League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Mar

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Kai'Sa buffs

I kind of knew this was coming since even after the Aphelios/Senna nerfs, and the changes in 10.5 Kai'Sa's winrate and pick rate have stayed around the same, but I'm starting to think that this is a really bad idea. I don't have the data you do /u/RiotAugust (at least, I'm pretty sure you're the one working on these right now), but I can still contribute my perspective.

Why is Kai'Sa at sub 47% winrate right now in Plat+, and why has she been like that the last few patches?

Indirect nerfs, botlane power creep, and a suboptimal meta. By this I mean a few things:

  • Stormrazor nerfs, Rageblade nerfs (this was a while ago), and ranged champions being adjusted to do less damage to turret plates.
  • The existence of Aphelios (who literally has a gun for every situation, 200 years) and Senna (w...
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August's argument is that there are now multiple marksmen that can range abuse her in lane (Senna and Aphelios being two new ones, next to Cait). I think it's reasonable to give her a fair shake given that reality - even as we slowly nerf Senna and Aphelios down as players catch up to their mastery curves.

Originally posted by WarriorMadness

So... honest question here, they're nerfing Nocturne (Mid) and Garen, which I'm OK with, but why are assassins (recently at least) kind of immune to nerfs?

I know people in here preach that Katarina is "an actual trash Champion" but her stats are almost the same as Nocturne's but with higher Pickrate and even Banrate yet Nocturne is getting nerfed before her?

Are they still trying to cash on the recent Kat skin or what?

kat and talon were debated for nerf, but we decided not to as they were both just under the line. That may literally change by tomorrow as more data comes in.

edit: Since i'm not going to reply to everyone - I'm not sure why people think fizz diana kass or ekko are skirting the line. those champs all have winrates that range from at most ~52%, down to sub 49% and below (Diana jungle in plat+ is 46.6%) spread over elo and role. Usually around 50-51%.

Originally posted by Epyimpervious

What's with the conditioning rune being nerfed?

It stands clearly above all other runes in winrate

In 10.6 for example, its at 52% (the next closest runes are Approach Velocity at 51.3%, Guardian at 51.1%, and Glacial at 50.9%). Keep in mind further that two of those are keystones, and therefore are supposed to be more powerful and can influence winrate more with smaller tuning issues - so you can imagine how powerful conditioning must be. I expect we might need to go harder on it later.


Originally posted by receptiveblocks

That was fast, were you stalking this thread?

No I'm just lying awake in bed thinking about how I can't play league anymore because I have no champs left.

Also, for some reason I get notifications.


Originally posted by receptiveblocks

and u/Ovedius is probably crying over the mid Nocturne nerfs

a soul for a soul


23 Mar


Originally posted by MelonSmoothie


You say lie I say hinted at yes with my question mark.


Originally posted by Evassivestagga

I can see riot be like. "There! Now leave us alone!"

We've arrived at the summit with the knowledge that the meme rock will once again roll down to ground level and we'll have to get to pushing it up again.

Memes, memes never change.


Originally posted by rotflolx

But imagine if she was sunbathing before the hug, so when she envelopes around you she's like a heated blanket.

That I can get behind!


Originally posted by Eclipsecosplay2018

you miss my point. I made an edit about it. A tank should be specialized in TANKING, not dealing damage. In NO circumstances a TANK should be able to 1v1 any other class. He should be able to survive it and if in lane to escape it or maybe win with help of turret. Otherwise remove the meaning of tank, bruiser etc

So you want tanks to be completely unviable in any role except support?


Originally posted by quietvictories

Gnar smells

Also, he's covered in mud

Mate the mud is for exfoliation. He just cares about his skin and yours.

That smell is love. And mud.


Originally posted by JAZEYEN

Okay Sylas may seem Rude but he just wants what's best for the people and has big muscles so he's got to be at least awkward.


HE'S SO CUDDLY AND SMALL! And sure in Mega Gnar he may look scary but I'm willing to bet money that if he likes you his mega Gnar hugs would be literally the best in all of Runeterra. A giant warm fuzzy grip.

Agreed. Gnar not being top tier here makes me doubt the efficacy of this list. OP, you’ve lost all credibility in the field of hug-rating.


Originally posted by Allololiloulol

Cassio could wrap around you like this, don't tell me that doesn't sound awesome.

Lol gotta say I imagined a cold reptilian kind of touch, even if she might be warm from the waist up. Snakes are cold blooded!


I think Udyr deserves to be higher, and Cassiopia and Orianna lower.

I couldn't find Urgot's tier for some reason?

Overall pretty accurate!


Originally posted by lifesucks4

And on the flip side of things, people seem to not recognize that much when an (enchanter) support helps. Like with Brand/Zyra you can at least see a ton of damage, or with Thresh/Leona/Blitz/Naut it's hooks and CC.

I had a fight once where we turned a 3v4 and I saved my Kayn at least 3 total times as Janna, interrupting multiple dashes, knocking every single person up multiple times, as he and my ADC kited and killed them all. Kayn BMed the enemy team in chat.

My ADC (who I was in comms with) said to me "I don't even think he carried that fight." I was thinking "yeah, I think I did." Then he continued. "Like, I was kiting that shit so hard I'm pretty sure it was mostly me."

> My ADC (who I was in comms with) said to me "I don't even think he carried that fight." I was thinking "yeah, I think I did." Then he continued. "Like, I was kiting that sh*t so hard I'm pretty sure it was mostly me."

Oof. Why can't I upvote this comment more than once.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mcmanburn

"If Jizuke can add Ryze to his champion pool" did Jatt even watch any of EU LCS for the past 2 years?

My bad on the phrasing there, mainly said that because he hadn’t played it at all this split.

He’s definitely had pop off games on it in the past. Idk in my head it would be like saying Doublelift should add Lucian. He’s obviously played it a ton in the past, but not recently. Shoulda just said “if he can add Ryze back into his champ pool”

22 Mar


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

I think FPX would have lost to any team that has a dominant laner mid and a dominant jungler. Caps and Jankos can't compete with the Chovy's, Rookie's, Tian's, Tarzan's, etc. IG has Rookie which can lane bully doinb but Ning's form last year made him bad vs Tian.

The only team left that has a dominant midlaner and jung duo was SKT. So that is why I think SKT would have won vs FPX. Griffin also maybe since they share the same mid jung prowess.

Faker wasn't dominant at Worlds, he was terrible in knockouts


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Not impressive going deathless in Finals vs a team that underperforms and with teammates that perma camp your lane. LWX has 4 supports around him and went deathless. Not that impressive when everything is revolved around him.

I promise you, put Teddy, Deft, Jackeylove, Uzi, Ruler, Perkz, Rekkles or any quality adc in his position and they would have done the exact same.

Perkz? Rekkles? What a joker you are!


I'll be doing that for next patch. Couldn't get it into the same patch in time, sorry about that!


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Langx did well though. 2 /3 levels ahead of Gimgoon and flame horizoned him game 1. Game 2 he still played solid and was ahead in CS in laning phase. Only Xiaohu looked lost. He did however troll that fight at Drake by going 1v5 and forcing XLB to ult onto LWX.

Langx was terrible lol