League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by Surrideo

His body is immune to damage and cc lmao Only the shadow is vulnerable. A rioter mentioned this somewhere below

To be clear, it's functionally similar to LeBlanc W'ing forward, that spirit is Yone who you can damage and can damage you, and the body just represents the point he has to snap back to when he reactivates the ability or it expires. There's no separate health bars or anything.


Originally posted by neonroad

Wonderfully written. Love getting to hear the care that gets put into these amazing works of art. When working on a champion for the most popular game on the web, it's probably hard to strike the perfect balance between making everything "lore appropriate" as well as "balanced". I always think about that when champions die in-game, like, what a bummer- the Aspect of War just died to a mushroom-loving yordle! So of course, while there may be many adjustments to Yone's kit in the future through patches and tweaks, it's fascinating to know the actual thought process that went behind designing our next favorite champ-to-ban (well, not before I get to try out a game or 10 with him ;).

Excellent work, Yone team! Give my congratulations to them when they wake up!

They've got the link to this thread and I'm sure are reading over their morning coffee!


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

I love game design talk, and one thing that Riot does uncommonly well is transparent and detailed thoughts on how they go about designing their game. It's honestly one of the bigger things that draws me to League.

As someone whose whole job is aligned around that, it feels REALLY good to hear it said. <3


Originally posted by Iagi

But that makes it more interesting to balance, you can make people who itemize against it way less effected while having the ability be stronger against people who don’t. Or maybe that’s a bad idea lol.

(not on balance/design team!)

It's the same reason Zoe's E does true damage. If the ability double-dipped from armor, even someone with no bonus armor would take way less damage due to innate armor scaling. If you did 100 damage to someone, post-mitigation that's 60 damage on most carries with no armor; just scaling

If his E transferred 100% of the post-mitigation damage (I really don't know, I haven't played him), then his E would deal 42 damage instead of 60 due to having to go through armor mitigation again.

The alternative would either be to have the second hit apply pre-mitigation damage from the first (this is how Zed works) or to deal true damage on the post-mitigation of the strikes during the E.

I prefer the latter model because it means if you have a lot of armor or you simply use a temporary steroid to reduce the first hits, you actually feel like you did something skillful.


Originally posted by Tacer8

Cashmiir is a hardstuck ksing support main?



Originally posted by IkaMusume12


What the frick is she trying to find in Bilgewater tho

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Originally posted by MaleQueef

Can you use your other abilities while in spirit form? Except the ult of course lol

U can use all your abilities including your Ult. E into Ult then return is really fun to cover a lot of distance


Originally posted by pedrohpf

I'm so hyped for Yone, yall did a great job. He feels like yasuo but has his own uniqueness

I've done nothing. It was all his team. They're so talented!

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Originally posted by Young_Djinn

What can he do during his E?

Summoners, Ult, 2nd part of Q, W?

We've only seen him use Q and AA during E



Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Great article, exactly the sort of insights I like to see from this series. I really like the gameplay-story integration (ludonarrative resonance if you're feeling pretentious) they went for with his kit. He also looks like a blast to play, though like every skirmisher and assassin he's gonna cause some ragequits.

Just as with Yasuo, it's interesting what role his double-crit passive will play in shaping his itemization (and play pattern from that). On Yasuo, it means he has to spend two item slots on crit, which keeps him from just building straight-up bruiser and going for utility, and meshes with his Q's focus on attack speed. Since Yone appears to be a lot more focused on abilities (and possibly also a mana champion) then maybe IE-ER is the way to go? His passive suggests he wants some AS, but he certainly wants CDR unlike Yasuo. His scalings and numbers will determine if he wants AS or Lethality on top of AD and crit. Either way, it's an interesting design choice.

Read more

It's still early in LA, so I'm not sure he's awake, but I'll be sure to send your comment to EndlessPillows so he can talk more about the gameplay!

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Originally posted by AigisAegis

What stands out to me here is that it seems like Yone was designed in a very "top-down" way. Rather than starting with an idea for a kit and creating a concept, they began with the idea of Yone and designed a kit for him. Both his fleshed-out backstory and his kit evolved from a desire to make Yone a champion.

I don't remember whether that was the case for Senna and Kai'Sa as well, but either way, it's cool to see. Most League champions seem to be designed "bottom-up", so seeing some top-down design like this is really interesting to me. I think it paid off, because his kit seems really effective at reflecting his story and lore.

This whole article is actually a really fascinating look into how narrative and gameplay design intersect in League, with a lot of moments of one influencing the other and vice versa. It's a great read for that reason.

Kai’Sa didn’t start like that from the very beginning but evolved into that while still is discovery. BravoRay drew a illustration spread while in discovery and one image was of this amazing looking “void diver” that Bravo said was Kassadins daughter. We all got super hyped and we’re like “yeah we should make that.”


Originally posted by AigisAegis

What stands out to me here is that it seems like Yone was designed in a very "top-down" way. Rather than starting with an idea for a kit and creating a concept, they began with the idea of Yone and designed a kit for him. Both his fleshed-out backstory and his kit evolved from a desire to make Yone a champion.

I don't remember whether that was the case for Senna and Kai'Sa as well, but either way, it's cool to see. Most League champions seem to be designed "bottom-up", so seeing some top-down design like this is really interesting to me. I think it paid off, because his kit seems really effective at reflecting his story and lore.

This whole article is actually a really fascinating look into how narrative and gameplay design intersect in League, with a lot of moments of one influencing the other and vice versa. It's a great read for that reason.

I love our DNA approach to champ dev! It’s so inspiring to get to jam closely w gameplay and art and really discover a champion. EndlessPillows is an incredible designer who really thrives on bringing a character’s story and holistic fantasy to life, and RiotEarp’s work just blew us away at every stage.


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Oh shit, I looked up Riot Pls just now, and I didn't realize he was Michael Yichao.

He was absolutely fantastic when he was working with Wizards of the Coast ("Endure" is one of the best stories they ever put out). I was super happy to see him move to Riot, and I'm glad he's smurfing the writing as hard as ever.

😭😅Thanks for the kind words! Working on Yone was such a fun challenge. ❤️

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Originally posted by jtmk2404

In the champions insight for Yone, it's kind of misleading when it says " But unlike Zed or LeBlanc, Yone gets no choice in whether he returns to his body—he must go back when the timer ends. " because it seems like he shouldn't be able to reactivate it

What it means is you MUST go back at some point, when the timer ends it forces you back. Zed doesn’t have to go back if he doesn’t want to

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Originally posted by bibbibob2

How does E exactly work? Do they have to damage your main body or your spirit body (or both)?

Do you deal damage while in spirit state, or only once you retract, kind of building it up "bomb style"?

They can only damage his spirit form, the human form is invulnerable. U do all normal damage you would do but the bonus damage happens when you return. Feels amazing when the bonus damage kills them as you zip back to your body. Has a very “Cool guys don’t look at explosions” feel

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Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

But it triggers anyway at the end of it, right?

Yes, he HAS to go back at the end


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Yeah, the more I read about Yone, the more obvious it is that a ridiculous amount of effort and passion was put into this. I'm super impressed by him from a narrative perspective; everything from his reveal to his backstory to his kit feels like it was done with a lot of purpose. His team did a great job.

This was the first time I worked with /u/writerriotpls and he really put so much passion and thought into it ❤️😭

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Originally posted by RHSiuolF

When is he going on pbe?

Later today