League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Oct


One of the main reasons is so there is full staff available to triage and solve emergent issues as they come up after release.

We test and validate the best we can internally but we’re far from perfect and operate at a scale that is very different from the scale of our internal tests.

Acknowledge that this isn’t the best for everyone in every region, but we think it’s important to prioritize the quality of releases until we can get to a consistent level of quality and reduction in issues for releasing content.

Once that improves over time and we develop our tools further, we’ll be re-examining release times across all regions.

Until then we’ll continue to by default release things in the middle of the day in NA. (With some exceptions)

28 Oct


Originally posted by MikayleJordan

just seems like they're hitting Kayle for the short-term

Yeah, they're not buffing her until mid-Season 10.

Riot doesn't seem to like Kayle very much. Pre and post-rework.

They did take half a season to make her an actual champion, after all.



Originally posted by Asploit

As someone who I assume either works in PR or is in touch with PR people, how would you navigate an idea like this around the sensitive social nerves that it may cross paths with if such a skin idea were trying to receive the green light?

I'm actually a researcher here, and don't work directly with the skins or PR teams, so the best I can offer is kind of a non-answer: I'd trust those teams to make that call, they are the experts. Interesting question though.


At first I thought this was the original splash. Remarkable work


riot pls

I love these, great work!


Originally posted by endercasts

Me neither

sh*t, wrong account


Originally posted by _lifesgood_

Lmao honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Ender has a bunch of throwaway accounts for his posts

Me neither


Originally posted by Matarix

The good old days! I miss winter summoners rift! :(

Its gonna be wintery again this year


Mate Runeterran citrus is on a whole other level.

27 Oct


Originally posted by Oriayrton

August Browning: Wider!

Assistant Designer: Chill bro, it's already double lux-ult

August Browing: WIIIIDER!

Assistant Designer: I mean, we can give it a teeny bit more but...

August Browing: WWWWWWWIIDEERRRR!!! *Grabs mouse, drags slider to 'lane-wide'*

How did this transcript leak


Originally posted by bvbfan102

Im really happy for G2 and looking forward too the Rematch with SKT but we really need to take a Minute and talk about the great Cast that Vedius just had. He genuinely knows his Stuff and put so much Prep in too make the Cast the best it can be. He always knew what the Teams should and will do next, took the right Talking Points and knew how these crazy P&B will play out. Thanks for making the Cast this great /u/Ovedius

Thank you so much! This means a lot to me. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Originally posted by bvbfan102

Im really happy for G2 and looking forward too the Rematch with SKT but we really need to take a Minute and talk about the great Cast that Vedius just had. He genuinely knows his Stuff and put so much Prep in too make the Cast the best it can be. He always knew what the Teams should and will do next, took the right Talking Points and knew how these crazy P&B will play out. Thanks for making the Cast this great /u/Ovedius

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I did so much prep for this series and I'm glad I was able to get a lot of it out there.

My biggest gripe was I had this point for when Damwon were on blue side. Nuguri always sits in the same bush at lvl 1 next to top lane and I theorized G2 had a level 1 plan to exploit it, but they never went blue so I never got to find out :(


eye emoji


Support BTW


Originally posted by starclone1

Cant miss your ultimate if it's bigger than the lane taps head

Why would Riot do this!