League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Apr


Originally posted by NotZeldaLive

With so many ideas, opinions and artists how do you decide what route is the best way to go?

This is a great question~ With all creative things we usually start way way blue sky with some wacky ideas and just ask ourselves 'What would make this the coolest experience possible?' From there we start to work out the show flow, which sometimes sparks new ideas or kills older ones that won't quite work. Then there's constraints like time, budget, does even enough of X thing exists for us to do this?! (We ran into this with the projectors! There were only so many in the world) and you just start to whittle away at the idea until you have something everyone feels really excited and happy with. It's a really highly collaborative process and there's no 'wrong ideas' but more a question of 'how much awesome can we get out of this show given all the time and resources we have'


Originally posted by YinXtianYang

Oh wow thanks for such a detailed answer! I hope you guys know you all are huge inspirations to the live production from PAs to other creative leads!

And I hope you keep continuing to revel up in your career! (I’m assuming your riot name is a reference to Red Velvet and that wasn’t too cheesy)

It's actually a reference to Velvet from Odin Sphere (fav girl & game!!) but I love love Red Velvet

Let's Power up!!


Originally posted by NocaNoha

Oh yeah, damn.. forgot we already had a dragon roaring, guess I was more focused on it being digital/on screen and forgot about the sound it produces lol

On the idea of animatronic Baron, if you want to research it, the main thing I was thinking about is to make it huge but not that problematic for transport [I assume that T-Rex was helluva complicated]. The concept I was looking at the most was soft-robotics [relatively fresh technology.. can work both with inflation and strings pulling around] which would basically make him as a sort of an interactive balloon. Welp, Baron is technically a big fat worm [don't tell him this], so I guess that parts of him could be rigid to secure it in place while on other places it could have soft-robotic parts to achieve some fluid animations.. it's almost like that air-dancer thing but with controls

To add to that, I thoug...

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I think you just pitched the big WOW moment for this year: Wacky Inflatable Baron.
This is something I never knew I needed until now...

The soft robotics stuff is interesting. I'll have to check that out a bit more. Seems like you could do some pretty cool stuff!


Originally posted by [deleted]

It was my sister's birthday on Saturday before the finals. So I thought that I could just combine both the Finals and a trip to Paris as a present. My sister never understood why I've had spent almost two months worth of salary, especially because I just finished high school and started college. When we were there watching the ceremony she began to understood. She is not into any kind of games but after this event she understood why I am. A few months ago she even took an internship at G2.

Just a little story to emphasize on my questions: Do you know what your work means to the fans watching, if so how do you get feedback (i.e. YouTube comments) and what kind do you enjoy the most (i.e. fan chants)?

This actually makes me so incredibly happy. Thank you very much for your story and congrats to your sister on her internship!

For me, I love hearing the live reactions during the performance. When the first hologram trick happened at the end of Awaken, you could hear a cheer of excitement from the audience. That type of reaction is exactly why we spend so much time trying to make these moments feel special. I'll never forget the gasp from the Beijing audience when the dragon made it's entrance into the Birds Nest.

I love watching reaction videos of people watching the ceremony for the first time. But of course comments like yours are always great ways feedback for us.


Originally posted by TheInactiveWall

2017 - AR Dragon

2018 - AR Multiple dancing and singing champs

2019 - Artists integrated in AR

What's the next step for 2020? Must be very difficult every year coming up with a way to put it a step up from the year before.

One of the most important ways that we go into each year is making sure that we aren't trying to outdo ourselves or one-up what we did the prior year. That would immediately start us off overwhelmed and up against an impossible task. Instead, we look to see what are the different ways we can make this year feel special? What are some different creative executions that we have always wanted to do and how can we make that achievable? So by going that direction, on top of the fact that we have so many lessons learned from the prior year, we hopefully can continue to produce a show that ultimately gets people excited about our sport, the two finalists, and the World Championship.


Originally posted by YinXtianYang

Could you guys give a quick history of how you got to your positions as creative leads at Riot? Like your journey from say graduation to leading the opening ceremonies?

It seems straightforward doing live production in college for sports/music to going professional, but the path to doing Esports still seems crazy.

Also know you guys are always appreciated!

For me its personally been a really long road and I feel like I only really started getting to do creative work full time about a year to year and a half ago. I joined Riot as an intern in 2013 and new I wanted to be a creative director one day but needed to learn the ropes so I just started to maneuver my career to always working with other creative folks more senior than myself. I did QA for about a year, production for 4 years on Skins and then moved into IP & Story where I got tapped to help with K/DA (I am a huge kpop fan). I was a little light on work and asked if they would mind me taking on some pieces of that project and I'm grateful they trusted me to run with a few things!

