League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Sep


Originally posted by McMeow1

It's impossible to perfectly balance a game like this. There are too many variables to consider. The game needs to be at the very least tolerable/bearable. Right now LoL is EXTREMELY unbearable to play balance wise. The disparity between champions is unreal. An S tier champ is leagues above an A tier champ (no pun intended) and uncomparable to a B tier champ.

What are some examples of those S & B tier champs for you?


Originally posted by Caesaria_Tertia

where is the post-game honor update? I've been waiting for them so much

Hey folks, Honor is on its way. We found a couple bugs in testing and decided to leave in PBE for a few more weeks to give players the best experience. Apologies for the mixup!


Originally posted by Useful_Department852

Are VODs no longer being offered on the official site, or did they vanish due to this bug? I still don't see VODs

Hey Useful_Department852, which VODs are you looking for? They are still offered on the site, but we have consolidated all of the information that was on the old /vods page and /schedule page into just the homepage. You can now access VODs straight from home by pushing the "play" button next to a completed match.

Is that not working for you?


Originally posted by gnomehouse

Hey, still cant even find the VODS. Tried to watch last week's games elsewhere and they got spoiled for me.

The new site is atrocious for this the use cases of "Want to know when games are" and "Watching game VODs later", which are the only two reasons I ever visit the website. What was the rationale behind the changes made?

Hey gnomehouse, can you tell me more about not being able to see VODs at all? There are some leagues that we don't support fully (like NACL or LPL sometimes). But for most major leagues (LCK, LEC, LCS, etc.) VODs should be visible within a few hours of the match concluding.

I would also love to hear what is frustrating about finding when games are.


Originally posted by alexnedea

Why would you do this. Now we have confirmation its not just random streamer hype since you commenting means its at least substantial. Im now hyped omfg Riot you guys are dropping Arcane, Worlds anthem, New Split and 2025 changes all in the next months. Nuclear

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

Batman Begin


Great cosplay!

10 Sep


Originally posted by Steveven3

Ah ok, for the record it sounds like a really cool rune, just sounded a bit broken in this form XD

Yeah initial playtests were people slamming 3 elixirs as soon as they were unlocked at level 9, it was pretty wild. Still some more work to do on it if we were going to ship it.


Originally posted by Steveven3

Sadly Endless elixirs seems to be bugged and not working on PBE :(

That being said that sounds like a broken rune for a minor rune, no?

Whoops, enjoy the spoilers, that's something we're noodling on for next year and isn't coming in Split 3. Experimental content and may or may not ship in anything resembling that current form.


Originally posted by an_angry_beaver

Typo I’m guessing. Probably meant 2300g.

Yeah, it's meant to be 2300

Originally posted by JinxVer

If they manage to make LT, which is now an:

On-Hit, AS Scaling, Auto Attack enhancing RUNE

Bad on the: On-Hit based, AS Steroid, Auto Attack Champion that Irelia is

I'll be genuinely impressed

is that a challenge


Originally posted by Beiper

Could you perhaps share with us if you reduced Lichbane's passive dmg? Because before you allowed it to be this high cause it was "grandfathered in" even though it was higher than the max dmg you allowed on those kind of items (I think Stormsurge's passive was named as the highest possible number)

tiny bit


Originally posted by LouiseLea

This will not make me move on a bad wave, Riot cannot force me to ruin my lane for a single camp. >:(

Wouldn't want you to either. It's on the subtler side, and should mostly help awareness that something is going on that you could consider rotating to if it makes sense. It'll at least let you know why your jungler might be behind when they're getting bullied off of their camps by Nidalee.


Originally posted by Mathemuse

Are there any items with really big changes, or are they all smaller changes?

Depends on what you define as big, it's mostly item cost and stat changes, with some build path changes and a few removed or simplified passives.


Originally posted by Qssshame

Soooo, no preview of items ?

It's basically every item in the game receiving stat changes and the numbers aren't fully locked yet, so we're saving that novel for patch notes.


The plan was 200 BE and an icon. /s


Originally posted by Frostzera

The ADCs not building boots bug was fixed, but now i see the bug where bots stop using teleport when it becomes "Unleahsed Teleport" and I went through a few replays to confirm that. Also Nautilus bot does not use his Q offensively, to the point where there is nothing between you and him but he does not use it unless someone cc you first, but he tries to use it defensively even when he doesn't have range to hit a wall, casting the anchor on nothing and dying. There is another trend I saw that is bots tend to not use their skills to fight off super minions when the nexus is open, making them lose the game by just auto attacking minions while the enemy team goes baron or something. Thank you and the dev team that work on the bots for the amazing project, new bots that can jungle and use TP and items is something I've been asking riot for almost 10 years and it makes me very happy to see it come to life and to be able to help improve it

Thank you for the feedback and support! The team and I are currently focusing on some improvements to the new player experience so we really appreciate you all flagging bugs for us to look into and triage!


Thank you for reporting! What settings were the bots on? Intro or Intermediate?

09 Sep


Originally posted by uBorb

Thank you! Could you share if this split changes are going to be concentrated around a certain role or class?

Won't spoil anything now, will have plenty more to talk about tomorrow though :)