Read moreI think the difference is there are a lot more mage items that have defensive stats snuck in, and mage abilities are a lot stronger than adc abilities.
In older versions of league, battles would last slightly longer, and tanks and supports had a lot less damage and couldn't solo people. So it was easier to DPS because you had more time to DPS.
Right now its a weird spot where the only way some carry classes can by viable is if they have nuts amount of lifesteal. In general, healing is nutty high in league right now to deal with the nutty amount of free damage.
Do you think Legend: Bloodline is a healthy rune? because to me who's played for so long it seems absolutely nutty to get 12% lifesteal from runes. But its almost a necessary bandaid fix for the crazy high burst damage that is cheaply available to everyone.
Edit: What do you think of this? ...
I agree with you that items have gotten stronger on the offensive front. However, we've also been given a lot of good defensive items, too. But to be clear: Itemization has got substantially stronger in League of Legends. That's probably the single biggest source of power creep in the game. It's something absolutely worth examining.
But to be clear AD Carries have defensive items, too. Hexdrinker/Maw didn't used to exist. QSS/Scimitar didn't used to exist. Phantom Dancer and Bloodthirster didn't used to have shields on them. Rapid Firecannon didn't used to exist. If you wanted a spell shield you had to buy a Banshee's Veil with no offensive stats on it, as opposed to the much neater Edge of Night we have now. Supports didn't have access to meaningful amounts of AP or Heal/Shield Power like they do now. There are lots of things on the other side of the equation.
Meanwhile, mages always had Abyssal Scepter or other hybrid AP/MR items (Banshee's today). They used to ru...
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