League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Oct



Teemo - Besides being a massive troll, his stealth is really fun at times.

Yorick - Zombie Army!


Evelynn - Stealth is fun, and her playstyle is exciting.

Shaco - Same as above, however very challenging to master.

Warwick - fastboi werewolf running full tilt into a teamfight is always good

Hecarim - Same as above

Teemo - Two words. Dark Harvest.


Yasuo - Simple to learn, difficult to master. "Sometimes you just want to be a sword tornado"

Zed - Very dynamic gameplay with shadow clones

Ekko - Similar to above, with his ult.

Teemo - Bully lane and mushroom both brushes.


Kai'sa - Generally fun 'bob and weave' style gameplay

Jinx - Come on, it's Jinx.

Draven - Juggling axes is really fun.

Teemo - Blind.


Pyke - Support/Carry with...

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This is awesome. If you were to do it again, would you use typescript again? Curious about the pros/cons.


Originally posted by Fawful

Any chance Australia gets access to beta? Feels like it's always a NA thing.

We don’t know which regions we’ll test in first.

Also, hey, wait, didn’t OCE get TFT first? :D


Originally posted by leo158

Will the mobile players be playing alongside PC players? Or does it have a server of its own?

That’s the goal. There may be some exceptions to that.


Originally posted by shirokite

Any plans to roll it out on ipad as well?

Can’t promise anything on tablets at the moment. We’d like to support them if we can.


Originally posted by wtfrtheessays

This comment doesn't make sense. If teemo was feeding, his opponent would be the big one, not him

He is done feeding because he got huge, now he will be the one getting fed, think of it like a kid getting bullied in high school, and after summer break everyone sees he got big cause he hit puberty


Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by benjiygao99

Imagine having a reddit account

Signing onto r/leagueoflegends


Then getting f**king bombarded with uwus




Originally posted by AlchyTimesThree

If you ever visit Korea we can meet up and sign each other's copies! :D



Thank you for supporting us and helping to not only fund the continued development of League, but also all of our other new endeavors. :)


Swain wins significantly more as Top, Mid, or Bot than he does as a support.


Originally posted by Thoronris

This made me so emotional. The scene where the first 5 Dollar purchase is happening after they spent 3 years of developing without making any money, and then for the first time, someone is spending money on them ... I could feel that impact. Just wow.

This was a scary moment for us. Remember this was 2009, just after one of the biggest economic crisis in history. I had just joined the company and was wondering whether I’ll go home or not if we can’t make it. Leslie Iwerks, the director, did an awesome job capturing the emotions of that time.


Originally posted by GhostToGotham

If I have one suggestion, people (myself included) seem to be unclear if the set bonus for the Lethality items will stack at 2 items (is it 10 CDR and 15 lethality each or in total?) Which is it meant to be? I was under the impression of it being that if you build 2 lethality items you get an additional 10 CDR and 15 lethality total, not each.

Correct, it's total. It's just like an item set bonus in WoW or Diablo.


Originally posted by GhostToGotham

If I have one suggestion, people (myself included) seem to be unclear if the set bonus for the Lethality items will stack at 2 items (is it 10 CDR and 15 lethality each or in total?) Which is it meant to be? I was under the impression of it being that if you build 2 lethality items you get an additional 10 CDR and 15 lethality total, not each.

Correct, it's total. It's just like an item set bonus in WoW or Diablo.

17 Oct


Man only advice i got is wait in bush(get sweeper or control ward it so she doesn’t know) and full combo her also as soon as your silence runs out spam w in case she knocks you into a wall


Originally posted by DemonFcker48

Can u play already or is it like a closed beta or smth?

Apply on the website playruneterra com or something(google it) and wait, also i think watching streams on twitch with connected riot and twitch account raises your chances


Originally posted by ShinyPachirisu

Rift points for Wild Rift :)

hey, you dropped this: ^



The crazy part about this video to me is that LoL's viewership didn't decline AT ALL when Fortnite took over. The two games have completely separate audiences.