League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by mcworkreddit

Not a great look when a rioter is saying not installing their anti cheat is "based" lmfao

More like it's based to say "I'm skeptical, I'm gonna wait and see", that's a pretty healthy take when it comes to software and the permissions you allow or grant. There's nothing wrong with that. We even say in the article that if Riot hasn't earned your trust then don't install our games.


Originally posted by LifeIsToughEatBacon

How many clicks to turn it off each time I reboot? Just as a best-practices thing I'm not a huge fan of having 3rd party kernel-level drivers on my PC, so I'll be turning it off whenever I'm not actively playing league.

Right click Vanguard in System Tray

Click Exit Vanguard

Click Yes

Those are the steps to disabling Vanguard when you're not using it. It's intentionally easy to disable (and even Uninstall is virtually the same flow) to help make folks like yourself feel in control of what they're comfortable with.


Originally posted by BLACKROSESFALL

but is there no way to turn it off whilst you're not playing. i haven't read the article yet, but i am not comfortable having an anti-virus that is enabled at all times for zero reason.

but is there no way to turn it off whilst you're not playing.

You can right click Vanguard in your system tray and select Exit Vanguard.


Originally posted by _CaptainNoob69

Much appreciated Riot Man! I'm more comfortable playing League with anti-cheat system now and it's even better that I'm afforded some control over Vanguard.

If there's anything you'd recommend we NOT do (aside from straight up cheating) while running League, please also let us know. I assume Vanguard looks at activities while the client/game is running, but sometimes between matches or during queues Id be doing work stuff on another screen. If my work stuff is something that can be captured by Vanguard while the game is running, then yea I'd have to stop doing that.

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to reassure my thoughts on this 🙏

While I'm sure the work you do is cool, unless you're creating cheats, or you're like loading libraries into League or something, Vanguard will be totally disinterested :)

In case you didn't get to the bottom of the article, Phillip touches on what kinds of data Vanguard looks at here:

Riot only collects what we need to run and secure our games. More data is just more risk for us, and we don't want anything except the bare minimum required to get the job done. Locally, Vanguard has system hooks to run its protections, but we're not shipping back your files or documents. Like most anti-malware and anti-cheat systems, we leverage a technique called "Signature Scanning," to determine if a series of bytes in memory matches a known cheating application. The results of these are only true or false (it was present or it wasn't), and we try to use this pattern for other checks too. Things like, "are you currently using a DMA device" or "did an application just...

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Originally posted by FilthySionMain

Will a TFT auto-clicker be detectable by Vanguard? It doesn't affect competitive integrity, but I've always seen it as a somewhat unfair way to complete the event pass.

I personally know a group of friends who boot up an Android emulator and play TFT on a script 24 hours a day when a new event pass arrives.

We've already done some actioning on TFT bots, and Vanguard will further help with prevention and detection of those. They are prohibited under section 7.10 of the Terms of Use, and while they're not as painful to players as other bots because it can be inflationary towards top 4 finishes, they still do affect competitive integrity and the actual fun of the game.


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Originally posted by Bornfighter

Don't let this post brainwash you into thinking that giving Riot access to your kernel makes the game "safer".

If WoW never needed kernel level access for bots, why does Riot?

As someone that once worked on WoW and is intimately aware of the botting problem that game has even with the Anti Cheat tools it has. I say with the upmost respect and confusion: bruh

In case you read this RISK team, hi, love you all. Keep killing it, yall are badasses.


Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

My only real question is what’s the plan like if an automatic detection system sees me playing on my brothers computer while I’m visiting him, or playing my account on a friend’s laptops and we both catch bans for account sharing?

Account Sharing is already against TOS; but there are plenty of like PC Cafes or valid reasons two people might play off a single computer; but it sounds like with Vanguard you’re going to be much more aggressive in using hardware ID’s to moderate player behavior.

We have an allowlisting system for PC Cafes, and also review tickets for players who state they may have gotten banned by one that could have not been on the list.

