Rotating Game Modes are rotating so that we don't have to maintain every single one every patch. When an RGM isn't on Live, it's likely littered with bugs introduced from all the patches since that game mode was last Live.
For that reason, OFA isn't something we can just enable. We'd have to dedicate resources to making the game mode stable again, not to mention having to do extensive testing to make sure Yone works in the game mode....before we've even put Yone on PBE for the first time.
For this event, we've also got Nexus Blitz already on PBE and we're still testing it for 10.16. The same team that made Nexus Blitz also owns the other RGMs, so they don't really have free resources to also debug OFA in addition to continuing to improve NB.
Not saying this couldn't be a long term thing we can't shoot for where OFA is enabled on PBE with each new champ release, but something would have to change. The team in charge of these game modes would need m...
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