The time has finally come for Global Clash!
The time has finally come for Global Clash!
the real winner is the fact that someone noticed lmao
I work on the lore, so I have little insight into player behavior and/or balance, but it seems to me that whichever team has the better mental fortitude wins. I'm a Sona OTP in Plat 2 and play every game mute all and this has improved my mental tremendously, focusing only on my myself, caring less about W/L and LP and more about what I can do better.
When the only other notably big game in the genre gives out every hero for free, I think it's pretty silly to pretend that League has a generous system
I don't think that's all that relevant. You can get all champions in League for free, all you need do is have fun playing the game over a period of time.
I'm sure DotA has content they DON'T give you for free, and that's their chosen business model.
Ok but it's still not generous enough
The game is legitimately free. You can play for 365 days of the year and never give over a cent if you don't want. You can even get skins for free from chests just for playing well (or with friends who play well), yet, it's not generous enough?
I don't think you really believe that, do you?
Yup! It's a bug where Shaco clone kills a dragon. Will be fixed in 9.24.
I had a different kind of bug happen in one of my game, we lost the first two drakes, got 3 ocean drakes in a row and the 4th drake was another infernal, but we had a shaco on our team so it might be related.
Yup, it's the same. If shaco clone ever kills a dragon, it is not counted by any dragon counting script! Apologies.
What kinda tech stack do you guys use at Riot?
Riot: Yes
Cannot wait to see Elder in Pro (since they'll be rare and the fights around it will be hype!). Don't forget that pros will play around that 20% threshold and pull off some amazing stuff.
Read moreIt's alright. Here's what I think from my experience so far...
-Dragons are important
-Botlane Alcove seems alright, though I prefer a little bit less of the bushes creeping into it as it looks off visually
-Item changes
-Terrain changes seem cheesy/corny. Like, "oh that's cute." Okay okay... I just wanted a river of Lava when the infernal dragon takes the map.
-I think the dragons are overloaded. We get passive buffs and then a special ability unique to the dragon that takes over the map. Kinda too much if you ask me, especially if you add the elder dragon(even though it's rare and I've only seen it twice so far).
-Rift Herald changes seem off. This was a good opportunity to bring Vile Maw into Summoner's Rift as well.
-Toplane Alcove. Do we really need one up there? It irks me that the map is trying to mirror itself by design with such an iffy addition. It's like they just copy+pasted it up there ...
Please don't use the word lazy. The development team at Riot are anything but lazy.
Totally respect your post content otherwise!
Idk dude. Mid lane feels absolute ass to play rn. Its literally 100% decided by junglers. And not in the Hashinshin way.
With the new spawn timers junglers can just spam gank mid until one of the midlaners f**king flips and disconnects. Its actually insane.
"Literally 100%" =/= 100%
If Shaco's (or any) clone is the one to deal the killing blow to a drake, it doesn't count towards a soul. This is a bug and is reportedly being fixed next patch.
This is correct. We have a fix in for 9.24.
10k AFTER this fight so I'm assuming it wasn't a huge gap before this lol should have clarified.
Oh right! Apologies. 😊
According to the Zac's match history the game ended 64 - 38 with Red team having 64 kills and a 10.4k gold lead. I think it's safe to say they had a decent but not dominating lead before this fight so the game probably could have gone either way.
10k gold lead not dominating?!
No one's asked about the state of the game at this moment. Was it really close, or was Zac's team extremely strong even without Elder?
Congrats, but you gotta know your priorities man. Pleasing millions > pleasing one kid and a woman pls.
I'm proud to say that I disagree with you.
You sir are a good man.
I promise NOTHING! I am expecting my first child any day now, so might not get a chance to do much of anything next week 😂
Yeah this kind of bugs me too, and I created this messaging! Turns out the messages are both sent from different script locations, and the Soul one runs before the other. I could put a small delay on the soul messaging if I remember.
U mad?
Do you think hitting her self-heal to increase her trading risk would help tone the numbers down to something reasonable? I've been playing her a ton and the self-healing in her kit stands out to me as unfair. If my ADC and I have a bad trade - We can recover from it much easier than other supports who prime output is damage.
At least with Pyke he can only regen himself :P
Alternatively/additionally, potentially removing the re-stealth on her E would help tone her down a bit. I've found in mostly ranged comps just sitting in her E can end a team fight if we kite backwards well.
How is Senna’s self healing any more problematic than nami or Sona’s, assuming her lane is overall balanced (it’s looking OP right now)?