League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by goku332

Will we keep getting champs from existing lore like Senna and Kai'Sa? I ask because it feels really cool like a nod to fans who keep up with that sort of thing and it helps flesh the world out to me, so to speak.

So far we have seen strong sentiment from it so it’s 100% something we want to do in the future if it makes sense. As a longtime LoL player and fan getting the chance to be part of bringing some of these characters to life has been a dream come true. The exciting thing about having more games (and even a animated show!) coming is that we will have even more places to draw from to do things like this in the future

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share any cool stuff from her development like product, temp name and prototype model

I mean she was always Senna since day 1 so she never needed a temp name. She was just Senna :)

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by n9ner

Just faced a neeko who was permanently shown from 5 minutes on at 100hp when she could be any health truly. Lost the ranked game because people kept taking bad fights. Apparently it looked normal for her team but all of my team saw the same thing.

Passed it along, thanks


Sounds like the Warsongs: Worlds Collide (Arty Remix)

22 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Reav3 could I ask if Senna isn't actually evil/corrupted due to her time in Thresh's lantern, since I don't think Lucian could take it

She's not evil or corrupted, but she is now basically made of black mist. Using her abilities as a Sentinel she can purify the mist and use it as a weapon. This is also why she has control over the form she manifests. She chooses to make herself look like she looked when she was human, unlike most of the Shadow Isles Champs which can't control the mist and thus manifest as twisted versions of there former selfs

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rimikokorone

ctrl + f , Neeko

Wtf riot how is that game breaking bug allowed to still be in the game

It's fixed! Must have missed it in our patch note documentation, sorry about that.


Originally posted by Caenen_

No, but they explored a Jax fix at the beginning of the cycle. /u/riotkingcobra may be able to share more about that.

The fix for Jax should be more similar to Master Yi. How he interacts with Rageblade on Live is technically correct in the sense that Rageblade's phantom hit specifically says that it applies on-hits twice and since Jax's Ultimate passive stacks aren't technically on-hits they don't get applied twice.

Of course, this doesn't match with player expectations because, for the longest time, his passive DID work with Rageblade's.

The fix is to basically make Jax's passive trigger on-hit and then slightly modify his tooltip so it reads as an on-hit. This functionally doesn't change how Jax behaves other than now he'll benefit from Rageblade.

The reason it wasn't included in this patch is that Jax's R is scripted in a surprisingly complex way and by the time that we decided on how we'd move forward we didn't want to make such complicated changes.


Originally posted by lefop

the herald change is a nerf

The Herald damage has been buffed since the player labs. It now gets ~2-3 plates on average, depending on how it's defended.


Originally posted by Solash1

Updated: Gain a burst of Movement speed for 3s after using your ultimate


Cloud Soul applies after channels finish, similar to Nimbus Cloak on Live. It will also be special cased to work on Udyr; (it will work on any of his abilities) and will work on Shapeshifters when they cast transform if they don't have an ultimate ability like Gnar does (Elise, Jayce, Nid, Shyvana).

Originally posted by Arrikon

idk what you talking bout. 35% winrate seems like a fair spot for a champ like her

u right

Originally posted by Radingod123

What seems to be the second best Keystone for Ezreal currently? Keeping in mind I'm aware the sample-sizes are probably so small it's basically unreliable. I'm assuming Aery or Comet?

honestly really hard to tell because ezreals that aren't taking klepto are probably just really new to (bad at) ezreal

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It's because the Sentinals are there own thing, agnostic of any one region

Originally posted by Flotsa

I'll hold you guys to that, don't want to play my base-stat-nerfed version of AP Ezreal (not hybrid) for another 2 years. The most recent Q AP ratio nerf has solidified it as completely awful, as now farming in the mid game is basically impossible. This used to not be the case, but the nerfs of the past 2 years since klepto have hit AP Ezreal disproportionately hard compared to AD Ezreal.

  • Your local 5k game, 1.5m mastery AP Ezreal one trick.

Actually i feel like the rework hit ap ezreal by making the two builds much more similar

From my perspective, AD ezreal got a lot more burst and became hybrid ezreal (muramana ludens gunblade build). then we made the call to nerf his burst so AD ezreal would be... AD - but this of course hits AP ezreal harder.


Originally posted by Shekarii

Irelia one? Can only find this one and a Sylas one

We only have two Dev Doodles right now. Sylas and K/DA.

The Irelia one they mentioned is the Remaking Irelia : Behind the Scenes. We also have several champ rework ones for Pantheon and Mordekaiser. :)

Originally posted by Tax_n1

show some love to my illaoi too please.

sorry, we'll be watching ONLY EZREAL. if Illaoi drops to 35% winrate we'll just say "oh deer" and sigh wistfully - but do nothing else cuz she stole our spirits

: )

we gotchu


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

In retrospect you're probably right, in fact that'd be hilarious as f**k if this was just Shio f**king with the community while (once again) giving special attention to her favorite champion. Two birds with one stone.

can confirm she is f*cking with the community

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ilyak1986

So, I'm definitely failing at being clear here. I certainly didn't mean to convey the idea that a champ like Irelia/Akali/Yasuo--I.E. some high-agility, high-mastery champion should have a mastery curve with an identical shape as "my first League of Legends champion" Garen.

What I meant was that in a perfect world, every champion has a distinctly unique champion curve that ultimately averages out to an identical winrate over some number of games--say, 200. That is, a Garen might have a much higher winrate for games 0-20 (he's an easier champion), but would top out at the back end at a much higher spot--that is, Garen might top out at 51% for someone that "mastered" him (say, 200 games), while Irelia might top out at 57%.

Essentially, that each champion should have a unique "ease vs. ceiling" tradeoff. So a Garen's mastery curve would be shallower--it starts higher, but tapers off lower, than an Ionian champ (Akali, Riven, Irelia, Yasuo, Zed)--someone new to them wou...

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Sure, but different Champs also have different curves in different elos, which complicates the matter (This doesn't even take into account proplay) Like here is Garen vs Irelia in high elo 2100+


By your theory Garen and Irelia are balanced and have similar mastery curves in high elo


Originally posted by Sedirex_KR

Is it displaying wrong on my phone or is each section missing literally the most important phrase?

Hi, is this still happening for you?

Originally posted by snorkles01

Will you guys be buffing Ezreal with his one viable Keystone in the game getting removed?

we'll be watching him