I’m sorry but any person whose 15 and 1 shouldn’t be able to be 1v1’d by someone doing poorly. There is a fundamental disconnect in design philosophy if there’s anyone justifying how strong mage items are while saying AD carry items are in a good place right now.
Another way to look at it is, if you’re a kassadin in that situation, what makes you think you can kill someone with 13 more kills and 40 cs up on you? I remember a while ago where taking 1v1’s vs the not just fed, but double digits kills type of fed was considered bad decision making.
I think this is a worthwhile discussion, so here's what I think is relevant here:
Jhin is unequivocally more powerful here. This is the best possible fight Kassadin could ever hope to get and still lost. Granted, it was close, but the scales were tipped absurdly in Kassadin's favor here, yet gold in inventory won the day.
In any other remotely fair situation, this isn't even a discussion. Keep in mind, Skarner didn't touch the guy. He got solo killed in four basic attacks. Maybe a Q for good measure. He didn't use summoners. He just clicked on him until Kassadin died. That's the gold lead at work. Sneaky could have taken his hands off his keyboard and mouse and won that fight. (Small asterisk: The Jhin Q might have been required).
The point I totally agree with you on here is a fundamental disagreement of design philosophy. I want to break apart four concepts:
Stop talking about kills, deaths, and cs. The real comparison is level and value o...