In terms of using your brothers computer that would be infected by cheats, it is a risk. We do look to have our Hardware bans be preventative rather than immediately banning the account, but if you were to play on it while cheats were injected, that could cause your account to be banned.


Originally posted by LifeIsToughEatBacon

So will this startup by default every time I restart my PC? Or will I have to turn it on, switch something on, and then restart?

After installing, any time you reboot your PC it'll just boot alongside it, no extra steps needed unless you want to turn it off or uninstall.


Originally posted by PyrrhaFan

Okay, I'm a boomer with boomer eyes and lose track of my mouse easily when I play the game, especially during team fights. I have been using YoloMouse from the Steam Store (yes, that's its name) that uses a custom mouse cursor to be bigger and, most importantly, set to a brighter color when playing.

Will running the program possibly trip Vanguard?

The dev of Yolomouse has stated it's working in VALORANT in their testing. It should be ok. This isn't something we'd look to ban for its current implementation.



Originally posted by small_toe

Just because I’m curious, is there a specific reasoning for it always booting and there not being an optional toggle?

E.g. I’m fine with having to restart my pc to turn it on for a session of league or valorant - but I play them 2-3 days a week so I don’t want to have to manually disable it in startup options or right click close it in my drivers tray every boot.

There's some difficulties in implementing a toggle of that nature (I'm sure one of my more technical colleagues could speak to the effort involved, but an example that springs to mind is how to reliably tell a program to generally not launch on boot, except next time I reboot please do.")

I think if this is how you'd want to interact with Vanguard (which is great if it will help you feel authoritative about what you're comfortable with!), probably currently the avenue I'd suggest is to actually Uninstall Vanguard when you're not planning on playing LoL for a few days - it's also just a right click away (Right Click > More > Uninstall Vanguard > Confirm).

Then the next time you Launch LoL, Riot Client will prompt you to install Vanguard. Happily, the download + install is SUPER quick (my entire Riot Vanguard folder is 43 MB), so this flow actually wouldn't add much time to your get-in-game, as the reboot itself will probably be the longest part if you have broadband...

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Originally posted by _TeflonGr_

A limited period that caused damage in some user's systems because it disabled fan controlling software and drivers. There were a couple of users on Twitter where that happened that reported having system inestability and windows not booting because of it.

What guarantees do we have that wont happen again? Knowing Vanguard can do that what is preventing you to access all of our computer like you have already done in the past?

You give 0 technical information. You are basically just saying trust us, that wont happen again but we have the tools to make it happen again if we want.

It's best outlined under "Q: Why not open source the driver?". If every bit of telemetry was provided, it would make us lose our effectiveness.


Originally posted by chizzmaster

This deployment process seems really well thought out. I don't think I remember Valorant being like this when it launched, was this a lesson learned from then?

We certainly did benefit from a lot of learnings from initial launch of Vanguard+VAL. We're also just in a different situation than them, which means our approach can be different. I'm happy to hear that it feels well thought out - it was a lot of work from a lot of folks, lots of cross-team collaboration and thought went into how we can launch something like this as gracefully and lovingly as we could. <3


Originally posted by SummonerKai1

with vanguard in place does the team see a significant shift in win rates/play rates for champions which could help change the need for buffs or nerfs for particular champions/items?

There might be some changes in winrates at specific ranks, which I know the balance team looks at. For example, Zeri may have some noticeable dropffs in Win Rate in Masters+.


Originally posted by mllosa

What about pirated games? Things that are usually flagged by antiviruses

We actually did call out how software that may be obtained from ... interesting .. sources could potentially be affected in the "Q: What if I'm having technical issues with Vanguard?" section. We saw some players being affected in PBE with this:

One of the largest perpetrators recently has been the distribution of pirated software that toggles a registry option ("DevOverrideEnable") and allows "different" versions of key Windows files to be loaded into all running processes.

