League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Mar


Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Are you trolling? They absolutely do. All the time.

No they don't...


Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Attempt at counterpicking Ornn. A failed and horrendously bad one, but an attempt.

LPL teams don't play Ornn tho


This dude seriously talked about everything except the actual problem with LB (chains)


Originally posted by blueripper

What's the joke? The fact that you think that Galio can keep up in wave clear with the meta mages? He only counters the melee AP assassins and even then you still have better options.

What meta mages?


Originally posted by Setthebic

can you link your opgg?

Bruh just go to practice mode and buy max as plus lethal tempo and try spamming aa move


Originally posted by jaroen007

thats a script. and no suprise either since a free one has just been updated for 10.6 today...

Why would you know that information unless you script LOL


Originally posted by xJaace

Looks pretty sketchy

Just spam auto attack move not as hard as it looks with that AS

24 Mar

Originally posted by UNOvven

Wait, do you not even check if perhaps the champions more likely to use Conditioning may perhaps also be more likely to have slightly higher win rates (perhaps due to being tanks that tend to be much easier, and as a result have higher win rates, than other champs picking Conditioning)?

no absolutely never check that, champs don't even exist in league what are you talking about


This really does blow my mind. The average LoL player has such a deep knowledge of the game, especially when you compare it to the average player of other popular games... It's really humbling. The amount of practice it takes to get to even silver is very impressive.

Not to be all "gamers rise up" but I really believe that if someone has the intelligence and drive to be even decent at LoL, they're probably the sort of person who could succeed at just about anything they put their minds to.

Originally posted by czartaylor

riot mentioned that it has an abnormally high win rate for a rune, higher than most keystones.

its not that it has a higher winrate than a keystone, but that even with as little power budget as a minor rune, it manages to be the highest winrate rune in the game - potentially significantly significant imbalance (it's hard for a keystone to even move winrate that much)

Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

f**k that, as someone who only plays Corki in the context of funny normal games with friends, kamikaze diving the entire enemy team like a f**king lunatic is my preferred strategy so this is a straight buff for me (But for playing him in any competitive sense this blows dick)

this is why we are buffing the package. its fun but troll to use it to dive enemies. it shouldn't be troll. Also pro's don't troll as much - and unsurprisingly when we bait players to do something stupid, he ends up pro bound since they don't fall for it.

Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Keep in mind further that two of those are keystones, and therefore are supposed to be more powerful and can influence winrate more with smaller tuning issues

Explain to me why this is relevant. It doesn't matter that Keystones have a larger power budget when everyone has to take keystones. Keystones are only relevant in power to each other because of this. Not saying Conditioning isn't strong, but I don't think it's power can even be compared to Keystones.

something with a larger power budget can affect winrate more (and more easily). A rune that does literally nothing would have a significantly lower winrate if it was a keystone than if it was a minor rune since it's competitors are relatively more important (you gave up more when you picked the do nothing keystone than when you picked the do nothing minor rune). This works in the opposite direction as well - a keystone that is twice the power of other keystones will have a larger impact on winrate than a minor rune that is twice the power of other minor runes - since keystones are just more significant in general. Therefore, for a rune that's competitors are all relatively low power (minor runes), having a significant winrate increase compared to literally every other minor rune indicates a large amount of relative power difference

Originally posted by DiamondHyena

Wait that's not really your logic right? Keystones don't automatically have a higher win-rate because of the opportunity cost of missing out on other keystones. You can take conditioning and still take a keystone. You can't take Guardian and still take another keystone.

i think you misread


Originally posted by ReganDryke

Try the official Riot support, you can also try pinging /u/khagneur to see if he can help you.

/u/yollas DM !


Originally posted by treeperson11

Is there a third upgrade or is it only two? Coulda sworn it was 3

Two for now.


Originally posted by Beast1996

Because it doesnt generate value. A VO update is a substantial investment, but rarely lead to higher player engagement or talk/discussion. This is the same reason Riot had stopped doing Visual Update for a couple of years, though hopefully the recent Morgana and Ezreal update mean they changed their mind. Personally the lukewarm reaction the community have with Ezreal, Morgana and in fact the recent Ashe VO update kinda show things havent really change yet. Fiddlestick seems to be the first where the champion narrative is pitch as the selling point, so we have to wait and see.

Basically, the heavier a certain aspect lean on narrative instead of gameplay, the less the community pay attention to it, and thus have more difficulty in "paying" itself back.

Pretty much this. "Only visual/sound" updates don't create much engagement compared to spending those resources on full VGU's (visual + gameplay). Doesn't mean we should never do them, but there need to be strong reasons beyond "this champ is dated."


Originally posted by WarriorMadness

So... honest question here, they're nerfing Nocturne (Mid) and Garen, which I'm OK with, but why are assassins (recently at least) kind of immune to nerfs?

I know people in here preach that Katarina is "an actual trash Champion" but her stats are almost the same as Nocturne's but with higher Pickrate and even Banrate yet Nocturne is getting nerfed before her?

Are they still trying to cash on the recent Kat skin or what?

Kata is like Riven, their dedicated players are used to her being a 1v9 murder machine and she's trash if she's ever any worse than that


Originally posted by ykip10

Ok so you don't know what a core item means. It doesn't mean you build it every game, it simply means they are very good items for your champion, that is more or less bought whenever you can build it.

No, core items are items that are built every time


Originally posted by DominoAxelrod

as an Ezreal main how would you know?

Dear god... this is too much.

Originally posted by popmycherryyosh

So I imagine you've already thought about this (you as in you and the team over at Riot) but why not try to buff the other two there (second wind and bone plating is it?) I mean, second wind is more or less ONLY useful in lanes where you are going to get poked a lot, like melee vs ranged in top or mid, and bone plating is the thing you take as all-in support or champs in bot. I mean, conditioning has always just seemed like the "I don't have anything better to choose and I can survive early game, so lets just take it for some better scaling" like in the jungle etc.

they are both fine runes