League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Jul


Originally posted by ItsLowbo

The part of the micropatch that caused this issue has been reverted. We're now working on reapplying it without the Illaoi bug.

Have I ever told you how much I love micropatches. So easy to apply, easy to revert. None of that redeploy nonsense with needing to create new builds and force everyone to patch again.


Originally posted by Parulsc

Seems to have been a typo? Was probably supposed to be something like 90% damage and someone missed the 9

Yeah, basically. I typed a 0 where I should have typed a 1.


Originally posted by ItsLowbo

The part of the micropatch that caused this issue has been reverted. We're now working on reapplying it without the Illaoi bug.

Micropatch is back up without the Illaoi bug! So sorry about this, once again.


Originally posted by ItsLowbo

I deeply apologize about this. We're working on getting it fixed right now.

The part of the micropatch that caused this issue has been reverted. We're now working on reapplying it without the Illaoi bug.


Originally posted by FrostyTheBR0man

Why not disable the champ while you fix?

It's just as fast to revert the part of the micropatch that caused this issue, which we just did.


Originally posted by ToxicNAPoro



idk about that one.

pretty sure you can slay that demon.

As a Yuumi main... you right.

(Glad folks are enjoying his VO and story! Writing him was so fun.)


I deeply apologize about this. We're working on getting it fixed right now.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Sun Creatures did “The Path”, not this one


Originally posted by noshirdalal

Thanks for the shoutout!

You did an incredible job! While I was working on this article I creeped on your Twitter and saw your very cute puppy. <3


Originally posted by bz6

legends! love reading insights like these. grateful that Riot does these comms stuff for the players <3

also really digging the vibe of this event. and the skins are just so detailed. well done to all involved! when is Yone's theme releasing :D?

Glad you like it! And soontm

I actually don't know. D:

24 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by minishpig

So it's like Leblanc's W?

Correct, expect Yone MUST go back at the end of the timer


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

So, I'm going to be slightly mean/critical here, but just know that I love the work y'all do.


That's why we give our less played champions more established universes and populate them with new skins for them. They may not be as exciting as the new thematics because there are less marketing and hype around them, but I assure you, they're receiving just as much attention and care from modelers, artists, sound designers. We play these champs and are passionate about their existence in League too.

Doesn't that mean you kind of dropped the ball? If you can't make something exciting and new for a champ without relying on existing skin lines, then you kind of failed those champs and at your job. You SHOULD be able to create something new and inspiring for uncommon champs. Maybe you should be outsourcing more for ideas if none are coming to you. Again, I love a lot of the skins. I just feel like always taking from other skin lines and no...

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What I meant to say is: "They may not FEEL as exciting as the new thematics to our players". We are still striving our best to make them as exciting as possible and add new features & expand the boundaries of the established thematics even more with the old champs.

Edit: Also, we have upcoming thematics with old champs coming in too. I can't spoil anything but these thematics are getting really creative.


Originally posted by bz6

Did Riot Zimberfly do the VO for Yone?

VO team always on point imo.

The voice actor was /u/noshirdalal and yes, /u/zimberfly worked on the sound editing and mixing for it!


Originally posted by Derpface6568

its perfect it will be bigger then K/DA and True Damage combined

Members of Riot Music Group, please credit me. Ty.


Originally posted by Derpface6568

i got you, call it sweater squad and make it at Christmas time for like a ugly sweater party. boom entire skinline idea

Only if we can release it with an album of champs singing holiday songs.
"(Santa) Baron Baby" performed by Rek'Sai
"All I Want For Christmas Is A Gank" performed by The Top Lane Trio
"I Caught Lux Support Stealing All My Kills" performed by Your ADC
And, my personal favorite, "Silent Night" sang by Sona and Aphelios


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

im pretty sure he's talking about how Lillia feels like she was a throwaway champion release.

She's been out for, what, 2-3 days? And literally all anyone can talk about is Yone. There's no threads talking about Lillia, no discussion on what she should build, what comps use her, how she'll be in pro-play. Even this entire event, which is her release skin, is all about Yone now.

Ah. Yes. I understand that sentiment entirely. I worked with the Lillia team on her Champion Insights as well. As a jungler (and not a solo laner) I feel that a lot. I think that with the release of Kin of the Stained Blade and a champion who pre-existed in our lore it's easy for someone like Lillia to get swept up in all of this.

/u/Interlocutioner and I have talked a few times about it, but we think the silver lining is similar to something we saw on /r/LilliaMains recently. That Lillia would be happy not to have all the attention. She's a shy fawn, after all. She wants to blend into the background.

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Originally posted by Alnath

Could a rioter clarify if these VFX devs are being paid for these passion projects? I would feel terrible if they aren't

So my own two cents on this: as many mentioned yes we're salaried, and these updates aren't done outside of work hours and it's never expected of us to do so (like, I'm actually often told NOT to do that), it's more like in-between projects or during lunch. Basically whenever we have a bit of free time and wanna work on them, which is why these can take a long time to make. It's completely opt-in, nothing's required of us for these updates. We do them only cause we care and want to improve the game in our own way where possible.

EDIT: wording, my english's dying


Originally posted by Maxenin

Hey u/RiotSirhaian congrats you got it in there! I’m glad, hope this clears up gut reactions in the future again I love the new effects been playing both champs way more!

Communication has been a bit harder since the boards got removed, but I hope this helps clarify our goals and how we work for these updates. And now I can always point to one article in case there are some misunderstandings again!


Originally posted by Seneido

They put so much passion into him.

kinda sad cause Lillia will end up like taliyah for such a reason as well. Regardless of how good she is she will be overshadowed.

What do you mean, exactly?