League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Nov


Originally posted by Voice_Of_Light

Fair, anyway, I'm not hating on you, sorry for the words if they hurt you, I was just disapointed to see the level of casting getting worse and worse since we lost Deficio & Krepo.

I don't really get offended by this stuff tbh. What I wish is that people would provide actual feedback on what they dont like/wish I did better. I want to be the best. I want people to enjoy my work. So I will put in the effort if I am told what people want to hear.


Originally posted by rejectedblueberry

its a math problem as it is, its all about dishing out damage and receiving little of it.

as it stands flash and heal are something that 90% of champions and players use by default, with exception of some cheese picks like singed.

and why? because flash allows you to dodge damage and heal undoes the damage - its a math problem as it is.

So your reply is dumb.

Your own argument contradicts itself yet you fail to realize it. Then you say MY reply is dumb.


Its an interesting idea, but I think we should stay away from basic stat buffs. If summoner choice becomes a math problem and choices are made around that rather than the active itself they become significantly less interesting


Originally posted by Voice_Of_Light

I don't hate you, you must realise that you're just bad.

Having you replace Deficio is the biggest mockery LEC ever did.

You do realize I never replaced Deficio? I was casting last summer with him. Not that that should ever make a difference


Originally posted by Voice_Of_Light

Brother, your casting sucks, step up your game before meming on other people.

Your hate only makes me stronger

16 Nov


Originally posted by dfdfed

I like your analysis but I don't like your 3 pint lung capacity

Maybe you should pull a deficio and get a voice coach because I actually really like your reviews and little analysis segments

This was something I worked a lot on before worlds. I'm curious if you noticed a difference compared to LEC? Basically I have a really bad habit of not taking full breaths and then compensating by taking a million small ones. But I'm aware of it and trying to eliminate it


Originally posted by perocu

The rumors about Ender and WeirdChamp disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. They have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where they would fight simply doesn't exist.



Originally posted by purplestain_

That’s not entirely true, you dress pretty fresh and you’re quite good looking as well, I don’t particularly hate you that much, just a little

I guess youre kinda pretty alright too :)


Originally posted by Ugandan_Red_Sonic

Hey, I like you. You bring something different to the table. OkayChamp



Originally posted by receptiveblocks

If you ever feel like the attacks are getting too much, just mention TSM and turn this into a TSM trashtalk thread.



Originally posted by MontaukWanderer

The rumors about Ender and Reddit disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. They have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where they would fight simply doesn't exist.

No, Reddit almost certainly dislikes me


Originally posted by _lifesgood_

Your casting is actually really good and informative, your reddit comments are cringe af

Ok boomer


Originally posted by Wyathaz

Nah this try is successful why would he stop, it's way better than his casting tbh

This is more in line with what I expected


Originally posted by _lifesgood_

Ender stick to casting instead of trying to make funny reddit comments

A redditor telling me to stick to casting instead of quit it. What a time to be alive


The rumors about EU and NA disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. They have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where they would fight simply doesn't exist.


Originally posted by CelioHogane

Dude wait untill Riot decides to remove the gamemode because not enough people play, then you will actually understand our pain.

People play ARAM quite a bit.


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

Hi, i absolutely love KDA Ahri. Her tails changing color with her abilities is so awesome and Elderwood Ahri doesn't do that.

In this article i loved the charm sound which you guys first made. That is just superb. I wish you guys went with it

I'm sure /u/Zimberfly would love to hear that! ;)


Originally posted by maulcore

Yeah like sometimes I wonder am I just not noticing them when they do appear? But whenever I search for them or actively try to find a way to bring them back I can't manage it. I wonder if it has something to do with his passive changes cause I think before the number of birds that gathered depended on how many stacks you had on your ult

We're working on a fix for his ambient birds at the moment. :) We suspect they have been broken for quite a while (potentially broke last year around Worlds when we enabled a Worlds map skin). Hitting an enemy with W should still spawn birds around the location for a brief amount of time, but the ambient ones likely fail to appear at all.

With the preseason changing terrain in some games, we've revisited his birds, re-positioning them so they don't spawn on terrain that could potentially be destroyed at the least. I will check up on the status of fixing the ambient birds.