Read moreKai'Sa buffs
I kind of knew this was coming since even after the Aphelios/Senna nerfs, and the changes in 10.5 Kai'Sa's winrate and pick rate have stayed around the same, but I'm starting to think that this is a really bad idea. I don't have the data you do /u/RiotAugust (at least, I'm pretty sure you're the one working on these right now), but I can still contribute my perspective.
Why is Kai'Sa at sub 47% winrate right now in Plat+, and why has she been like that the last few patches?
Indirect nerfs, botlane power creep, and a suboptimal meta. By this I mean a few things:
- Stormrazor nerfs, Rageblade nerfs (this was a while ago), and ranged champions being adjusted to do less damage to turret plates.
- The existence of Aphelios (who literally has a gun for every situation, 200 years) and Senna (w...
August's argument is that there are now multiple marksmen that can range abuse her in lane (Senna and Aphelios being two new ones, next to Cait). I think it's reasonable to give her a fair shake given that reality - even as we slowly nerf Senna and Aphelios down as players catch up to their mastery curves.