues are insane), I've access to all the infos I've always dreamt of and my missions take me all over Europe. So far so good :D


Originally posted by [deleted]


i see a difference between "friends" and "I enjoy spending time with you right now because both our lifes have the same goal for now". I don't know which one you need to make a team work. I know you need respect. Your midlander needs to think "I'm not sure if I'm friend with the jungler, but I believe he is the best at his job". Because that is a job, a really cool super competitive job, but still a job with a contract and KPIs. The day your toplaner believes he can do a better job than your adc on lane, you have a challenge at hands.

At the beginning of a team/season, everyone is in honeymoon phase, everyone is friend. If for whatever reason you have 2 bad weeks in a row and you go 0-4, friendship can be difficult to address what is really the problem. Not sure if that makes sense. Also the older I get the more i realise people come and go all the time for a lot of different reason. I don't want it to be sad so I enjoy as much as possible the adventure we share and I learn...

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Originally posted by noshirdalal

OHHHHHHH AND I’M WRONG AGAIN! Hahaha! Thanks for letting us know!

We had so many lines in so many different game and cinematic contexts, for you and so many made up words, I was constantly impressed how natural and familiar and GOOD you made them all sound!


Haoliners also did the Star Guardians cinematic. :-)


EndlessPillows did an incredible job designing a kit that captures this! He’s one of the most lore/character focused designers I’ve worked with and always draws inspo from a character’s truths, personality, and motivations and then makes them read in gameplay in a way that blows me away.


Originally posted by ThePowerOfEvil

The UOL gaming house was crazy and everyone in there just fun to have around! We have had many many awesome memories with these boys!

I will never forget them! PoE

Tristan! You are such a kind and goofy human. The love you have for the game and the respect you have for your job are rare and beautiful. It was a pleasure to work with you and to challenge you to give your best. I'm sorry our adventure stopped the way it did. I hope North America is taking good care of you, you deserve to be happy and to lift a trophee.
Thank you for the good times :-)


Writer here: it is indeed the demon’s name. Glad folks liked the word, and really, Noshir (voice actor) just crushed its delivery here and made it so badass.

In game, Yone’s “Ionian” lines were largely contained to his Q to mirror Yasuo, since they both know moves and techniques from the same wind school. Because Yone’s ult draws from his new demon mask powers, we ended up cutting the Ionian callouts to make room for other lines.


Originally posted by noshirdalal

Hey there - Yone's VA. Like you said, learning an Azakana's name is how Yone can conquer a demon, but I'm not sure Kuro'sagol is actually this Azakana's name... I could be totally wrong, but I think that was included in my script when recording for the game, and I didn't have a lot of those... I don't remember having a list of names I have to utter for every demon Yone kills. Which is why I'm pretty sure I remember this being a kiai - the battle cry he shouts when he does this move. But I could be totally wrong! I'll look into it and get back to you!

Writer here: sorry to be the rain on the parade, but that is indeed the name of the Azakana. 😅

In writing his in game Vo, during early exploration, we had considered him calling out various azakana names when he had a kill, but it didn’t make it in since it would be difficult to execute in a way that read well. (It’s hard to have a quiet moment for a mask to float from a dead body to him etc)


Originally posted by Raichuqt

Perhaps you are right about it being a Morin Khuur. I am no expert is Asian instruments, that is certain. And you are definitely correct about the body, it doesn't have the same base as an erhu or the double string. But Yone is also playing it with his sword so some imagination helps. I think it definitely sounds like an Erhu though. I will look into the Morin Khuur!

It’s a Morin Khuur in recording I believe! (Though in world, the instrument he plays is a fantasy Ionian one that’s somewhere between Erhu and Morin Khuur in range)


Originally posted by mr_tolkien

Awesome post/article!

What’s also interesting is how the "manager" role in esports is still very blurry, with some managers being almost only cooks and other the team’s unofficial COO (hello Till). I feel like management structure in esports is also bound to change in the future, with a clearer separation between GM and team manager.

In your eyes, what would be the "optimal" LoL support staff for a team?

Agreed on all your points!

Teams are still growing and figuring out what works best for them, so the real job of a manager is still blurry. From one org to another you will have a completely different job description.

I think its really important to clearly differentiate who works "on the game side", who works "on the Team org", who works on the "motivation/psy". Once you know who does what, phrase it, write it down, make sure everyone agrees, and go to war.
Ideally do that in November, while there is no tournament going on. Once the season starts, every week is a new adventure. Its complicated to work on building a plane when it already took off :D.

The perfect crew? Its difficult because I believe each person unlocks the next one. You should not hire people for a specific job but because they are great. Their job will evolve every 6 months, we are in esport, we are improvising half the things we are doing and everyone is learning in real time.

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Originally posted by Raichuqt

Hey all, there's a music theory reason why these melodies work together and have a creepy, wandering, or sad sound. They're both in the key of G minor.

The notes in the G minor scale are:

G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F (F#), G

Their melodies follow the following pitch outlines:

Yone - Starts on an upper G and slowly descends. Instrument sounds like an Erhu, common in Chinese orchestras.

High G, Eb, D, C, Bb, A. There is no low G present at the end of his melody but if you listen to it enough times your ear can hear that that's where the melody wants to go next. It's the resolution.

Yasuo - Starts on low D, jumps up to the G and wanders around that area a bit with some pitch bends. Pitch bends are a common playing technique in Asian flute playing. Sounds like a shakuhachi flute.

D, G, A, G, A, Bb, A, G. This melody plays around with pitch bends on the A and Bb note. This is important as the Bb is one of the notes in the scale that...

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Riot composers are so good. ❤️


Originally posted by WeRocksM8

Can we atleast get a ban ban on new champs (can't ban new champs) or blind pick?

That already exists. Draft mode on PBE doesn't have bans.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There will be a lot more extra dialogue in the epilogue for champs u have a petal to. The epilogue will release when the event ends

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JoroA

Thanks for the clear answer

... Hopefully if I get all 3 I won't get something like "so you are too cheap to spend anything for me"

The bonus scenes don’t change depending on how many you get. You get bonus scenes for any Champion you give a petal to. If you get 3 and give those to 3 Champions, you get emotes for those 3 champs and also bonus scenes for those 3 champs

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

U will get a lot more extra scenes then just the petal acceptance lines in the epilogue which won’t get added until the event ends.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Boy666lol

Can you maybe say 1 or 2 Things about him/her ?
