League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 May


Originally posted by Eslayeris

I think that if you guys succeed in fixing the client while communicating the process behind it you can get some trust points back with the community but the reality is that this specific subject is one of the most controversial ones ingrained here and people don't have much hope left. I still think that this is the correct approach but you guys shouldn't hope for positive reactions until problems start to get fixed. Keep the good work little cactus octopus man.

100% agreed, I think it'd be nuts to expect an overwhelmingly positive reaction to any update that's fully honest about challenges without meaningful improvements to show.

Many (most?) people care much more about product changes than transparency about problems.

But the idea is that—since we are confident we're going to be able to make those meaningful improvements given enough time—anybody who goes on this journey with us is going to have a deeper understanding at the end of it.

The payoff will be at the end.


Originally posted by Suspinded

A (hopefully) objective TL;DR

* A small number of the plugins and apps were removed from the client to help load times (10-20%)

* Boot times were improving until 10.3. It is suspected server strain from increased use due to.... you know... is partially to blame. Server capacity is being scaled up, which should help.

* Affinity, a tool to help reduce plugins loaded on startup, was discovered in this client review to be broken since 2018.

* Fixing Affinity is not going to address these issues, and will need to be replaced in the client.

* Client fix plans are being changed to implement something other than Affinity, which will slow down the road map.

Solid summary


Y'all say you want more transparent comms, so get ready for the new strat where we talk about the sh*t that sucks as well as the good stuff.

To use a film metaphor, right now we're in Act 2, which is the part where Luke and his friends get caught in a dumpster and nearly get crushed to death

I think the bare-all approach will pay off in Act 3


Originally posted by sp33dzer0

I'll battle in his place.

spins around glaring



Originally posted by mightyblobus

He called you out bro, now you have to 1v1 him on howling abyss to assert you dominance.

I’m down.

1v1, no recalls, first blood or first to 100 farm (coward’s victory), Garen only, Howling Abyss.

Do you have the guts, u/RemarkablyAverage7 ? Or should I go blast one of the other 6 RemarkablyAverage players instead?

I say we stream it for the good people of this community, too.


Originally posted by RemarkablyAverage7

Yeah, this article is there just for Riot to cop out every time someone tries to bring up the MMR <-> Rank dissonance.

We TaLkEd AbOuT MmR oN tHiS aSkRiTo PoSt

-Cactus, probably


Hey folks! Pick URF is back in town!

There have been no major systems changes to URF since the last run earlier this year, and only one roster change: new Fiddlesticks!

As always, please leave any questions or feedback below, and have fun!

External link →

30 Apr


Originally posted by Jannesvde

Feels disingenious towards the tons people who had/have to work in Riots toxic environment.

I don't make the comment to diminish the experiences of people who have had poor experiences at Riot, simply that you will always hear more about the poor experiences than the good ones.


Originally posted by 97012

Honestly as much of a bad rep as Riot's work environment gets on Reddit I can't imagine it isn't immensely enjoyable for the most part.

I don't want to go off making grandiose public statements but I would say that you should remember selection bias. You rarely hear about when things are going well, only when things are bad.


Originally posted by 97012

Like most creative jobs at riot - I would assume.

Trust me when I say that that feeling goes beyond what you would consider creative jobs like art, music etc


Bruh this is the dumbest question, literally everyone would watch, only people saying no are trolls like me

29 Apr



Hey everyone!

Pulsefire Ekko is here! He just came back in time with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!

Pulsefire Ekko is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below!


-Riot KiWiKiD

External link →


Hey everyone!

Pulsefire Fiora is here! She'll be coming with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!

Pulsefire Fiora is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below!

-Riot KiWiKiD

External link →

Have you seen how many mech anime there are?


Originally posted by untamedlazyeye

Look we would rather thank you than the cactopus, he'd probably come here with a shitty meme he made in ms paint or something

I made this in mspaint

That's a good point, I would never do something like that


Originally posted by watdefk

Hearing about all the things they couldn't get to work the morning of the show really puts things into perspective. Really makes you wonder what other stuff was planned, but they ultimately couldn't get it to work in time.

There weren't too many other things tbh! There was some on-screen graphics we killed just due to time but nothing day-of. I think in the end for all that worrying and stress the only thing that didn't happen was a lighting cue ^_^;

28 Apr


Originally posted by SulkyJoe

Wouldn't have happened without you all keeping this 'dead game' running!


Originally posted by PROkolli

Is there something you ever wanted to do but it never could be done, e.g. because it would not fit or the budged wasn't there?

Not exactly because of budget but wanted to (and also thought it was a cool idea) if we could have wind tunnels blast air at the crowd when Yasuo throws the tornado. Obviously it wouldn't work with the hung holonets but Justin and I decided to jokingly mention it to Nick while he was on his lunch, then ran away. I was positive he was going to leap over the table and hunt us down lmao


Originally posted by Inwiczxiae

How long does it take for your team to pull off this kind of event? Do after Worlds 2019 you go right back to the drawing board for Worlds 2020?

It usually does take a full 10 months of us thinking/producing this to bring it to life. A lot of R&D and pure ideation/brainstorming time. We take a small break after the show, u/Riot_Doublebook usually rolls right into stuff like All Stars right after!

We did hit the drawing board pretty early on for 2020 which you can see at the end there!


Originally posted by LikeRealityDislike

I saw something like that in that on the whiteboard on your new video. Was everything on that whiteboard jokes?

Not all of it! We were shooting a little b-roll but then we actually started having a creative brainstorm session so it was an actual meeting! But obviously we can't reveal anything so we threw in some silly gags