League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Apr


UPDATE: As of 2pm PT the AMA has officially ended, but a few members of the team will likely stick around and continue to answer questions where they can. Thanks to everyone for participating!

In one of the most collaborative moments in Riot Games’ history, art and technology came together to bring Awaken, GIANTS, and Phoenix to life at the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 League of Legends World Championships.

In the video, 10 Months, 10 Minutes, we show a behind the scenes look into the work and collaboration that went into putting on the memorable moments in esports history.


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Congratulations on 4mil!

27 Apr


Originally posted by FakeBukowski

Yeah it's really stupid. It showed that the biggest weakness of Rift Rivals was not the format or the timing (which both were problems, to be fair) but shitty attitudes of western players constantly complaining about having to play a tournament they didn't care about, while the attitude of the eastern players was basically the complete opposite. A shame.

Well China and Korea are competitive unlike NA vs EU


Originally posted by Zvenillam

So uhm G2 would be the strawhats, fnatic the heart pirates and T1 the blackbeard pirates? 😂

C9 Kidd Pirates for the supernova trio then

26 Apr


I'd give a big +1 to path of exile. The mechanics of character movement are pretty similar to league (also top-down view), but it's purely solo PvE.


Senna, personally


In addition to the points /u/EsterWithPants made, some champions just have higher winrates at lower elo than higher elos. For example, Aphelios is 50% winrate at masters and only 46% winrate at silver. This is due not only to the difficulty of the champion, but also the coordination burden of their playstyle. Taliyah is another example, her winrate at silver in mid-lane is 49% but goes up to 52% as you get to higher elos.

Inversely, Annie, a simpler champion, is higher winrate at lower elos than higher ones. That tends to make a compelling argument for why simpler champions should be played if you're intending to climb from bronze, silver, etc.

If you want to check these stats for yourself, check sites like ...

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Originally posted by mrkingkoala

Can you fix when you try to trade and then you just get stuck and can do anything else. It doesn't even trade the champ and the only way out is to quit out and guess what? Thats a dodge. Honestly it's poor considering how big the game is and the money you make from it and the most important thing, you have is the client and you can't even have one which works properly.

You wouldn't drive a car without a working steering wheel but you seem to think it's okay at riot to have a bugged client and not fix any issues.

I'm guessing this only happens sometimes? What game modes are you playing when this happens? Also, after you restart your client, filling a bug report through the client (bottom right corner), is a big help for us.

25 Apr


Originally posted by GreatSirZachary

Cool. Thank you for explaining the communication approach.

No problem, and thank you back.


Originally posted by mit_trading

Honestly a great response. I can't imagine how hopeless it must seem to when everyone just bitches about the client when you have half the world trying to use it at the same time.

We’re feeling hopeful. We know it’s on us to deliver a better experience so people don’t have reason to complain.


The new comms approach on this is to provide a detailed update at least every two months sharing progress on client work. The first blog was about 6 weeks ago, so expect the next one within the next two weeks.

I think we do ourselves and you all a disservice when we put out vague promises to “fix it” (as we admittedly did a year ago in the post referenced by OP). So instead, we’re gonna use blogs like the one coming out in the next two weeks to share very explicit technical information about not just improvements we’re making, but also setbacks—with no bullsh*t about the reality of it. Then...

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Originally posted by kishijevistos

Yeah where is he?

New001 is very much around. He runs the group that oversees League PC, TFT, and Wild Rift. So you’ll see plenty of Joe but we also want to make sure you see badasses like Jess too.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ProfMcPants

Probably not revealed, but I'm sure we'll get more teasers for them.

The roadmap will go over those 2 new champs as well as another new champ we haven’t talked about yet

24 Apr

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Boy666lol

Is there an Release Date for the Roadmap yet ?

Should be shortly after Voli hits live servers

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IoniaHasNoInternet

When is the next roadmap sorry to be annoying Im just so excited!!!

Should be shortly after Voli hits live servers

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RayFrost

Can you answer if the release date for the two new champions changed with the Covid situation? Or is still the same

So far we have not had to alter the release dates of any of our Champions. This could always change as time goes on, but so far it hasn't

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RemainTheSame

But that unannounced VGU is aiming for 2021?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Thanks for the reply! Will this champ not be featured in the upcoming poll then?

No, we wouldn't put a champ in the poll that we are already working on

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ProfMcPants

Will you be talking about the unannounced VGU in the upcoming Champion Roadmap?

I mean, it's obviously very early so I wouldn't expect anything more than a few teaserish words on it if you did.

BTW, I'm really excited that we're getting a VGU outside of the poll! Thank you!

yes I will be talking about it in the roadmap


You can treat inflamed skin with salty tears, though.