League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you remember how you came up with the title of River King

Not exactly. I think both that title and Two Coats came out of a story sketch I wrote. (A story sketch is a idea I came up with while on champ team, which was writing short stories during development to illustrate a possible personality and possible theming to the team... and to hopefully create alignment. I called them "Story Sketches" to highlight their impermanence and their non-directive nature. I.e. to clarify it was a type concept art... (but with words instead of lines.). But because I wrote so many of those story sketches --they all kinda bleed together in my head. ( I think I wrote somewhere between 16 and 18 short stories just for Tahm.) I do remember the name Tahm came from Matt Dunn. (who apparently has a friend named that).

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Originally posted by Cyberplums

Love these kinds of design stories, thank you!

If I may ask, is the live balance team usually greatly concerned with keeping a champion’s original theme intact during gameplay, or are practical solutions for balance way more of a priority for them?

As someone who used to work on that team, and still works closely with them—theme is definitely a consideration. The team always tries to keep theme intact (or even enhance it where possible), though the work is often all about trade-offs in the end because no balance change is going to be perfect and they all cost something to someone.

I will say that if any change is going to more severely undercut theme, the mandate will often be to find another way to get the job done, because theme is clearly an important part of our champions.


Originally posted by APMalphiteCheeseMain

This is stupid, forcing people to watch live?

(Thank you for clarifying)-Edit*

Hey! these missions can be completed by watching VODs or live games from this split only. unfortunately, there was no way for you to know that and that's on us, and it probably feels especially worse since several leagues have not started their split yet.

we're looking at improving clarity so you know when a match you're watching is eligible for rewards and if it's not, why it's not eligible to make things less confusing.


We were discussing a major gameplay update to Malphite a few years ago, but when we looked into it we found that he's an INCREDIBLY popular champ worldwide (upper quarter of the roster). In China he's top 10 for popularity. IMO he could use a visual update for sure, but there's a reason the most recent changes to his gameplay were pretty minimal. A lot of players love what's already there.

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Originally posted by Elementaris

Yeah. /u/Reav3 can you explain? I'm pretty sure I remember them being advertised more as a melee carry skirmisher than an assassin.

It's more of a Assassin/skirmisher hybrid, but as we got further on in development we realized it leaned a bit more towards Assassin. I think if you like melee carry skirmishers you will still love this champ


Originally posted by WAAAARGHbobo

Yeah... he was not the easiest character to pitch to our department heads and owners. (Though our PO Omar was onboard really quick) But actually a lot of Tahm's theming and personality was me trying to find a middle-ground between what Game design (The talented Daniel Klein) was leaning towards (an evil demon that eats you) and what Concept Art (The talented Chris Campbell) was leaning towards (a comedic big mouth character). While Chris got the basic image down (which Gem Lim then polished) I began wandering around the office doing the voice and accent with the catch phrase. "Now, I would hate be loquacious in my preambulatory..." while writing short stories. And Chris saw the character was more fun with an undercurrent of threat, while Daniel saw he could have the demon he wanted with comedy... while he was also realizing Tahm could be fun with an ally consume. (Which we called his APC ability at the time). And then it all sorta jelled. (Excluding a long fought battle ...

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AS a side note... hopefully at some point balance team will solve how to power limit/gate his ally consume. (personally I always thought he should have to eat an enemy to "reload" eating an ally again --in addition to the cooldown) But whatever I'm not a GDesigner.


Yeah... he was not the easiest character to pitch to our department heads and owners. (Though our PO Omar was onboard really quick) But actually a lot of Tahm's theming and personality was me trying to find a middle-ground between what Game design (The talented Daniel Klein) was leaning towards (an evil demon that eats you) and what Concept Art (The talented Chris Campbell) was leaning towards (a comedic big mouth character). While Chris got the basic image down (which Gem Lim then polished) I began wandering around the office doing the voice and accent with the catch phrase. "Now, I would hate be loquacious in my preambulatory..." while writing short stories. And Chris saw the character was more fun with an undercurrent of threat, while Daniel saw he could have the demon he wanted with comedy... while he was also realizing Tahm could be fun with an ally consume. (Which we called his APC ability at the time). And then it all sorta jelled. (Excluding a long fought battle ...

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I know what that means


Serious Lady Maria vibes on the SA Kayn. Love it!


EU ADC on NA server..... what a beast


Originally posted by Electromasta

Correct. I didn't really want to do the math because there are so many variables like penetration and armor scaling. (napkin math)

Right I mean it's vaguely accurate. Just 30% is only ever the amount if they brought you to exactly 0 with penetration. Just worth keeping in mind when you compare to flat health, which is a pretty straightforward calculation in most cases.


Originally posted by Electromasta

Well to me Death's Dance is the best item in the game because according to my napkin math it gives 30% more life and lifesteal. (in terms of effective life and effective lifesteal) It's actually nutty how good that item is. Lifesteal and armor/mr scale so insanely well together.

Not 30% more. You have to take a ~25-40% haircut on that because of armor and MR you already have.

04 Jun

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Originally posted by DinoTrowski



Hell yeah

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Originally posted by Boy666lol

Does the Tank Heavy Support and the sensational mage still come out this year ?

That is the current plan yes, though that can always shift

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Originally posted by Gutrot10

/u/Reav3 could you explain why we haven't had a new jungler for 3 years?

This was mainly because our old strategy (which we shifted this year as outlined in thic blog) included VGUs in our role diversity for the year. There are a lot of junglers in need of VGUs which led to us doing a lot of VGUs for junglers and this basically caused us to make less new junglers as a result.


Originally posted by Electromasta

Yeah Death's Dance from my perspective is crazy op. Armor and Magic resist is a heal multiplier. Typically my ADC build is IE -> PD -> LW/DD because then I can last longer in teamfights when tanks/assasins target me and do more dps. And LW is a damage amp just like crit is even against non tanks.

I wish I could like Bloodthirster but to me its just +80 damage and +50-350 health near minions. It has a lot of lifesteal, but you can already get that from runes so it honestly feels like an overpriced double BF Sword.

I could try more defensive items, but I think I would end up only building ie and pd by the time the game ends.

I think Death's Dance is almost always better than BT as well but 350 flat health is pretty good. The shield lasts a super long time and you can still hit jungle camps to get it.


Originally posted by Electromasta

I don't necessarily need ranged auto attacker, I just like dps > burst. Dot mages that can kite and have little downtime or cooldowns are also fun to me. Thanks for the response.

Cassiopeia, Ryze, and Azir would all fit that bill.


Originally posted by Nika_Harper

Don't make me come over there, I will break quarantine to tell you how awesome of a job you're doing. I WILL DO IT.

Ok mom. My bad.