League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Apr


Originally posted by ShinggoLu

disclaimer: I am one of two co-founders of U.GG.

Thanks to u/RiotAugust for providing the context. I and the rest of the team obviously don't think U.GG is garbage but I understand the perspective RiotAugust presents. We do our best to gather as much data as we can get, display it and allow the player to draw their own conclusions from the data. The great thing about data is one number can be used to tell multiple stories. For example, the Lt. Gov of Texas (we're based in Austin, TX) can look at 500 deaths in Texas and come to the conclusion that stay at home order is overblown and it is time to re-open Texas, whereas someone else looks at 500 deaths and concludes that the strict stay at home order is exactly why the death toll isn't substantially higher.

People drawing conclusions from a small sample size in my opinion is part of what makes League of Legends fun and keeps the game fresh. A champion designer/game balancer might add that i...

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Thanks for all the work you do and the great website you maintain for all of us. Sorry again for being hyperbolic.

Originally posted by invisible_face_

Just because you can have other inputs doesn't mean discussion can't be data driven as well.

believe this is a terminology misunderstanding. For us, data driven is defined as data leads the charge. We are data informed, meaning we lead the charge, with data informing us. I guess a rough parallel from my experience would be say, allowing a self-improving algorithm that uses exclusively data to dictate design changes similar to how some companies use them to present products to users (ie: youtube black box mystery algorithm) vs some human actually in control looking at the data and making their own decisions.

Generally I prefer data informed approaches since I don't think we should ever surrender control of work direction to data itself. We have become more data driven though over the last year, with our more solid commitments to winrate thresholds on balance.


First should apologize to the people over at u.gg. Using hyperbolic terms like "garbage" isn't very useful. U.GG HAS GOOD DATA if you're looking at the right spots, but you have to consider sample size before trusting it.

To clarify the issue that I'm seeing: Sites like lolalytics and u.gg are great for determining relative balance (how good is champ x vs. the rest of the roster) in plat+ for champs who aren't critically unpopular. They're a lot worse at determining exact winrate/power levels of a given champ, especially at Diamond+ or Master+ levels of play. The sample size just isn't large enough, and it gets even worse early in a patch when only a few days of data have been collected (at that point even plat+ data is unreliable).

IMO it feels off when data sites are presenting things with low sample size as "real." I'll have people telling me "look at how broken 59% winrate Ivern is at master+" and then I see the data they're referencing has only 120 games. Not...

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23 Apr


Originally posted by Notfunnyhomie

This opens up for the possibility of 4 groups of 6 teams, which would allow for every team to have a guaranteed 10 games at worlds, with all the 1st placed teams going directly to the quarterfinals and all the 2nd and 3rd placed teams battling it out for the last 4 quarterfinal spots. If this somehow could be fit into the schedule, without drawing out worlds too much, this could be insane.

Just thinking about this possibility makes my former amateur shoutcasting throat hurt


I've noticed if you mute all, you can still tell/feel when someone is tilting or there is toxicity happening because the quality of their play will visibly degrade. And the easiest way to tilt someone is to be toxic to them when they're already frustrated about dying or whatever just happened.

Seeing people do that to each other while in ranked definitely does make me scratch my head. As the OP said, you put a lot of effort into trying to improve at the game and then just torpedo your own ship, so to speak, by making one or more of your teammates stop playing well.


Originally posted by lolKhamul

Personally, i think the pass mechanics are ok'ish. Not perfect but not totally bad. What frustrates me and some people i know is is that fact that as soon as you want a top tier reward like the prestige points or the prestige skin, there is pretty much no way to get more than 1 chroma or other smaller rewards except signing your life away. Given that i have a job and cant and dont want to sign my life away, it feels like i just bought the prestige skin for the PassRP but additionally had to grind a f**kton to get it. And that should not the point of a pass.

I do play a decent amount and i am just hitting the 2200 this time around. Jonathan directly acknowledges that issue in the video yet this pass with less tokens earned per game is a step in the other direction.

tbh i actually would not even mind even paying a little more for the pass (like 1850 instead of the 1350) if the value is too good from Riots perspective but it honestly feels bad to pass up all those co...

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Totally understand the feedback. I think you'll be happy about the direction we're heading in.


Originally posted by PeeledPancake

Next event don't release the Beta for a new game so I don't lose all my friends trying to slug through for the points I need please XD lol

I also can't stop playing VALORANT, so I know your feels!