When I got to work with another creative lead and u/Oniatserj1 I had...

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Originally posted by BigSwords

Hi! I don't have any questions (yet) but I watched through the documentary and was just blown away by the amount of passion for the projects you guys had. Thank you for hosting this AMA and you guys are awesome!

Thank you!!! We really appreciate all the kind words <3 and we're so glad you enjoyed it!


Originally posted by RiotResolute

Like Oniatserj1 noted above, we benefit from a really, really diverse team, both in terms of personalities and backgrounds, but also specialties. It helps us not get "stuck" in one approach or only one source of references and bring in ideas that cross mediums.

My background is in commercial/music video production, with some time spent working in TV. I was an assistant director and did some producing before I migrated to Riot. I've been supporting LCS and/or the 3 international events in some way or another since 2015 in a variety of ways, so it's just about leveraging all the experience we can to benefit the challenge or opportunity we're facing at any given moment.

I'm definitely on the end of not having lots of broadcast experience. I started in 3D art and worked as a producer on Skins for about 4 years before switching over to our IP & Story department working primarily as a content/creative producer. I got roped into the OC in 2018 via working on KDA but really loved the work, team and the collaboration so much!

It's nice because we also all have things we do outside of the OC throughout the years, so we're always talking about Worlds but also getting to flex our skills outside of it. So when we come back together everyone always has some fresh perspectives to bring!


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

What about the TCS? I think there's a lot you guys could learn from it.

The TCS definitely has raised the bar. When he brought out his version of the dragon a few years ago, we knew we had to go back to the drawing board.


Originally posted by NocaNoha

Thank you for the hard work!

Now.. a bit wild idea/question - Did you ever consider building a Baron animatronic like for example T-Rex they had in ol' Jurassic Park? To add on top of it, Baron's pit could actually be arena inside of which players play the finale [Like inside of terrain left and right of Baron] and with each win Baron goes wild

I was wondering about this for a while now.. what would it feel like to hear Baron screeching on a stadium or in an arena? Imagine sending a notice to city police that "there might be some strange noises coming out from our show today.. disregard people screaming at your phone that Godzilla is coming"

So, without getting too deep into the weeds on the Baron idea (I absolutely love it), I think what is cool is that you are thinking along the same lines as we are as we are planning. Integrating League of Legends elements into the show, like the Dragon in 2017, KDA 2018, or something like the Irelia Blades last year, is something we think makes a lot of our moments in the shows very special.

On the note about the Baron screeching, we actually kind of ran into this when we did the Dragon. We were running rehearsals at like 9pm and we had the audio at the normal levels in the stadium, and you could very clearly hear the dragon roars from outside the stadium. I imagine a lot of the reactions from the people walking by were very concerned. Haha.


Originally posted by LeagueOfMinions

What food, snacks, and drinks did you guys live off during this time?

Also, any special shout outs to people who may not have been highlighted as much in the video?

Possible Productions was a HUGE aspect of our show. All of the content that you saw on the holograms, the coordination of our other partners, the pre-productions shoots with green screens, an figuring out how to physically get the Holonet into the stage design itself, was all because of their efforts. I can not give high enough praise to the monolithic efforts the Possible team did in order to make the show a success.


Originally posted by Kalaztaja

Hey you all!

First of all I want to say that I'm big fan of you all. Year after year you do better than the last. And last year felt like the best in the world.

I have making broadcasts well over 1k hours for different kinds of local/national events. And by that I mean I'm just and just capable of understanding the technique needed to produce that kinds of events. I'm completely shocked on how much you can do when you put your knowledge, talent and team into raw work.

My question would be asking what are your backgrounds? What it takes to join a team like you and what kind of backgrounds you have behind you? As the field is quite new and evolving it's hard to know what these things actually require from teams.

Hopefully you'll have a great day. And here's to hope that everything goes well in 2020 worlds!

I come from a traditional sports background. I worked on the broadcast graphics for American Football, Basketball, MMA, Soccer, etc. This gradually allowed me to get into more innovative spaces, like exploring augmented reality, automation, and new story telling tools for our broadcasts.

It's a really good point that the space is forever evolving. Our team is really made up of a bunch of individuals with many different skillsets. The best part is when we can get these minds all into one room and someone has an idea, then someone else knows how to execute it, then someone else knows the ways to get to the final outcome. It's really a team effort all around.


Originally posted by FluffyDin0saur

What was the role of Kinjaz for the Opening Ceremony?

