League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 May


Originally posted by Jinxed_and_Cursed

You're name is amazing. Idk what name is better though yours or u/The_Cactopus I think you guys will have to fight to the death for the best name on the rift

I'm not saying mine is better, but I was here first. Just saying.

not gonna fight my boy to the death tho, we cool

03 May


Originally posted by piotrj3

I understand, but thing is Qt with Qt Quick doesn't differ much to stuff you already do (JS can be used in Qt for extending stuff and QML is like JS by itself).

My problem is that you have tons of plugins and other stuff that probably Qt would provide on its own in native like performance, instead of JS scripts that have to be JITed on each start, also you don't have to load entire giant chromium (CEF) to launch everything, instead you have Qt that is using native OS calls + small JS engine.

I mean from my perspective, Qt is as well established if not even better there including tools, UX, community, and has bigger efficiency. Even biggest CEF/Electron stuff in size pales in comparison to Plasma/KDE that proves it runs amazingly. Of course i understand that Web developers are just cheaper, but considering team for client changed few times over already due to problems, costs of training long term seems to be huge from those choices.

I understand such choice...

Read more

You have valid points. There is one wrong asumption.

team for client changed few times over already due to problems

That is not the reason, not even one of them. Teams change because people leave the company, leave the industry, switch careers, start their own company, they make family decisions and move away, the company does team re-arquitecture etc.

Even if we had a QT client, a lot of stuff would need to be JS. You can't escape integrations with 3rd party web services. Plus you got to consider your deploy strategy, some stuff you'll want to deliver through a CDN, that means web. You still have to hire or train for those chunks of the client, which aren't small or trivial. This is not an argument I'm making to say –web is the clear right answer–, I'm just showing you another level of nuance.

02 May


Originally posted by Kyrond

Holy shit this is perfect.



Originally posted by Meowlin96

sounds like someone lost against ornn playing as aatrox and is mad

I was playing Renekton vs Ornn, I was 2 levels up and 3/0 to 0/3 Ornn, i lost 1v1 battle with me having ignite and him having tp...

Anyone who has played Top lane knows the frustrations of fighting that abomination


Originally posted by CrazyBaron

existing skill pool

cost of trainning

cost of hiring

Oh Rito smoll indie company

As of Wednesday, we are a multi-game studio. Go play some legends of runeterra ;)


Originally posted by docnox

1000% no BS, THIS is more important to me. The janky client getting fixed has a higher priority and impact on my enjoyment/playtime than skins, events, game modes, new games, animated series, esports anything..... Knock this out Riot! u/givanse u/The_Cactopus

Yeah, we are giving it our best shot! It impacts our enjoyment too! Thanks for your support <3


Originally posted by [deleted]


get out of here with your client talk, this is a MTG thread

01 May


Originally posted by neenshah


Affinity was broken. At some point during 2018, Affinity was inadvertently broken. Since Affinity isn't working properly, the client is defaulting to loading every single plugin during bootstrap and postgame loads.

In the bigger picture this discovery isn't a setback but rather a huge success, considering the whole point of this campaign is to fix issues. Especially when it's a tool that's been literally broken for 2 years.

Yep. It's simultaneously humbling and a validation of our approach (dig deep to discover root causes)


Originally posted by piotrj3

Diffrent question, why client wasn't written using something like Qt which is a lot faster and doesnt' have more development cost then something like electron/CEF?

When picking your tech stack you got to consider other operational concerns, like:

  • existing skill pool
  • cost of trainning
  • cost of hiring
  • who are you competing for talent
  • tools ecosystem
  • developer community
  • developer UX/efficiency

I wouldn't be able to tell you how well those were assessed when the decision to go with a web stack was made, I wasn't there. I do know QT/C++ was an option being talked about.


Originally posted by Denworath

I dont mean to sound judgemental but how is it possible that the new client that was literally made not to have the same issues as the old one, has the same issues as the old one?

A fair question. The symptoms the client has today are similar, or the same, to the ones the old client had. However, the problems with the client today are not the same problems that the old client had. The root causes are different. So, even though we didn't repeat the mistakes of the past; other mistakes were done that lead us here.


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

Just wondering, is it the same team that rebuilt the client, that is now trying to fix it or is there no overlap?

The group of people that initially designed the client architecture is not the same that ended up building it and re-architecting it along the way (~2016). Ownership was then transfered to a few other teams (~2017), those still maintain it today. There was a small team that improved a lot of things, nothing visible to players, tools and code re-org (2018). The new client team is a new group of people, it came together late (2019). There is some overlap, some people were part of the different projects on and off. Most of the people that worked on it in 2016 is gone now.


Originally posted by Sammym3

Of course Affinity was broken! Pretty much Turn 1 wins. Standard back in Mirrodin days never stood a chance.

hahaha I appreciate the joke, I still have my affinity deck. I even splurged on foil cranial platings.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotScruffy are you guys mostly leaning towards systems changes for nerfing and buffing mid and bot respectively or are you guys looking at individual champ changes as well

Mostly systems (items, gold, xp). If we did champ changes it would be standardized across the class.


Originally posted by Guest_4710

Items with passives that have a cooldown (Banhee's Veil, Edge of Night, Steraks Gage) are still in their normal cooldowns. Can you bring them to URF values like Active items?

The way passive item cooldowns work under the hood makes it much harder to apply CDR to them than active items.

Having said that, I think it would be a cool space to explore sometime in the future.


Originally posted by chavelol

Wish GP could stack up Silver Serpents faster. Even with barrel spam it still takes a while, usually games are over already by the time you get 1 ult upgrade. One of the few scaling elements in the game that isn't tied to items or levels.

This is a good callout, thank you!


Originally posted by titan_bullet

CEF Is indeed a great framework. Ember on the other hand...

Ember is great too! However, no JS framework could have saved us from the architecture choices we made.


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

They tried to make a balloon dog but instead of using the long balloons Riot tried to use the ones that are only globes (🎈). You can imagine how inneficient this would end even though the globe and the loong balloons have been a proven thing to be used many times before they tried to do this

haha sort of haha


Originally posted by KyroNoHane

Sort of.

"Bloat" in this case can be referred to either as inefficient code (too many lines, takes too long to read, etc.) Or there were simply too many JS scripts to handle.

exactly, each plugin is its own script, over 100 plugins/scripts :(