League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Originally posted by La_vert

This is my favorite comic so far, you did an amazing job making Zed a tragic figure. Can you tell us some other beats you were pressured to change?

Mostly stuff that was cut for page count. Ultimately, this was a 20page per comic issue. Ashe was a 24 page per issue comic. Which I found much, much more manageable. Ashe still felt too short per issue. (God's how I long for an extra page or two for some of the fights in Ashe.) but 4 pages is a lot to lose.

Esp because I read more manga growing up than American comics (So my relationship to the medium is based on 30+pages per chapter). There was a lot of Akali scenes which were cut. Including a fight between Akali and Kayn. Some investigating scenes. A couple scenes that I cut or replaced because they would have been too hard to do with rating's restrictions. Three different scenes where Zed/Kayn were doing horrible stuff to monks and/or Vastaya. (In three different drafts... I tried to keep it alive.) . A couple flashbacks with Kusho... specifically one when Zed got banished from the temple for using the ichor while Yvenai and Shen watched helplessly (...

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Originally posted by Ilyak1986

First off, loved the series. Just sad it had to end. Because I want to see so much more of this saga.

So many questions. Lots more.

1) Zed has no master/patron now, but we see he's as noble as they come. Who will be his next commander? I can honestly see it being Karma, considering she's a de-facto Ionian equivalent to a shogun? I.E. a central leader of sorts? Otherwise, how does Zed take care of the logistics of running the order? Does he become a sort of Ionian-equivalent to a daimyo of Zhyun himself?

2) How do we reconcile "spooky cinematic Zed" (I.E. particularly the Xayah cinematic one) with the fact that the real Zed (Usan) is, I'd like to say, within spitting distance of being as noble as, say, Irelia, as opposed to being an irredeemable villain? We've seen so many "spooky edgy dark ninja" Zed cinematics, and that's just not who he is. How does one reconcile that nonsense with "Zed is a badass along the lines of Illidan and Itachi, willing to do w...

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  1. I'm pretty sure Zed is honorable but he's not a good guy, so I wouldn't hold my breath on him working for Karma... but who knows. I think his order is in a rough place. And he's going to need to do some unsavory things to keep it together... that's kinda the problem with taking a dark path... moral compromises inevitably lead to more compromises.
  2. So this comic is very much favorable to Zed.. This is Zed's story... from Zed's perspective. And it intentionally avoided some of the darker parts of him. It doesn't mean the dark parts aren't true. Most of America's founding father's were slaving owning sh*t heads... but they had some radical ideas about freedom which were very cool. Real people are complicated. Good and evil are often perspective and time... And Zed's story isn't over.
  3. Thank you for the kind words on the Ashe comic. That one holds a special place in my heart (in part because I had a lot more freedom on it narratively adn ...
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Originally posted by Shallow_Response

What guitar is that? Looks so damn good

It is a PRS Custom 24. I've wanted one since I was like 15 so finally decided to get one earlier this year :P


Originally posted by Bluelore

Honestly I did like the Kusho twist, but felt that we didn't really get a lot of insight into his character, so I wonder if he'll be explored a bit more later on.

So I was wondering: Was Kushos turn to evil due to the shadow magic? Do you plan to explore him a bit in later lore releases?

No idea on later lore releases I don't make those calls. I think he was a corrupt a-hole before the shadow magic. (i.e. Having his son, Shen relentlessly beat up an untrained boy seems pretty cruel to me; ditto letting your son believe you are dead ) . But certainly the ichor exaggerates your worst aspects-- (it feeds and gives you power based on your your worst aspects) So its a mix.


Originally posted by Kisindiaaaan

Thank you so much for this amazing story! I thirst for more though.... Can't wait for a spinoff of Shen and Akali escorting Jhin back to jail(if they can, heh).

PS: I have noticed the Kusho doll on page 22 as Zed holds Kusho's body three weeks later :)))))

Almost like someone knew this duel was going to happen.. and even may have intended it to happen as a first act.


