This is my favorite comic so far, you did an amazing job making Zed a tragic figure. Can you tell us some other beats you were pressured to change?
Mostly stuff that was cut for page count. Ultimately, this was a 20page per comic issue. Ashe was a 24 page per issue comic. Which I found much, much more manageable. Ashe still felt too short per issue. (God's how I long for an extra page or two for some of the fights in Ashe.) but 4 pages is a lot to lose.
Esp because I read more manga growing up than American comics (So my relationship to the medium is based on 30+pages per chapter). There was a lot of Akali scenes which were cut. Including a fight between Akali and Kayn. Some investigating scenes. A couple scenes that I cut or replaced because they would have been too hard to do with rating's restrictions. Three different scenes where Zed/Kayn were doing horrible stuff to monks and/or Vastaya. (In three different drafts... I tried to keep it alive.) . A couple flashbacks with Kusho... specifically one when Zed got banished from the temple for using the ichor while Yvenai and Shen watched helplessly (...
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