What connections do you have with the West Coast hip-hop dance scene and will every World Opening Ceremony include a dance component?

As a big fan of America's Best Dance Crew and SYTYCD, it was thrilling to see Kinjaz do some choreo for True Damage.

Working with the Kinjaz was absolutely incredible. Not only are they incredible dancers and choreographers, but also just amazing people as well.

I think dance is such a powerful art form that can tell stories in a lot of different ways. While I don't know if choreography and dance will be in every show we do, I do think it will be in our toolkit when we start brainstorming the show. What Kinjaz was able to do when given different technologies to play with like holograms or light pole's was really cool.


Originally posted by FluffyDin0saur

What was the role of Kinjaz for the Opening Ceremony?

What connections do you have with the West Coast hip-hop dance scene and will every World Opening Ceremony include a dance component?

As a big fan of America's Best Dance Crew and SYTYCD, it was thrilling to see Kinjaz do some choreo for True Damage.

Kinjaz choreographed all of the songs for the show!! They also helped us block and coach the talent to hit their marks with the holograms and perform together. We also had the opportunity to put out a True Damage choreo video with them after OC (sorry this is 100% me plugging >_>)

It was kind of surreal to get to work with them as a (bad) dancer and they're so humble and honestly a dream to collaborate with. They really got into our work and contributed a lot of ideas to the show. We don't have a ton of connections to the West Coast hip hop scene, we met them through our production partn...

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Originally posted by TheFlax

In some of the behind the scenes videos, I saw that when Soyeon/Akali's rap part came on there was an escalator backdrop similar to the music video during rehearsal. Why was this not visible during the actual performance?

Link: https://youtu.be/HyX6MRs506M?t=939

Deleted my old response because I just saw your edit!

That's actually just the empty seats of the venue, the holonet is almost invisible to the naked eye. If you mean the black thing behind her- that's the trophy case but turned off :P


Originally posted by Lavaspike3

"Nerves are running high." "Time is running out."

Those lines almost killed me! Will this be an ongoing series for future events or will it be only for Worlds Opening Ceremonies?

One day I want visit these myself!

Hiiii Lava!!!

No plans to continue this at the moment, and I think our current situation would unfortunately make it kind of difficult to film like we did :'(. We had the opportunity to make this fall into our laps unexpectedly and we jumped on it.
Definitely hope to catch you at a future Worlds!! :D


Originally posted by brandon4117

The entire thing was amazing! I remember watching it in awe with my friends as we went to a Worlds Viewing Party.

I guess my question is, what was the hardest part of the entire ceremony to get right, or alternatively - what part was considered the most important to execute?

There are a few parts in the show that were technically difficult for a variety of reasons. I think one of the main ones that we had the most trouble nailing because the timing had to be so precise was Ekko's "WATCHU MEAN" section. The timing of those camera cuts had to be perfect with the content of the screen to get a big effect.

I think which part was most important to execute is interesting, because I think it all was. But the reveal of the trophy itself I believe was incredibly important. In the past, the trophy didn't have any technical reasons to not appear. This year there was a new element added t the mix with the mechanical trophy case. Being able to make sure the trophy was revealed is important since it's really a symbol for what the goal of Worlds is.


Originally posted by RiotVe1vet

Well... we're trying to work it out in the budget but we think the next iteration of the 2017 dragon would be to acquire a real one. Lot of questions around high food cost and transportation... also insurance

Sorry we can't tease anything but hope that made you laugh :')

I mean, can we just do a full lifesize robot dragon that fly's around and breathes fire?


Originally posted by Cahootie

Since absolutely everything has an opening ceremony these days, are there any specific events that you take inspiration from? Both when it comes to the general production value that an event brings year after year, but also specific performances.

There are a couple of events that definitely inspire us. I have probably watched every single Olympic Opening Ceremony at least twice, haha. The Super Bowl halftime shows are also performances that we reference a lot of the time. Also, we look at traditional concerts as well. One of the main inspirations for last years show was a hologram DJ set by Eric Prydz. The quality of the stuff he did was a huge thought starter for some of the stuff we wanted to do.

Overall, we try to look at what these different shows do well, and see how we can adapt and push them in new and fun ways.


Originally posted by ironnoon

hello there, i havent seen the video yet- but plan to
i would like to ask if you guys can tease about what u guys have planned for this worlds, provided the covid-19 ordeal is resolved ofcourse.
also last year's ceremony was amazing.

Well... we're trying to work it out in the budget but we think the next iteration of the 2017 dragon would be to acquire a real one. Lot of questions around high food cost and transportation... also insurance

Sorry we can't tease anything but hope that made you laugh :')