I was not in the toilet FYI
I was not in the toilet FYI
Very Californian thing to do haha not sure if you're from here. A lot of people I meet out of state/country get very confused by it.
I'm from LA so that makes perfect sense!
Great cast man, Quickshot and you really made it feel like a semifinal!
One small critic point: Sometimes when Quickshot had finshed making a point, you made the transition by using the word "no". It kinda put a bad spot on Quickshots point and I don't think it's optimal for great facework, but thats just me being triggered by small conversation bumps.
Fair point. I use no in conversation just as something to acknowledge? Idk its not that I disagree I could actually see myself saying "No, I completely agree" as a real sentence lol. I can see how that is counterintuitive and I'll work to remove it from my speech pattern
I would like to say that Ender listening to feedback from viewers has resulted in this being one of his best casts.
He asked if Reddit would like him to lean more towards analysis than banter than his usual balance, and it's clear that he has switched it up to accomodate viewers, as there was a much better balance between analysis and banter. His more serious casts are definitely preferable, because he has the knowledge to do it.
I really appreciate you saying this. Quickshot and I discussed the tone and approach to this series at length so I'm so happy you enjoyed it
I think Quickshot was being too nice on MAD on his comments after Game 4. Orome and Kaiser straight out brought the entire team down with that Game 1 and 2 play.
If only they feeded less MAD would be in a better spot. Like that other guy on here said; good job G2 Orome and G2 Kaiser!
I somewhat agree, but also think it was sort of intentional. Going into game 4, Ender said to me, don't 'baby MAD Lions, be more harsh'. Going to share a few points to consider that shapes how I decide what to say.
Overall the player experience difference as well as G2 being expected to win and the better team on many levels makes editorial choices more difficult. Ender and I also felt strongly that we are happy with MAD overall, we wanted to praise this young team for what they have done in 2020. I think maybe that I played it a little softer for MAD than it could have gone. This is a great finish for such a new team and org, so I hope the biggest take away is that they proved they can be at the top but have some work to do to actually win it all.
Hey everyone, that was my last cast of the split (I'm hyped to listen to medivedi tomorrow). Wanted to drop in here before the break since I've gotten a lot of feedback in the past here. Similar to last week, Quickshot and I went for a super game focused, serious approach. The few stories that we decided to focus in on were the jungle matchup and the MAD Lions journey (from losing 4 veterans to picking up 4 lesser known rookies) and making top 3. I hope we didn't overwhelm you with narrative or "G2 WORLDS FINALS BLAHAHAHA" since it was our direct intention NOT to do that. Anyways, since I'm taking a break (apart from EUMasters and maybe some VALORANT casting) I'm happy to hear your thoughts and what you'd like to hear from me in summer split.
I swear to god it sounded like the casters kept saying Corona break instead of Chrono break :D
f*ck did I really? Or is it my accent HAHAHAHA That's kind of funny, in a dark way.
I actually got so freaking lost lol
perkz that was disgusting
EU fans are the most insecure I've ever seen tbh
didn't you start this thread by complaining about how people talk about the LCS?
The team doing it looks about as competitive as TL did this split
if TL wasn't already eliminated I'd agree
Seeing this from the team that won makes me feel like PVB would've won it if they played G2 :)
The team doing this is the same team that beat TL 3-0 :)
If this happened in EG-FLY they'd be talking bout how we should be a wildcard region.
I think you'll get more credit when y'all win MSI :)
caps 100% winrate on vayne in pro play js
i'm ready for vaynespotting in ranked solo queue for the rest of this week, thanks caps
External link →That is a nice post as it lays down some design values to adhere by. I've got a couple of questions:
1) Does the team value playing AS more than playing VS when adding new champions / VGU's?
2) Look at VALORANT, the community is already hassling them about balance prior to release. The community AND the devs know the design pillars of the game and that is helping with clear communication. What are the design values of LoL in 2020? Are they still mastery, meaningful choices, counterplay, teamplay, clarity, and evolution?
League was touted to be a hardcore game that will last for decades, was just wondering if that is still the aim.
Those old design values from 2014 that we made still hold up very well. We still use all of them in our current design choices.
We balance both playing as and against, they don't need to compete when done right. Adding counterplay and weaknesses to a champ doesn't make them less satisfying and our target is to make a satisfying and unique champ that doesn't make the game worse for the other 9 players.
It's worth saying that in a PVP game like LoL, there is some frustration that is built in to every champ. They have to beat you somehow. Take blitzcrank, a classic and original LoL champ, can be frustrating to die to but in the end he makes the game more interesting to play when he's on the enemy team.
Any thoughts about Udyr? I've mained this champ for years now and its become increasingly frustrating to do anything in higher levels of play.
Udyr is popping up on our "hasnt gotten love in a long time" list. No concrete plans yet because he's not really in a spot where we can just straight buff him.
Probably will look to get him some QoL improvements at some point, what are you hoping for?
It would be interesting if we could hear about how their projections for Fiddle's winrate over the last patch compared to what actually happened, as well as how they made those projections using test data or whatever else.
Also, I appreciate the idea of releasing champions that start with somewhat low winrates and then reach a balanced state over time. Based on the Fiddle release, though, it seems like people are fairly impatient about that sort of thing even over a pretty short timeframe. I don't know if that's a product of expectations from previous champ releases or just Reddit stupidity, but that's just how it is I guess. Based on how Fiddle's winrate stabilized remarkably well in 10.6, particularly with the WQE max order, I think the developers should double down on whatever predictive tools they're using in the release patch (and maybe publicly share what they expect to happen if they're reasonably confident).
With fiddle we expected him to grow by roughly 6% winrate over the first patch as players learned him. So after we saw that he landed a bit weaker than that we did a small (roughly 2% micropatch buff).
With that buff included across the patch he's climbed up to pretty close to 50. There's still definitely some deeper learning that will give him slow growth over the next few weeks, so we're letting him rest rather than overbuff.
Instead of caring about clarity problems for champions, maybe they should do it for skins as well
We're also doing work on skins to make sure champion and spell recognizably is as clear as it needs to be.