22 Apr


Originally posted by Zernii

Thanks for more context. Anyway, can we expect anything from your vfx updates in upcoming months?

Hopefully, but no promises as always.


Originally posted by Zernii

Well that random VFX update for one skin was unexpected. Any reason why it's only this one, and it is your job u/riotSirhaian ?

Heyo! This was made by Riot Beardilocks, and from what he said, it wasn't supposed to ship so early.

I think this came from fixing up some of his bugs, and ended up becoming a VFX update, but it isn't finished yet.

I don't have much more context than that, sorry!


Originally posted by twinters01

The issue with that is that content in league is very much segmented by what champs or role someone plays. If someone has literally NO use for the rest of the pass, it doesn't make sense for them to be forced to go through all of the rewards that they won't use to get the one thing they want. This token system gives way more flexibility.

I don't think very many people often WANT the amount of things OP listed from a single pass.

To confirm this line of thinking, yes - agency is very important to our pass system for League because of how thinly sliced some content can be (e.g. - a chroma for a skin for a champ is ultimately addressing a relatively small audience, and ensuring you have the ability to choose is important). Naturally, when you have to make a choice, that implies giving something else up, and if you want to choose something that is intended to be difficult to get (e.g. - Prestige), then you have to forego a lot of other things until you get there. We introduced Milestone Missions for exactly this reason: to make you feel rewarded along the way to your journey, but it still isn't good enough (for a variety of reasons).

The good news is, we think we have a solve for this, and the improvements to the experience that Jon (Bellissimoh) was referring to in the State of Skins video are under development right now. We'll be talking more about what that looks like soon, and will also have an upd...

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21 Apr


Originally posted by AcrobaticApricot

What truth hast been revealed to thee?

"thee" is the second person object pronoun, so it is analogous to "him," "her," "them," "me," and "us." However, in modern English, "you" is the right second person pronoun for both object and subject. So, for example, you say "I [subject] killed [object] you" but "you [subject] killed [object] me."

In English, we don't conjugate verbs differently based on their objects, only their subjects. So you get I kill, you kill, she kills, et cetera no matter who is being killed.

Same goes for "to have." You say "it hath" and "thou hast" no matter what object pronoun you're using.

So in your examples, you have "the mystery" as the third person subject (it), so "hath" is used, and then you've got "thou" as the second person subject, so "hast" follows. In Morgana's quote, "truth" is third-person, so it needs "hath" instead of "hast."

Interesting! Thanks for the detailed explanation! That makes sense, I was thinking the tense was affected by the subject.


Nice find! I looked into this a bit (waiting on servers to deploy :) ) and I think I have an answer - though admittedly I have no particular expertise in old english.

I found this usage in the bible, from searching for 'hath been' - "Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages" - Colossians 1:26 (KJV) (it has)

BUT then found this when searching for 'hast been' - "Thou hast been our dwelling place" - Psalm 90:1 (KJV) which is the second person usage (you have)

So I think, maybe, it's based on the subject it's being directed towards? Seems like you'd say "I had", but "You hast" and "It hath", right? But is 'thee' the same as 'you' or 'thou'?

Going to link this thread on our slack and see if we can gather the Shakespeare nerds :)


Originally posted by LKZToroH

Edit: my bad, I didn't knew this was changed, just forget what I said.
People in this thread are forgetting you can just stack your transformation from 0% to 99% on any champion and for the last bit get the orbs for the transformation you really want. You can camp the renekton lane for 10 minutes and then at the last 1% you gank their botlane and boom, blue kayn. It's still an awful mechanic, I can agree with that but it's not as horrendous as people are saying it is.

I changed this a few months ago. Damage to both champ types fill your 'violence' bar, but the one that filled it the most is chosen when you hit 100%.

20 Apr


Originally posted by verminard

I will forgive you because of that TheShy pun with Licorice.

Thank you, I was really proud of that one :)

19 Apr


Casting online is hard since there's an inbuilt delay between what your co-caster says and when you hear it, so I thought Jatt was done one sentence earlier. Definitely "They saw" but I'm OK with you pretending otherwise :)


Originally posted by BRLaw2016

The obligatory comment that Ender is hot and if you're reading this Ender slide me some DMs



Originally posted by throwawayaccountdown






Originally posted by KimboSlicesChicken

Vedius is a great caster but man his laugh just feels mad fake and forced lol

reminds me of the kevin hart joke on people who don’t know how to laugh lmao

Thats just how I laugh :(