League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Aug


Originally posted by Payzz

@ /u/Ovedius you had a lot of transformations! When will we see your final form?

The world isn't ready. Yet.


Originally posted by pajausk

  1. Question for Vedius. Can you explain more your recent tweet about SKT not being punished?

  2. Question for Quickshot. Which quickstat surprises you the most?

Sure, so there are two points here.

  1. The sentiment I garnered form my own social media was that fans believed SKT were back in peak form and were on track to win the whole tournament. After watching their play, I strongly disagreed with this sentiment, which is why I used strong language. I've come to now realize that sentiment is not widely spread among all fans, therefore it comes across as me calling them a weak team, which I ultimately don't think they are.

  2. However, I do think they have mid game issues which occur in many of their games. Namely, their reluctance to play on the offensive when in a gold advantage, they often skip steps in their set ups for objectives and they have a strange obsession with contesting every baron. These were mistakes that Damwon even recently punished. In week 10, Damwon 2-0d SKT because of a number of things that I mentioned above, and even agaisnt Sandbox we saw similar issues, yet Sandbox seemed to just collapse i...

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Originally posted by The_Cactopus

On Reddit, sure, but that doesn’t really matter. We didn’t bring back solo queue because of sentiment on Reddit. We brought it back because the data showed that people around the world were starting to actually play less because of dynamic queue. We don’t really care about Reddit sentiment alone because it’s so fickle. It’s just like the first layer of input we can get from the audience (most of which isn’t on Reddit)

We don’t really care about Reddit

/u/The_Cactopus, 2019



Originally posted by Elengot

Oh, sorry guys. I don't like to complain but this year I feel like almost every Riot's idea wasn't so good. That's why I am afraid of the future. I appreciate your work but it really seems like something happend inside Riot. But I just want you to know that League is the only game I play constantly and it's so sad for me to see that bad things happen. Love you guys and hope for the best ❤

we love you too—at the end of this year I'd really love for you to reach back out and tell us how you're feeling! i'm hopeful for the future of league and i want you to be too!


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

pls vote wisely summoners, the future is in ur hands

hi thewe wiot cactopus xD wong-time wisteneww, fiwst-time posteww!!!! vewwy vewwy newwvous >_>. just wondewwing, can yew confiwm whetheww oww not wiot wiww be adding taiwws to aww the champions? i fink jinx wouwwd be so Kawaii wif a witteww cat taiww xD. fanks xDD!!!! PS yeww my hewo :3


Originally posted by TheSenator147

Question for everyone about my favorite caster, Trevor Quickshot Henry.

Is he that fun in real life as he is in front of cameras and on Twitter? Was he ever really mad at any of you for doing something unprofessional or just wrong on air?

I will never forget the day Trevor yelled at me about Urgot.

It was my first split at the EULCS. I was casting a game with Pira. Urgot top lane was locked in. Coming into the cast, however, I had a goal with Pira that I wanted to focus on mid lane and how the matchup dynamics worked. As a result, we tunneled super hard on the mid matchup and barely talked about the Urgot matchup. This frustrated Trevor because he believed that anytime there's something new and exciting, that should always be the primary talking point because it's what the fans wanted to hear. After the cast, he was very frustrated, even more so that I knew he was going to get a kill at level 2 and didn't set it up.

It was the most disappointed he's ever been in me.


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief


say it with me



Originally posted by RedGreenBluest

/u/Ovedius do you still stand by the fact that SKT will be exploited on Worlds? And do you think refusing to scrim (like SKT) other teams is good?

The problem with the word exploited is it makes it sound like they're a garbage team. I used it because the impressions I got when I tweeted that Damwon should 3-1 SKT was that fans believed SKT was back to being the best in the world. A lot of other fans seem to feel this is not the case.

Aside from that, I believe their mid game issues are obvious enough that they can be exploited. Namely, their reluctance to play on the offensive when having a gold advantage, often skipping steps in their objective set ups and a strange obsession with contesting every drake. These are all things that I think will hinder them from winning worlds if they continue to play like this. Top EU and LPL teams can and will exploit this in my opinion. That's not to say I believe they are a terrible team. I still believe that their early game is very strong, the Clid/Faker duo seem to be performing at a high level and Teddy is once again popping off.

If they do refuse to scrim other teams, ...

