League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Apr


Originally posted by Comewell

mhm. Tell me which pro player is destroying every game because he is the better adc player



Originally posted by LiquidSolidius

Wonder why Varus was nerfed was his WR/BR that high? I feel like hes hardly picked. Always thought he was a walmart version of Ashe. Maybe he was broken in pro play, idek

He's really high priority in pro play, with multitude of viable builds. I personally don't think he's nerf worthy but I guess his poke build could use a little tuning.


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

Kassadin deserves the Lucian/Senna treatment where he actually gets to be a meta champion without there being some weird, swiftly corrected preseason fluke caused by a Presence of Mind rework.

He's already as meta as he can be without being stupid broken...

06 Apr


Originally posted by Going_Hell

I wonder if Fiora has unique accent in other region servers.

No accent in Czech, disappointing.


They're all f*cking backseat gamers who think they know best, it's so f*cking annoying


Originally posted by Mundane3

I agree if a kha finds me solo I must die or a zed ults me and hits his shurikens I must die. But if a zed can just u e auto me to death that shit is broken. Or if a lb uses his w to gap close than r q e me and one shots me in 0.3 secs while retreating 2w distance away it is just broken. What I am trying to say of course assasins should one shot squishies. But back in the old days you should have been somewhat talented or familiar to that champ for doing these things. Now as an adc even I sometimes pick an assasin, go mid just wait for 1 mistake to get my first kill then snowball because after you die to an assasin in lane that lane is over for you. Either you contest lane and die again or let him push and roam. Lose-lose situation that leads to easy snowball.

dodge the chain


Originally posted by Marcoscb

What's wrong with the LEC and LCS playoff systems?

No bracket reset in finals. It's possible for 2 teams to each lose 1 series but one of them gets to be the champion lmao so f*cking dumb


Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Just laned against Ornn, two Q's and two autos put me at under half health level 1, what the f**k

Lmao literally every champ in the game can do that to you


Originally posted by ThatRaggedyMan

Bro front to back teamfights don’t exist. Front to back teamfights are actually just teamfight combo comps. Whichever team can get their combo to land first wins.

That's not at all what front to back means...


Originally posted by Mentored

out of the last 25 champions 5 have been assassins and for that you need to count Pyke, Ekko, Kayn and Sylas as assassins.

I don't agree with him but those are assassins, though. Kayn is 1/2 of one, at least.

Sylas is not an assassin


Originally posted by XtoraX

40 minutes of nothing happens and then the better ADC wins

- Tank meta in literally every elo below plat.

The meta is irrelevant in those ranks


Originally posted by RTSUbiytsa

And getting greyscreened every time you step into lane against a guy who has built nothing but tank items is? Cause that's Ornn. Ornn was doing that to professional players.

More CC is significantly better than the alternative, as long as there are ways to counterplay and avoid that CC.

Maybe don't play like a monkey and feed him? You don't get some sort of superiority from building damage items as opposed to defensive items...


Originally posted by LordSmallPeen

It literally slows down fights and makes it boring, it’s a click and “OOOP look how skilled I am ha ha I’m so good at game ha ha” it’s ridiculous how good ap items are. Like in comparison GA doesn’t give the same amount of bonuses. Zhonyas doesn’t cock block most assassins players, because our cooldowns are so low, it’s the huge amount of AP and armour it gives, ALONG WITH CDR. It’s ridiculous. Where’s ad champs epic items? As a kha I’d love a “I press item and avoid their burst haha got em and oh look my cooldowns are done too”

If the stasis froze your cooldowns aswell, I’d be more into it.

Fights need to be slowed down with how bursty the game is these days


Originally posted by Ysesper

Yet it wins baron and souls fight for just 650 gold, fights which are gamechanging

If you use it properly, yeah...


Originally posted by badSilentt

ok and what if i dont want to do that lol

Then keep playing adcs and try to make them work. Like people in other roles are doing.


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

The consensus of almost every top Katarina player is that she's trash.

Every otp downplays their champ...


Originally posted by czartaylor

but it's as close as it's ever going to be. While it's true that the worst pro player is substantially worse than the absolute best, the range is actually relatively small. The best pro player in the world isn't actually that much better than the average pro player.

There's a reason why 'import the best players' hasn't been working for NA for years: just having good players doesn't make a good pro team, and a lot of it is that the skill gap just isn't that big.

NA has at no point imported "the best players," in fact the only truly elite player NA has ever imported was Ssumday.


Originally posted by czartaylor

no one said pros are infallible, but they are by far the best metric for determining champ balance, not solo queue shitters.

When you look at solo queue balance, you have to account for

player skill in general

player skill at that champion

how hard the champ is to play

how high the skill ceiling on a champ is

skill of the teams relative to each other

stuff like secondaries/autofill

general shit happens.

and a couple other things

there's so much that can affect the data that you can't control for.

when pro players test a champion, the only factors affecting it are:

champion power

general shit happens.

pro players are roughly as skilled as each other and roughly as good at a champion as they can be. It produces more reliable data.

Yeah that's not true at all. There are massive skill disparities in pro play...


Originally posted by czartaylor

riot shouldn't balance the game around solo queue at all aside from dealing with ridiculous ouliers (like, 55%+ outlier at a minimum).

you balance the game around people who are actually good at it, not around people who are a bad at it. People who are good at the game give objective statistics. Pro players are equally skilled, as good at a champion as they can be, and play properly. When they test a champion therefore, the only factor that varies is the power of that champion. The most powerful are then played on stage. When you balance around solo queue, you have to consider how good people actually are at the game. Which is why akali had a 46% win rate despite being absolutely broken.

Pro players aren't some infallible entities just because they're pros. In fact they're quite often bad at recognizing the power of champions.

Not balancing for soloq at all is monumentally stupid. There's a damn good reason champions like Master Yi, Katarina, Darius aren't buffed into competitive relevance...


Originally posted by Shocky_2

They need to fix their playoff system

LEC/LCS first