League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by Electromasta

I think the difference is there are a lot more mage items that have defensive stats snuck in, and mage abilities are a lot stronger than adc abilities.

In older versions of league, battles would last slightly longer, and tanks and supports had a lot less damage and couldn't solo people. So it was easier to DPS because you had more time to DPS.

Right now its a weird spot where the only way some carry classes can by viable is if they have nuts amount of lifesteal. In general, healing is nutty high in league right now to deal with the nutty amount of free damage.

Do you think Legend: Bloodline is a healthy rune? because to me who's played for so long it seems absolutely nutty to get 12% lifesteal from runes. But its almost a necessary bandaid fix for the crazy high burst damage that is cheaply available to everyone.

Edit: What do you think of this? ...

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I agree with you that items have gotten stronger on the offensive front. However, we've also been given a lot of good defensive items, too. But to be clear: Itemization has got substantially stronger in League of Legends. That's probably the single biggest source of power creep in the game. It's something absolutely worth examining.

But to be clear AD Carries have defensive items, too. Hexdrinker/Maw didn't used to exist. QSS/Scimitar didn't used to exist. Phantom Dancer and Bloodthirster didn't used to have shields on them. Rapid Firecannon didn't used to exist. If you wanted a spell shield you had to buy a Banshee's Veil with no offensive stats on it, as opposed to the much neater Edge of Night we have now. Supports didn't have access to meaningful amounts of AP or Heal/Shield Power like they do now. There are lots of things on the other side of the equation.

Meanwhile, mages always had Abyssal Scepter or other hybrid AP/MR items (Banshee's today). They used to ru...

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Originally posted by Electromasta

What's the win rate for going maw or defensive items on an adc? Usually if I build defensive my team flames me and I do no damage. When I build damage i have a lot easier time playing.

I wouldn't go Maw first item in any case except in a 1v1 lane, and even then I'd probably stop at Hexdrinker and finish other items first.

I think almost every finished ADC build needs 1-2 defensive items. Sometimes that's Maw + GA. Sometimes that's PD + Scimitar. Death's Dance and Bloodthirster also count.


Originally posted by Electromasta

Is there an adc solo lane duelist I can play? I don't want to play with a support or vs another support. I want to be able to ward into jungle or make plays on my own.

There are midlaners, toplaners, supports, and junglers that can do better in solo scenario. People always say adcs are one dimensional right click machines... maybe that's because you haven't made them varied enough.

Lucian, Vayne, Tristana, Kalista, and Jayce are all fairly common solo lane marksmen.

Lethality Varus in mid lane, Kindred/Graves for jungle. On-hit Teemo and On-hit Neeko also probably fit the bill as well. As long as your desired output is "I'm primarily a ranged auto-attacker" there's a dozen or so scattered across top/mid/jungle.

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Originally posted by Soxviper

Wasn't the masked champion supposed to be a melee carry, not an assassin? What happened?

Its kind of a Assassin/Skirmisher hybrid, but leans a little closer to Assassin


lol g2 aren't even that good

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you share if any of the projects this year is the one Zeronis is doing

They are not

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Originally posted by Jason-Griffin

I think it’s funny how only mid lane has different play styles that warrant additional champs. Jungle has assassin, bruiser, supportive, and tank play styles and it deserves one champ. Support has tank, enchanter, or damage and it deserves one champ.

The point wasnt that only mid lane has different playstyles, it was that the 2 playstyles in midlane have a similar amount of players as entire other positions. It's true top has tank and fighters, but the vast majority of top laners play fighters. Fighter players tend to play skirmishers, juggernauts, divers, and they aren't very picky between those classes, so making something in one of those classes is usually appealing to a majority of our top lane players. The amount of top lane tank players is pretty small in comparison to top fighter players or mid assassin/skirmisher players. The amount of people that play top tanks really doesn't justify making a tank every year. The same can be said for tank jungler players. We will still make tanks for these positions just not as often, and not every year. Support is interesting in that, though there are a lot of playstyles, most support players play all the different styles, this is probably due to the mentality of support mains, who te...

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Originally posted by biokrekka

Can I ask why in the roadmap u say the masked champ is an assassin? Didn't u say it was a solo melee carry like Jax, Yas, or Fiora?

We weren't sure back then if the Champ would end up a skirmisher or Assassin, as we got further into development it became clear it should be a Assassin, though i still think it will be a bit of a hybrid assassin/melee carry

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Originally posted by PoolPartyTaliyah

Can you share the designers of marksman, mage and tank? u/Reav3

Marksmen is Squad5, Mage is RiotJag and tank is Stashu

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Originally posted by bz6


6 champions a year is that less or more than we've had in previous years?


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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you share who is working on the new marksman now that it dropped


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Originally posted by bz6


Will this new approach hinder the flexibility of the newly released champions? I love the fact that Sett is played in Support / Jungle for example. I hope the releases don't become too narrow.

Nah, we usually have a primary position we balance around, but that doesnt mean champs wont have other positions they can flex into as well


Originally posted by Vaws




Excellent song choice. 10/10


Originally posted by Ezzie350

What? OK, same scenario but Kassadin has flash up. Does this still apply, does it change the point of this post in the slightest? Most definitely not.

He fully opted into this situation. Kassadin in no way could force that engage. Only Sneaky could put himself there.

It matters because League of Legends is not an arena brawler. Range and distance matters. Jhin not using either is a direct nerf to how he interacts with other champions.


Originally posted by SheerFe4r

So if ADCs can't 1v1, and they can't bust tanks, wtf do they do?

IDK ask literally every pro team ever who still pick them in 99% of every game they ever play.


Originally posted by [deleted]


my dude I would kill to have my A1C around 7%

11% is bad, but 7% would be a blessing for me.

Also f*ck diabetes


Originally posted by XoXeLo

I agree with you on everything you wrote Phreak.

One other question: Do you think them being the same level is ok? Considering how many kills and cs Sneaky had vs Kassadin? Maybe that's something that needs some balance?

Eh, minions have always been a far greater source of experience than champions. In pro play, supports often leave the ADC alone, thus closing that gap somewhat. It's something that could be discussed, but I don't currently have an issue with it.


Originally posted by Oxen_aka_nexO

If I'm behind, well, that's how the game works. I'm not very useful on a 0/3 Xerath, either.

Why is the 2/7 5k gold behind Kassadin useful then?

He got solo killed by the character he's supposed to counter face checking him. IDK what your definition of useful is.