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Originally posted by TheDerangedCow

  • The on-air team,

Was there ever a moment in your career that you thought ‘Damn, I’ve made it!’. If so, was there any one event that sparked this feeling or was it a gradual build up? P.s. LEC has been amazing to watch this year so thank you!

At worlds in 2018, I was in a room with a number of casters, and we were talking about prep. Somewhat out of nowhere, Deficio said that he thought I was the hardest working colour caster at the event and had done a great job. It's hard to describe how much that meant to me, but I genuinely felt like I'd only go up from there.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

pls no

There Will Be Blowod


Originally posted by FBG_Ikaros


-Which team would you like to see at worlds as EUs 3rd seed?

-How do you manage to speak so many languages fluently? I am currently learning my 4th language (french), but i struggle really hard. Do you have any tips?

-Considering you have been there from beginning, what do you think about the evolution of the EU scene? Is there anything that stands out for you?


-Who do you like to interview the most?

-Considering you are from france, how hyped are you that the finals are going to be played there?


-Which teams do you think are the top 5 in the world right now?

-Do you think G2 is going to meet expectations at worlds? Are the teams maybe going to figure G2 out?

-What do you think about Griffin? Considering they all have nearly no international experience, do you think they will falter under the...

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  1. I haven't done a super indepth review on every region, but if I were to choose 5 (not in any order) it would be Fnatic, G2, FPX, RNG and either SKT or Griffin. I haven't seen enough of Griffin to properly judge them, but I did think Damwon was actually a stronger team than SKT coming into playoffs, unfortunately it's hard to make that argument given they lost 3-0. I'm really hoping Griffin beat them though!

  2. I think G2 will live up to the hype. I genuinely believe that not only are they as creative and aggressive as the LPL teams, but they have a genuinely good understanding of the game. They are the best parts of LPL and LCK combined into one. The biggest risk they have is their over confidence. I can see them losing BO1s, but right now, I don't see them losing a BO5.

  3. As mentioned above, I've barely watched any Griffin this split. I'll be studying their finals a lot and their week 10 performances but I can't comment on them much right now un...

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Originally posted by LTKokoro

Ender, you totally should get on a plane headed to South Korea, break into LoL park during gauntlet and go for a tri cast. Seriously, trust me

You know... thats not a bad idea!


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

pls vote wisely summoners, the future is in ur hands


Originally posted by HermanManly

I would unironically take 100 BE over a summoner icon

that's the spirit


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

if there’s one thing we know about GAMERS it’s that only the Chinese ones have PHONES

so don’t worry bb whenever we ship these summoner icons for 10 year we’re gonna make it so you can only redeem them using a PERSONAL COMPUTER AKA GOD’s PLATFORM


Originally posted by Tsuyuyuyuyuyu

More MediVedi screentime?

I agree


Originally posted by Dedziodk

To /u/RiotDrakos How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?

Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.

To /u/Ovedius Was it tough to "get in Deficio's shoes"? How hard did you have to improve or maybe it was easy to be probably the best colour caster?

To /u/RiotQuickshot Why do you consider stepping down as caster? In my opinion you are doing great job as PBP caster and honestly, you and Sjokz are the face of LEC.

Lots of love to entire LEC crew, you are doing a fantastic job!

Haha. Well, a lot of people told me not to try and fill Deficio's shoes, just be the best Vedius I can be. I'd like to say I worked towards that, but at the same time I've taken on a lot of what Deficio used to do and try and incorporate it into my own style. I don't know if I will ever replace Deficio, I think I'm still a personality that is controversial in the sense of my cringey humour outside of casting puts people off me, but I would like to think that he is not missed as much as he used to be due to the levelling up of my own understanding of the game along with the hard work and support from my other colour casters.


Originally posted by vincy97

Who will cast the lec finals?


Originally posted by Xolam

why did you remove one potential worlds-qualifier game from gauntlet, it really sucks if you look at my flairs :(

We did not! We changed which teams appear in the gauntlet.

There are still 3 series in RQ for Worlds.

This year the change that happened is that teams 2-5 in ranking for Championship points compete for the spots instead of 3-6.

You can watch a handy explainer video here!


Originally posted by MC-Jules

Will the casters be at the venue for groups, or will that also be done from the studio?

The plan is to cast play-ins from the LEC studio, groups from the arena, QF and SF from the Berlin studio and Finals from the venue.