League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Apr


Originally posted by The_Mischief_Man

Love your username... I played Venge a lot when I used to play Dota.

Best character I've ever played in a MOBA. Wish she could be ported to League somehow lol


Originally posted by NicholasaGerz

seems like every single league went down in quality with going online. aside from NA which somehow looks better lol

I don't see any difference in LPL tbf


Originally posted by Homicidal_HotS

Yea I truly enjoy when their Fizz gets fed and he just presses Q + W on me and do 90% of my health

Not very fed if he only does 90%!


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

You shouldn't care what the average player "feels" is good (which is where pickrate and banrate comes from).

And Kassadin is picked a lot more often in pro play. Almost like he's really strong...


Originally posted by Heavy-Virus

Yeah I don't know why anyone would take a ranged mage now

This has been the case for aeons already. Assassins just keep getting buffed directly or indirectly and nothing is done about it. If you play safe, they roam and come back with a double kill and the lane is effectively over. If you play aggressive, the odds are stacked in their favor and good f**king luck trying to survive a gank as an immobile squishy mage. If you go for plates when they roam, they can simply wait in the bushes or beside them and make passionate non-consensual butt love with you while you're trying to take plates or you get destroyed in a second by assassin junglers just the same. And it they actually go bot, you better ping a billion times and write in all caps begging your bot lane to hug their turret because sometimes not even that is gonna save them, so you proceed to get flame nonstop that you didn't follow Katarina as Orianna lmao.

I like playing mages becaus...

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The Zhonyas is broken circlejerk is by far the worst. The item is very situational and only really worth building against AD assassins but somehow people act like it's some 100% necessary buy every game.


MF has actually been largely dropped from pro play in favor of Varus/Kalista. A lot of teams are currently even prioritizing Varus over Senna, which says a lot about his perceived strength.

07 Apr


Originally posted by _Hotel

Holy moly. That's not a chicken. That's a tiny dinosaur.

It's a Brahma chicken! They're one of my favorite breeds (behind the Ayam Cemani chicken and Polish crested chickens). They used to be the main meat chicken breed in the US.

That one's way bigger than normal and looks like it's even bigger than a Jersey Giant, which iirc is the largest breed of chicken.


Originally posted by ShadowbanVictim

Or what about items? The strongest item in the game is technically not even balanced around it's stats but its active. The rest are stat-checky and uninteresting. Ludens is to mages what old Morello was. A perfect combination of stats leading to little deviation.

Ludens sucks though, GLP is better on most champions


Originally posted by chovyswhiteknight

We already had this conversation last year with actual people who know what they are talking about (LS/Nemesis/etc)

Lol and what about the other countless anlysts/players who had high praise for DoinB? They don't make it into your appeal to authority? How convenient.

He is really not anything special as an individual player.

He definitely is. Despite what your idol LS says, there's more to LoL than how fast someone moves their mouse. DoinB has consistently elevated the teams he's joined and they never do as well before/after him. There's literally half a decade of evidence of him doing this. Even this exact FPX team with a different mid was an 8th place team, then DoinB joins and they win LPL and worlds. Not special btw.

To be fair Tian also joined, but he's the worst player on the team according to LS so that doesn't matter anyways.


Originally posted by Bhiggsb

If every play is coinflip and their mostly all successful are they really coinflip to begin with?

People don't understand that plays that are coinflips in a vacuum aren't coinflips when you're better. Teams like IG and FPX can routinely outplay even 40-60 situations just based on skill difference.

Meanwhile in the old days, KR teams sometimes wouldn't even go for 60-40 because it wasn't safe enough.


Originally posted by ThorsPanzer

You confuse a class of champion with the Meta-position. A mage can be meele, ranged, with CC or without. But its still a mage who's gotta kill you with spells. ADCs cant really be as diverse as other classes, they are bound to be ranged, squishy and bad early. Its the class we love to play. It plays really differently to anything else league has to offer. And its been part of the game forever.

I do occasionally play other roles/classes but nothing satisfies me as much as playing a marksman.

There are no melee mages lol


Originally posted by Benhki

But what im saying is there are so many more options in all the other roles when a huge majority of adc's are designed to scale and all of them are useless it makes the champ pool tiny

You don't have to play marksmen...


Originally posted by bingoplex

his game understanding is unmatched

Outside of those insane hard ints in game 1 at least


Easiest? ADC lol


Originally posted by LoL_Kenzie


i have not seen 1 jarvan do well, they all build full ad, eq into everyone and get one shot for most of the game, pro play is the same story, except they build tank and somehow manage to die the same amount of times, he is such a useless champion

Tank Jarvan is awesome wtf


Originally posted by Angry_train

The only drawback that mid has is that's its slightly harder to snowball compared to Toplane and everything else is straight up better.

The drawback to mid is that sometimes your opponent is better than you and you lose. This is more true than in any other lane.


Originally posted by Jtadair98

But mid lane is allowed to do whatever they want without drawbacks for 10 years XD

Ah yes, all those control mages who are so strong. I am shaking in my boots whenever I have to go up against a Viktor.


Originally posted by HoneyBadger_plz

You do understand there are more than 7 adcs that currently exist right.

We don’t even know what the Xayah buffs are and Kaisa hasn’t shown an pro relevancy. So obviously we’re going back into the Kaisa Xayah meta.

Kaisa is actually seeing some play in LPL


Originally posted by Waterstealer

dota barely patches their game anymore, and meepo suffers from korean syndrome. create a champ that you need to be able to play 5 games of starcraft at the same time to win with and some korean teenager will have a 100% winrate with them.

both of the new adcs and most champs that rely on teamwork to be good with also suffer from this. it's why galio needed to be gutted out of pro play, ryze and vlad continue to be problems in pro play, and literally everyone picks kaisa.

How is Vlad a problem in pro play??