That being said, it's a pretty niche case. We have also seen some rare cases covered in "Q: What about false positives?" with malware, but we look to action on things that are specifically targeting the game, which these softwares will rarely do.


Originally posted by quack_quack_mofo

What about the other requirements of vanguard? I think there was something called secure boot or so, is that required for Windows 10?

Secure Boot isn't a requirement for Windows 10 or Windows 11 on League of Legends. For VALORANT, it is on Windows 11.


Originally posted by _CaptainNoob69

Just so I understand, correct me if I'm wrong on either of the scenarios:

1) I need to use PC for personal non-League stuff: I start up my PC. Vanguard automatically boots up. I go to my system tray and exit Vanguard. That means Vanguard is completely turned off and none of my activity will be monitored?

2) I want to play League after doing non-League stuff and exiting Vanguard from system tray: But I need to restart PC manually OR i need to actually try to access League client, which will then prompt me to restart PC?

If my understanding is correct, then I have no issues with Vanguard being mandatory going forward.

Sorry if this is redundant; Ive just never worked with kernel level restrictions before and wanna make sure I get it right.

1) I need to use PC for personal non-League stuff: I start up my PC. Vanguard automatically boots up. I go to my system tray and exit Vanguard. That means Vanguard is completely turned off and none of my activity will be monitored?

Correct, that is the flow you'd use. FWIW, Vanguard is not monitoring your activity if you're not running VAL or (soon) League anyway, but I certainly understand wanting the extra assurance, and if you do this flow, Vanguard will be completely off until you reboot your PC.

2) I want to play League after doing non-League stuff and exiting Vanguard from system tray: But I need to restart PC manually OR i need to actually try to access League client, which will then prompt me to restart PC?

Also correct. If you try to launch League without rebooting, Riot Client will tell ya you gotta restart (exact same as you'd see in VALORANT today). Else, you just reboot and Vanguard will be i...

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Originally posted by Kudryavka24

Are there any conflicts with AHK and Vanguard? I play PoE a lot and sometimes I forget to turn off my trade macro.

AHK triggerbots are a form of cheating in VALORANT, and there's definitely some potential players will be using these to make crude bots in League since it'll be difficult to read and inject into memory. We don't indiscriminately ban for AHK (only targeting cheat scripts), and many players use many unrelated scripts safely, but I can't ensure long term compatibility.


Originally posted by showmeagoodtimejack

wait is there some rule against this?

Rule 7.14 of the Terms of Service covers it:

Playing on another person’s account or otherwise engaging in activity intended to “boost” an account’s status or rank;


Originally posted by Puggymunch

Will there be any negative consequences if I forget to turn cheat engine off entirely when I launch the game? Currently I use cheat engine for random games like Palworld, and I've on many occasions forgot to close it when launching a league game. Luckily there is no consequence for this, as the league game just provides an error and I can immediately reconnect after closing cheat engine. Will this behaviour be the same with vanguard? Will I receive a punishment for opening league with cheat engine open, or will I have to restart my computer entirely?

The behavior will look similar with Vanguard, so it would be an error/game crash just like it is currently on League.


Originally posted by _TeflonGr_

What you are saying is false, on the Valorant beta Vanguard disabled pc monitoring software and affected Bios and Motherboard drivers and processes, it does tamper with other info to a point and is more than proven it does.

Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/ger0vh/warning_valorants_vanguard_anticheat_is_disabling/ https://www.polygon.com/2020/5/8/21251931/valorant-anti-cheat-vanguard-automatically-close-drivers https://www.vg247.com/valorant-anti-cheat

Edit: To clarify what I'm saying Is false is that Valorant only affects your game processes. That is false as it is proven it accesses other apps and tampers with them.

This topic is discussed in the blog under section "Q: I've heard that Vanguard bricks keyboards?", so you can get some more context there. The tl;dr though is that we moved away from the widespread vulnerable driver blocking strategy about 4 years ago, and it was only during a limited period in launch.