Originally posted by TheMinuteCamel

These comics were amazing. Literally drew tears at points for me. i am really confused as to how this will end up tying into Kayn's lore though. I thought his in game lore has to do with him actually wanting to overthrow his master. Either way, thank you for the excellent story

So mostly this puts limits on how Kayn wants to take over the Order. I think both Kayn and Zed are smart enough to know at some point they are going to duel. Maybe to the death. Maybe this will be because Kayn has become Rhaast, maybe because Zed has become a nocturne like thing. Maybe just because they disagree. But that fight will be a duel. Not some underhanded backstab. Because Kayn believes in the honor system Zed taught him, and in his master's values. And ultimately because they do care about each other.


Hey All,

Hope you liked this look at Zed boi. I'll try and answer some questions today if I have time.


Originally posted by Valkyrai

remember when a rioter was canonically dating nidalee?

FWIW, if I have the person correct, Nidalee was made as an homage to his real-life girlfriend. I absolutely don't remember all the details there, but the girlfriend came first. It's kinda like Ashe and Tryndamere marrying. Sure it can make sense in lore, but that's also literally Marc Merrill and his wife.


Originally posted by RoadblockGG

Congratz on keeping up the excellent quality LEC production standard even during these hard times. Real talk, why is the footage of you and Frosk from the same living room?

Cuz we live together


Originally posted by Gondall

So are you secretly Pentakill?

I wish! Hopefully one day LECtronic can do some heavier genre's of music ;)


Originally posted by TheEpicCabbage

Your guitar playing is so clean!!!!

Much appreciated! It doesn't always sound this clean though haha


There are hundreds of people behind the on air talent team that push every aspect of our show, our content, our league and our region. I am so proud of the way every single person gets involved and continuously strives to improve, no matter the circumstances. It would be impossible to list them all, but I just want everyone to remember the rest of the staff in the office or studio, contractors and 3rd party team mates, they are the heroes here. Finally, every single one of YOU, Thank you for watching, supporting, laughing and crying with us.

It's been a hell of a ride watching this show and team grow, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.



Originally posted by tuerancekhang

guitar solo at the end was epic holy crap

I appreciate you <3




So chat, we've got a spam for you

14 Apr


Official update on this:

We don’t think forcing a name change in this instance is in line with our policies, so we’ll be looking into this situation.


Originally posted by MissMattel

Ayeee you were just in my game as Ashe. Crazy coincidence

Aye I’m sorry we lost that one. Hate Swain support :p

13 Apr


Originally posted by ILikeSomeStuff482

Having a core mechanic that makes fights more unpredictable/unreliable can also be good for competition.

Variance isn't good for competition if you're looking to find the best player. Variance means the worse player can win more often than they should be able to. It might be entertaining for the audience to watch but if you're strictly trying to determine who is a better player it's worse.

If everyone knew with 100% reliability what an ADCs damage output would be (Especially in high level play), you would never have any reason to take risks, or never get into fights that you would lose (Because you know you lose them 100% of the time).

I also don't agree with this. You're assuming that both get 100% perfect uptime in the fight which we both know never happens. If my AD does X damage and the other does 1.3X damage it wouldn't be lost if my AD fought for 15 seconds and the other one fought for 10.


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There are a lot of skills that you can test of a player to decide who is best. That doesn't mean the game needs to be chess. Seeing how a player adapts to things not going their way, or setting up a scenario to minimize the chance they lose from variance are valuable skill tests.


Originally posted by Chronopuddy

Crit is fun. League of legends is a game and games should be fun. Thats the point of them. Crits are fun because they are unreliable and can pump out big numbers. Yes there are lows and frustrating moments with crits, and there are highs. Thats what makes it exciting. The lows and the highs. A good example is True Damage IE which was a lot less fun then crit IE.

You have to keep in mind that game design isnt always about consistency and the most competitive experience. A lot of times it will be about fun.

This is a fantastic point. (Edit: The point being that an effect that isn't reliable can be more powerful, and thus more satisfying)

Another to consider is that basic attacks are a very reliable source of damage output. Having a core mechanic that makes fights more unpredictable/unreliable can also be good for competition.

If everyone knew with 100% reliability what an ADCs damage output would be (Especially in high level play), you would never have any reason to take risks, or never get into fights that you would lose (Because you know you lose them 100% of the time).

This variance has value, and critical strike is an intuitive mechanic to achieve that. That doesn't mean league will use crit forever, but we would likely need another mechanic that has similar outputs before we would replace or remove it.