You know you want to give us a skin line of your favourite champs in cashmere sweaters. You can disguise it as a Esports line and pretend they are in sneaky cosplay
Senna, Sona, Zyra, Xayah, Leona, Thresh, Yone sweater skins inc.
You know you want to give us a skin line of your favourite champs in cashmere sweaters. You can disguise it as a Esports line and pretend they are in sneaky cosplay
Senna, Sona, Zyra, Xayah, Leona, Thresh, Yone sweater skins inc.
Hi. Was the whole theme focused to somehow match Yasuo's kit or to have good synergy with him? Will Yasuo have special interactions or will Yone just have his own monologue when encountering Yasuo? Please, if you arent project lead or just arent in position to answer, may I get contact where I could get this questions answered? Thanks.
Yasuo will get updated VO lines. He was designed to be good both as and against Yasuo
Can his E go over walls?
It was for Senna, but I am unsure about Kai'Sa (I wasn't at Riot then). EndlessPillows mentioned that he loves designing champions that are already someone, and using their story as a huge influence. The Yone team is incredible. They put so much passion into him. It was so clearly palpable from the way they talked about him.
ya'all are designing a competitive game, not a singleplayer game. Ya'all are designing shit champions for a game that's based on ranked games. f**king toxic champions that are cancer and super unfun to play against. great idea
Read moreI have been patient, and pretty much every single champion I enjoy playing either goes literal years without sign of a skin, or the ones we do get have, frankly, been incredibly lackluster. And because skins like Mecha Aurelion Sol were just such a throwaway, your statement makes me think he's just going to be pushed further and further back for getting skins, til the token 3 year mark so we don't "complain".
I'm sorry, but things like the Sugar Rush skins were horrible, and I feel bad for the Zilean players. That was his chance for a new skin, and it came out when we're also having a time-based event, and it's going to be the only thing he gets for another long while. Dunkmaster Ivern was horrible. It needs to be said, the skin team has this amazing capability to knock concepts out of the park. Spirit Blossom Kindred looks beautiful. This entire event is chalk full of beautiful skins. But then the champions that I, unfortunately, enjoy get a throwaway generic Mech...
That sucks, I'm really sorry to hear that.
Some explanation for skins. While we do have a lot of different skin thematics, some are new (Battle Academy, True Damage, Spirit Blossom) as we expand, and those usually contain champions that are liked by a lot of players. It is the safest way to introduce a new thematic to players without risking that there will be no engagement because majority of players simply don't have previous experience with the champions (Ivern, Reksai, A Sol, Azir, etc).
That's why we give our less played champions more established universes and populate them with new skins for them. They may not be as exciting as the new thematics because there are less marketing and hype around them, but I assure you, they're receiving just as much attention and care from modelers, artists, sound designers. We play these champs and are passionate about their existence in League too.
A Sol is in good hands.
I hope you'll trust us in that we'll b...
Read moreAccording to Reav3 he can choose to return???
He can end the timer early, but there is a timer that forces him back to his body.
When playing him this just looks like reactivating his ability to end it.
If you're able to, would you be able to expand on the DNA/jam approach to champ design? From what you said it sounds like designers, artists, and writers come together to brainstorm some stuff and some of it makes it off the cutting room floor. That kind of design process is really neat/appealing to me, I'd love to learn more.
Each champion pod starts with three members (plus the producer): a Gameplay designer, a Narrative writer, and a concept Artist. Early meetings explore who the champion could be, and those early conversations result in really quick iteration on ideas and explorations of possibilities.
An artist will do concept sketches, the writer creates microfiction story sketches, and the gameplay designer will test out variations on initial kit explorations. We really start to figure out what the core voice, themes, and feel of the champion will be!
I could go on much longer about the process, but for now I'll say as the champ continues to develop, more folks are brought onboard the champion pod, from sound designers to engineers to tech artists to animators to so many more disciplines. It's really an incredible process.
which eminem diss track would you say best describes yone?
Shots fired /u/WriterRiotPls
...why you gotta call me out like this
This is incredible.
that honestly sounds super f**ked, man. "buy this skin, to encourage us to make more"
We don't have any guarantee that it won't be another 1500 for a Kindred skin. Hell, Ornn is STILL waiting for his first new skin. Azir, a very popular champion in the pro scene, is at almost 1300 days.
That's not what I said. I hope you understand that we skins team are trying to give skins to every champion, and on top of that, the ones that perform exceptionally well (Yasuo, Lux, Ahri, etc) are more likely to be considered for more frequent skins because of high demand. Doesn't mean that we're leaving everyone else behind. If Kindred's skin performs well from Spirit Blossom, it tells us two things: First, the lore-based event was a success and that we should do more of these, and second, Kindred does have a high demand for skins and that we should come back for more skins for her.
Many champions that people are talking about that haven't received their skins in a while - they're all in development as we speak. Please be patient.
Hi ender
hi Xido_
notice me senpai
Please stop doing CGI "anime", it's disgusting to look at. I get that it's easier and budget friendly but it's unwatchable.
I like how much they like thrashing Rogue, but will still somehow consider OG a top tier team. Really wonder how Deficio managed to get the casters to praise his mid tier team as much as they do.
I do not consider OG a top tier team currently. I also don't intend to sh*t on Rogue, but rather speak honestly about their teams limitations in a hypothetical LEC in which our best teams didn't hard decay between splits. The concern I have is whether they can maintain success through a playoffs run.
Honestly people, the easiest way to respond to this is simply to not buy the skin.
If companies don't listen to you or want to put in the effort into something, then this is the easiest way to show your displeasure with something.
As someone who absolutely LOVES Kindred, this hurts a lot especially seeing as we'll presumably get the next skin in another 1500 days. But if we want change, we need to force it.
Despite what it may look like - our team work really hard to please the mains of the skins that we work on.
I believe in voting with your money, but also understand that the reason why popular champions receive skins because they perform well. It certainly won't be 1500 days for a new Kindred skin, and I hope that SB Kindred's performance will encourage us to make more Kindred skins in the future.
Wait, so does that means you can e, flash, r someone? The outplay videos are gonna be sick if you can.
Yes, I play him A LOT in internal playtests, since I main Assassins, and yes you can do that, and yes it feels godlike
He does not have mana
I'm seeing that rioter a lot, and that numerousiceballs too. Smart money is on him having like, a sub only room on his discord or something where he encourages them to come post questions and shit.
Rioters are people too :) Floodz is one of my good friends - I met him through League and like to support him when he does things like this that I believe are overall good for the league community. Simple as that